
Undergraduate Outcomes

Successful alumni at work in the world

An ҵ education can – and does – take our undergraduate alumni almost anywhere. The last three graduating classesalone are living and working in over 50 countries worldwide.These alumnihave launched international careers or are pursuing graduate study at some of the most renowned universities on the planet. We hear from our alumni about their career progress in our three-year alumni surveys. The data below represents a 45% response rate to ҵ's Spring 2016 "Next Destinations" survey from the graduating classes of 2013, 2014and 2015.

Undergraduates engaged across the globe

Undergraduate alumni employed or in graduate school within a year
More than nineout of ten undergraduate alumni that graduated from ҵ during the years 2013–15 have found a job within one year of graduation. This not only highlights the quality of education that ҵ providesbut also highlights the importance of our focus on bridging the gap between academic rigor and career planning during a student'stime at ҵ.


Undergraduate alumni with an international element to their career
Almost eightout of ten undergraduate alumni report that they have an international element in their career, ranging fromtraveling abroad for work to being employed in a non-native country. Due to the culturally diverse student body at ҵ and our studentsexposure to international institutions in Paris and while onstudy trips abroad, students have a distinct advantage entering the international employment market. The international experience already gained during the years spent at ҵ makes them ideal candidates to work in a country and/or language that is not native to them.

Further Education

Our undergraduate alumni from 2013, 2014 and 2015 have gone on to further education in 17 different countries around the world, includingCameroon, Denmark, France, Hungary, India, the Netherlands, Portugal, Saint Lucia, Spain, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdomand the United States. Below are some universities where graduatesenrolled to further their education:

Cornell University

Goldsmith College

Hult International Business School


King's College London

London School of Economics

MIT Sloan School of Management

New York University

Queen Mary University of London

Sciences Po Paris

University College London

University of Cambridge

University of Edinburgh

University of Oxford

University of Warwick

and more...

Alumni working around the globe

Our undergraduate alumni from 2013–15are working in 40 different countries around the world.
Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, China, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guam, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Norway, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdomand the United States of America.


Undergraduate alumni able to speak multiple languages fluently
ҵ is known as an incredibly international university with 1,000 students holding more than 110 nationalities. This trend is also reflected in the number of languages that our undergraduate alumni speak at ҵ. More than half of our them are fluent in two languages and onein fiveundergraduate alumni speaks threelanguages fluently.

Do you want to join our alumni around the globe?
Take the first step and find out how to apply to ҵ.