
Center in Action

The Teaching and Learning Center works with faculty to enhance the teaching and learning experience and explore best practices, new techniques and innovative technologies.

Technology in the Classroom and Digital Projects

Russell Williams Seminars onTechnology in the Classroom

Handouts and Resources

Digital Projects

Click here for information about digital advocateDavid Wrisley's visit to ҵ.


  • ',' The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching,University of Michigan, 2011
  • ',' Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics, May 2015
  • ',' SAGE Journals, April 23 2014
  • ',' Digital Commons@University of Nebraska, Lincoln, October 15 2013
  • '' The Atlantic, April 27 2016
  • ',' Stanford Review, January 25 2012
  • ',' The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 10 2015
  • ',' The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 11 2016
  • ',' The New Yorker, June 6 2014
  • ','Jacobin Magazine, February 26 2017
  • ',' New York Times, March 6 2017
  • '' The Conversation, 31 March 2015
  • Teaching with Blogs:
  • ','New York Times, Nov. 22 2017
  • The Conversation, March 21 2015
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education Sept. 11 2016
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education Feb. 10 2015
Team Teaching

Elena Berg on Team Teaching.

Handouts and Resources

Online Resources

Some helpful links and resources about the benefits and challenges of Team Teaching

  • ',' Brigham Young University, Center for Teaching and Learning
  • ',' Stanford University News, March 15 2006
  • , Vanderbilt University,Center for Teaching
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Christy Shields shares some extraordinary moments with us from research she does with her students on (or should we say while!) cheese tasting.essayfrom ҵ Professor Christy Shields fora nice example of how to integrate students into your research.


The area of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) - and the international presence (ISSOTL) - is blossoming. Poole and Simmons (2013) provide a description: “The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) involves post-secondary practitioners conducting inquiry into teaching and learning processes in higher education contexts.”*Publishers are looking for articles and books written by faculty members who recount stories of teaching and mentoring students.about the upcoming ISSOTL conference in October 2018.

* Poole, G., & Simmons, N. (2013). The contributions of the scholarship of teaching and learning to quality enhancement in Canada. In G. Gordon, & R. Land (Eds.),Quality Enhancement in Higher Education: International Perspectives. London: Routledg

Team Teaching in 2019–20

The most effective and ambitious team-teaching method is the fully integrated “collaborative” model in which two or more faculty members design a course together and are present in front of the class simultaneously throughout the semester. Thanks to support from the Mellon Foundation, ҵ faculty are offering new collaboratively team taught courses during the 2019–20 academic year and again in Fall 2021.

Peter Hägel and Julian Culp (EC/PL/PO 2091): The Commons and the Market Fall 2019

Over the past decades the reliance on markets has expanded to a host of new spheres, including climate change, education and social security. Likewise, the idea of the commons has reappeared in debates about biodiversity, human knowledge and urban transportation. The course examines economic and political justifications and implications of using either markets or the commons for solving social problems.

Albert Wu and Elena Berg (HI/SC 2091): Why Do We Get Sick? A Medical History Fall 2019

Why do we get sick? What causes the ailments we suffer from today, and what treatments have we developed to solve these problems? In this course we will embark on a journey through medical history, from early human origins to the present. We'll consider the conditions in which our early human ancestors evolved and how our past has helped shape the health challenges we face today. In this fully team-taught course, you will become immersed in the history of science and medicine by tackling issues related to evolutionary biology, public health and disease, western medical practice, and alternative medicine.

Hannah Westley and Tanya Elder (AN/CM): Interviewing: a communicative practise from an interdisciplinary perspective Spring 2020

Why is it important to talk with and listen to other people? This course will address the diverse, hybrid and dialogicactivity of interviewing from the perspectives of anthropology and journalism. Interviewing is aspecialized form of communicative interaction oriented towards any variety of goals, identities and contexts. Throughthis interdisciplinary dialogue, students will confront both theoretical and methodological dilemmas, and develop techniques for bestpractiseacross a range of interviewing styles.

Michelle Kuo and Miranda Spieler (HI/LW): Becoming Free Spring 2020

”Becoming Free” will explore the lives of former slaves and former convicts from a law and history perspective. We consider the problem of liberation in theAmericas, Africa, the Indian Ocean, and Asia from the eighteenth century to the present.With respect to former slaves, we will learn the mechanisms by which ex-slaves attained freedom, including flight, self-purchase, manumission, military service, insurrection, and general emancipation. With respect to convicts, we will examine how prisoners obtained (and continue to obtain) freedom, including the expiry of criminal sentence lengths, amnesty, pardon, prisoner exchange, ransom, and victory in wartime. This is acollaboration between Professor Spieler, a historian of slavery in the European and Atlantic context, and Professor Kuo, a legal thinker on punishment and race in the contemporary American context.

Team Teaching in 2020–21

Click here for the 2020-21 call for proposals

Applicationdeadlines for courses to be taught in Fall 2021 (two rounds):April 22, 2020 (first round); September 23, 2020 (second round).