ARC’s Math Clinic, ARC-Link and Writing Lab have returned for in-person sessions! All Writing Lab and Math Clinic sessions will be in-person, and select ARC-Link tutors will offer online and hybrid sessions by appointment. Please see our schedule for more information about online session availability! All in-person tutoring is located on the 4th floor of the Quai Learning Commons.
To make an appointment with an ARC-Link or Math Clinic tutor just send us an email atarcaup.eduǰ. Please remember attach any notes or documents your tutor might need for the session. You can alsocheck our tutor scheduleto see which subjects are covered and when tutors are available.
To make an appointment with the Writing Lab – for written feedback or real-time consultations – please send an email, specifying the following information:
Please remember that written feedback is not proofreading or editing. Our goal is to make you your own best editor and proofreader.
Stay connected by followingԻon Facebook. There, you’ll find weekly updates on our tutors, helpful study tips, and information on any upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you in-person or online!
The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is a combined writing, tutoring, and academic technology space located on the fourth floor of the Quai d’Orsay Learning Commons. ARC manages theDz™online learning platform, and houses several-ٳܳٴǰԲprograms for students. These include theҵ Writing Lab, the ARC-Link subject tutors, the Math Clinic, and the Tech/Media tutors. We are here to help you succeed in your university studies, and all services are free-of-charge for ҵ students.
We encourage you to visit our learning spaces, ask questions, get help with your coursework, and connect with our staff and tutors.
For updates on ARC activities and tutoring schedules, please check out our.We hope you will visit soon and let us know how we can help you!
The Academic Resource Center is located on the fourth floor of the Student Life and Learning Center in the new Quai d’Orsay building.
Days | Hours |
Monday - Friday | 10:00 - 18:00 |
Saturday & Sunday | Closed |
The Academic Resource Center offers a wealth of services to students and faculty members, including tutoring, writing help, technology assistance and more.
Ann Mott
Writing Lab Director and EN/CL Professor
Phone Extension: 672
Rachel Webber
“Learning Accommodations Coordinator”
Phone Extension: 690
Office: Q-407
Kevin Dixey
«Instructional Designer»
Phone Extenstion: 652
Office: Q-407
General Contact
Blackboard requests &appointments: writinglab
Phone Extension: 652