We post our tutors' profiles on. Connect with us and meet the students who will help you achieve your academic goals.
While the Writing Lab tutors help you improve your writing across the curriculum, our ARC-Link tutors specialize in selected subjects and challenging courses.They are nominated by faculty each semester and coordinate weekly group-study sessions. ARC-Link tutors serve many different disciplines, from calculus to economics, from Arabic to French. They help you work through assignments, prepare for exams and discuss any difficulties you may be encountering.Since they have already succeeded in the courses they tutor, they are an excellent resource for improving your grades.The schedules change every semester, so please check the list in ARC or on our Facebook page.
ARC is happy to announce a new peer-tutoring program created with the support of the Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Environmental Science.
We are offering a free drop-inMath Clinicfor students needing additional support at any level. The drop-in clinic is designed to help students who cannot attend regular ARC-Link Mathematics or Statistics sessions due to scheduling conflicts (or who can attend, but need more help).Students who are not currently taking a mathematics or statistics course, but who need to brush up on these skillsin order to do their best in other courses (e.g., business, psychology) are also welcome.
By offering an evening drop-in clinic, we hope to reach many more students, and to let them know that they can always find a math tutor after class.There is no need to make an appointment and no charge for the service. By offering an evening drop-in clinic, we hope to reach many more students, and to let them know that they can always find a math tutor after class.There is no need to make an appointment and no charge for the service.It is on a first-come, first-served basisand held for two hours each evening Mondays through Thursdays (17h00–19h00).
The ARC Tech/Media Tutors are the third cohort of peer tutors.They are resourceful, tech-savvy and able to help you with standard software applications (such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop). They troubleshoot the computers in ARC and can advise you on projects and presentations involving multimedia technology.These tutors also provide technical supportduring examsfor students with disabilities.
ҵ’s Writing Lab, located on the 4th floor of the Quai, is at the center of a constellation of academic services. Expert student writers, from all disciplines, provide feedback and support at any stage of the writing process (developing a thesis, organizing an essay, avoiding plagiarism or simply overcoming writer’s block). Our interactive and collaborative tutoring sessions generally last 30 minutes. You may visit the Writing Lab website or come by our office to pick up useful handouts. Special assistance is now available for graduate students writing their theses. To make an appointment, please send an email to writinglabaup.edu or click here: ҵ Writing Lab Request Form.
For the latest information, please visit the ҵ .