
...Good Reads

  • With interactive learning exercises meant to help students see how scholars work with the elements of academic argument.
  • Hemingway, Didion, Baldwin, Fitzgerald, Sontag, Vonnegaut, Bradbury, Morrison, Orwell, Le Guin, Woolf, and other titans of literature. 
  • Are you a person, place or a thing? We have good news.
  • “Everybody who writes is interested in living inside themselves to tell what is inside themselves.â€
  • Mastering the essential complementarity of compassion and total objectivity.
  • “Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
  • “Spotlessness is the niece of inspiration.â€
  • Notes from the newsroom on grammar, usage and style.
  • “In times of strife, we have our imagination, we have our creative impulse, which are things that are more important than material things. They are the things that we should magnify.â€