Faculty play a vital role in accommodations. They act as a first point of contact for students in the classroom and are essential to implementing accommodations. To help faculty in this role, we have developed resources and definitions that detail important information when working with students with accommodations. You can learn more about the resources that are available to assist you in your work with this cohort of students and their needs here.
If it is determined that a task isimpossiblefor a student with a disability to carry out, we will ask you to determine if the task is an “essential component of the course or program”. If you determine that the task IS essential and no alternate assignment would satisfy your course expectations, then the requirement will stand. The following process will assist you in making this determination (Hint: this process works well as a shared activity; thus, it is perfectly fine to seek input from the TLC, your chair, co-teaching partners and/or department):
Potential Question for Determining Essential Components of a Course or Program
Questions to consider when evaluating accommodation requests:
Example 1:A student cannot participate in two oral presentations, which make up 25% of your course grade. She asks, as an accommodation, if she can present to you and a smaller group of students in your office. You feel that this will still demonstrate the same academic skill set, and not lower the measurable standard. Therefore, this accommodation can be provided.
Example 2: You teach a graduate level course on Clinical Research Methodology, in which a substantive group presentation to the class and members of the department is the final project. The same student requests to present to a smaller group. You and your department determine that the ability to present data in public is a fundamental requirement of all graduate students in your program. You may deny this request.
As ҵ faculty, we understand you have many responsibilities and roles. To facilitate the conversation between you and your students with registered accommodations, we invite you to include a statement in your syllabi. This can provide students with an opening to approach you to discuss their accommodation needs in detail.
Feel free to use the example below in your syllabi:
The Teaching and Learning Center is a resource for ҵ faculty members to help navigate the different needs of students, including those with disabilities. Please contact Geoff Gilbert ggilbertaup.edu to discuss different ways you can support students in the classroom.
The Academic Resource Center is available to answer your questions about exam accommodations and work with you to coordinate solutions. Please contact Rachel Webber arcaup.edu to discuss the resources and solutions available to you for exam periods.
The Association on Higher Education and Disability is a professional organization committed to full participation of persons with disabilities in postsecondary education.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Universal Design for Instruction (UDI)
These are frameworks developed to optimize teaching and learning for diverse groups of students based on research into how people learn best.Studieshave found that successful classes are those which employ the 3 tenets of Universal Design:multiple modes of presenting information, multiple ways to actively engagestudents,and multiple means of assessing knowledge.