The American University of Paris follows the provisions under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. These civil rights laws maintain that no qualified individual with disabilities shall, solely on the basis of their disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity in higher education.
The Academic Resource Center approves and arranges for reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities so that they may have an equitable college experience. Accommodations are not retroactive and cannot be granted as such. If you feel that during the semester your needs have changed, you may come in to re-address your approved accommodations. We are committed to providing services that appropriately accommodate your needs during your time at ҵ.
With the student’s permission, the Learning Accommodation Coordinator notifies all relevant faculty and staff members of the student’s eligibility for academic accommodations at the beginning of everysemester.
Students should make an appointment with their professors to discuss their accommodation needs, including whether or not the professor can provide the requested accommodations.
Students are responsible for informing professors about the need for exam accommodations. We encourage students to speakwith their professorswithin the first two weeks of the semester(or as early as possible) so that they have adequate time to organize arrangements.
If a professor cannot personally administer accommodations for an exam (such as extra time), the student must submit these needs (the Academic Resource Center)via theno later than two(2) weeks before the exam date.
Arrangements for exams may differ for each class. Students are responsible for understanding the procedures within each class and communicating with the professor and ARC (if applicable) if they have questions or concerns.
Audio Recording Lecture Policy
With the permission of the professor, students with approved accommodations may record the audio of class lectures. Such recordings are for their personal study only. For this reason, any portion of the recorded lecture may not be shared or published online. Recorded lectures must be erased at the end of each semester.
Computer for Notetaking Policy
Students with approved accommodations may use their personal computer for note-taking in class. Computers used for notetaking during class must be used for that purpose or for other classroom activities approved by the professor. If this accommodation is used in a way that violates classroom policies (other than “no electronics/computers/etc.” for which this accommodation serves as an exception) then the accommodation will be taken away and be exchanged with a different accommodation. In the case that a student has violated this policy, the professor and Director of Student Development will discuss if a violation has occurred and decide next-steps.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, helps protect the privacy of student education records. The Act provides eligible students the right to inspect and review education records, the right to seek to amend those records and to limit disclosure of information from the records. The intent of the legislation is to protect the rights of students and to ensure the privacy and accuracy of education records. The Act applies to all institutions that are the recipients of federal aid administered by the United States Secretary of Education.
Clinical information provided in the professional documentation of disability includes the diagnosis of a physical, learning, or psychological condition, related test scores, and supplemental information provided by a licensed health care or mental health professional. Clinical information will not be released to anyone without the consent of the student except as necessary to implement accommodations or as needed for clinical consultation by the professional staff in the Academic Resource Center.
As a student with a disability at The American University of Paris (ҵ) you have the right to:
The right to choose if and when you will disclose your disability.
As a student with a disability at ҵ you have the responsibility to:
The American University of Paris has the right to:
Identify and establish essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge, requirements, and standards for courses, programs, services, and activities, and to evaluate students on this basis. This includesacademic integrityand theCampus Code of Conduct.
ҵ has the responsibility to:
Faculty has the right to:
Maintain academic standards for courses
Faculty members do not have the right to:
Faculty has the responsibility to: