Forms, information and useful linksfor students:
Declare YourMajorviaMy Profileon the
Use theCourse Registration Worksheetto prepare to register for courses next semester by identifying courses with complementary (not clashing) scheduling and byidentifyingsecond andthirdchoices.
Did you miss a placement or waiver exam at orientation, or suddenly realize you need to take an exam? Send an email
How to Read a Student’s Transcript (Placement Results)
Placement and waiver exam results appear on your transcript. The chart below outlines all possible placement and waiver results, how they appear on your transcript and what they mean.For example,if your English placementis “EN PLACEMENT INTO EN 2020”,thismeansyoucan register into EN2020.Similarly, for math,if your resultis “CCM NOT WAIVED – PLACEM. INTO MA 1005CCM”,thismeansyou mustcomplete amath course as part of the Global Liberal Arts Core Curriculum (course typeCCM). To satisfy the CCM requirement, you can register directly into Math for Life MA1005, or depending onyour major, you may satisfy the requirement with another CCM course that can fulfill both the GLACC requirement and a major requirement. This is something todiscusswith your advisor.
Placement Results (Course number) | What it means. How to Include in Degree Worksheet |
EN-1000 | Student should register in EN-1000. Enter EN-1000 under Open Electives at the bottom of the degree worksheet. |
EN-1010 | Student should register in EN-1010. |
EN-2020 | Student should register in EN-2020. Use “N/A” to indicatethat student has placed out of EN-1010. |
FR PLACEM INTO FR-1100 | Student should register in FR 1100. |
FR PLACEM INTO FR-1200-CCF | Student should register in FR 1200. Use “N/A” to indicatethat student has placed out of FR-1100. |
FR PLACEM INTO FR-1300-CCI | Student can register in FR 1300 CCI. Use “N/A” toindicate that student has placed out of FR-1100 and FR-1200. |
FR PLACEM INTO FR-2100-CCI | Student can register in FR 2100 CCI. Use “N/A” to indicatethat student has placed out of FR-1100 and FR-1200. |
FR PLACEM INTO FR2200 | Student can register in FR 2200 CCI. Use “N/A” to indicatethat student has placed out of FR-1100 and FR-1200. |
FR PLACEM ABOVE FR2200 | Student is exempt from taking French. Use “N/A” toindicate that student has placed out of FR-1100 and FR- 1200. |
CCM NOT WAIVED- PLACEM. INTO MA 1005CCM | Student must takea GLACC math course (course type CCM). |
CCM WAIVED – MA1005 EQUIVALENCY | GLACC math requirement completed. Student is exempt from taking math if major does not require it. |
MA TEST PLACEM.INTO MA 0900 | Student must take MA900 before moving on to take MA1020 or MA1025. |
MA SCORE PLACEM INTO MA 1020CCMOR MA 1025CCM | Student can take MA1020 or MA1025directly without taking MA900 as a pre- or co-requisite. |
MA TEST PLACEM. BELOW MA 1030 CCM | Student must take MA1020 or MA1025 before moving on to take MA1030. |
MA SCORE PLACEM INTO MA 1030CCM OR ANY CCM | Student can register in MA1030 or any course coded CCM. |