
Student Pathways



Academic, Career, and Experiential Advising (ACE) CenterÌýMission StatementÌý

The ACE Center is an academic and professional administrative unit dedicated to serving and empowering students, faculty, the administration, and employers byÌýprovidingÌýaccess to information and resources. The primary function of the unit is to maintain this access to advising via people,Ìýresources, and workshops. The ACE Center’s long-term goal is to increase outreach and efficiency via investment in the redesign ofÌýprocesses and the integration ofÌýinnovative technology.ÌýThe center aims to instill students with a sense of responsibility to themselves, with personalÌýorganizational skills,Ìýand with maturity – assets that willÌýfacilitateÌýsuccess atÌýÃÛÌÒµ¼º½Ìýand beyond.Ìý



The ACE Center is dedicated to enablingÌýstudents toÌýidentify,ÌýunderstandÌýand navigate pathways from theirÌýpreviousÌýexperiences and personal passions through their academic interests and on to their careerÌýobjectives.ÌýKey to this processÌýisÌýintegrated advising: the notion thatÌýevery degree-seeking undergraduateÌýstudentÌýbenefits fromÌýtheÌýassignment ofÌýbothÌýa staff advisorÌýandÌýa faculty mentor, coupled with the recognition that advising is a shared endeavor thatÌýimplicates all ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ staff and faculty, who support students inÌýmany waysÌýas they travel their pathwaysÌýthrough ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½.Ìý


Students' individual pathways are made up of all their curricular and co-curricular activities. They begin with all the passions, interestsÌýand experiences studentsÌýhaveÌýwhen they enter ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½.ÌýThe key elements of a pathway through ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ include 1) the student'sÌýmajors and minors;Ìý2) elective courses;Ìý3) internships and work experience;Ìý4) courses taken as part of the core curriculum;Ìý5)ÌýadditionalÌýexperiences,ÌýacquiredÌýskillsÌýand credentials, including certifications and micro-certifications;Ìýand 6) other co-curricular experiences. As students' pathways are complex and often non-linear, ourÌýroleÌýis to help studentsÌýacquireÌýthe means toÌýnavigate these pathways effectively by building intentionally on their often-evolving passions and strengths.

There are two ways to think about the relationships among majors, careers, and pathways:Ìýsubject-orientedÌýandÌýends-oriented. WithinÌýends-oriented pathways, students plan and select pathway experiences (including the major) withÌýspecific career aspirationsÌýin mind. InÌýsubject-oriented pathways, students' decisions may evolve from their interest in a major or from theirÌýpassions.ÌýThrough the ACE Center, students receive support in approaching their personal pathways both ways.Ìý

Subject-oriented pathways where a single major may lead to different outcomes


Ends-oriented pathways where different majors may lead to similar careers