
Internship Spotlights

The American University of Paris is committed to supporting the professional development of its students. Professional experience in the form of an internship can be a fantastic way to apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, to expand on that knowledge, and to build a more competitive CV or resume. In addition to these benefits, students who complete internships learn about themselves. They discover novel jobs and industries. They confirm their longstanding curiosity or interest in a given field, or perhaps realize that what they imagined as their dream job is actually not a good fit. Internships are powerful in that they enable students to explore interests, jobsand industries before finishing a degree.

We know that internships are important, transformative experiences, and it just so happens that ҵ students are doing amazingthings. These ҵ intern spotlightsare designedto offer a behind the scenes look at ҵ internship experiences.