
Cultural Program Study Trip FAQ


How do I register for a study trip?

Registration for study trips is done the same way as registration for academic courses: online through Myҵ > My Student Services > Registration. To find a study trip in the online registration portal, enter “CP” in the department field. A list of all study trips offered for the specified semester will appear and you can select the trip(s) for which you want to register. 

When can I register for a Spring 25 study trip?

The registration window is open  08:00 Monday, January 13, 2025, until  Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 23h59. If you are sure you want to and can go on the study trip(s), you must register before this date. After Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 23h59, final participation is determined and availability in certain study trips is not guaranteed.

What if the Study Trip I would really like to attend is already full?

If you would like to attend a Study Trip that is already full so you cannot make an online registration, please fill out the .

How many trips can I register per Semester?

If you register for more than two Study Trips per Semester, please culturalprogramataup.edu (contact the Cultural Program Office by email) for approval.

Payment & Cancellation

When is the last day to cancel without paying the cancellation fee?

The last day to cancel and remove the charge of the study trip from your ledger is the last day of DROP/ADD.

For Spring 25, the deadline is Sunday, January 19, 2025, at 23h59. If you cancel after the deadline, you will be charged the full trip cost.

By when must I pay for a study trip?

On the third week of class, you will receive the confirmation email from Cultural Program office. Students are required to send a copy of their passport accordingly.

Payment for study trips should be made no later than Friday, January 31, 2025.

Outstanding balances to the University immediately result in blocked grades, transcripts, and class registration—no exceptions are made for debts related to study trips.

How do I pay for a study trip?

When you register for a study trip on your student portal, the cost of the trip is automatically billed to your ledger in the same way tuition is billed. Payment can also be made directly online by credit card via .

See Student Accounting Services (sasataup.edu) for questions about paying your student ledger balance.

What if I am worried about the cost of a trip?

If you are registered in the course corresponding to the study trip, you may apply forCoup de Pouce, which is a grant resource that provides a limited amount of financial aid exclusively to ҵ students who are registered in classes with study trips and who are in financial need and good academic standing.

Coup de Pouce

How do I apply for Coup de Pouce?

The application may be found online at /academics/cultural-program/coup-de-pouce. For Spring 25 semester, it must be submitted byMonday, January 20, 2025, at 11:00am. No late applications are accepted.

Should I first register for the study trip I am applying for Coup de Pouce?

Absolutely! Make sure you register on your student portal for the study trip/waitlist on the provided link beforeSunday, January 19, 2025, at 23h59.This step is mandatory.

When are Coup de Pouce awards announced and how do I accept my award?

Coup de Pouce awards are announced by the end of the dayFriday, January 24, 2025,by email from the Cultural Program Office.

You must contact the Cultural Program office by email to accept your award by 9:00 am Monday, January 27, 2025.

If I am unable to afford my trip despite having received a Coup de Pouce award, how do I cancel my participation?

You must notify the Cultural Program of your cancellation  by email by 9:00 am Monday, January 27.You will be removed from the trip and the charge will drop from your account. 

If you fail to confirm your award after this period, you will still be considered registered for the trip and responsible for the cost of the trip less Coup de Pouce.

What if I applied for Coup de Pouce for two study trips and only decided to go on one of them?

You receive a separate award for each trip. The award for the cancelled trip is not transferable to the other study trip.

What happens after I have registered for a study trip and/or have confirmed my Coup de Pouce award?

After Coup de Pouce participation decisions have been made and trip numbers are finalized, the Cultural Program Coordinator sends an email to everyone signed up on the trip to officially confirm if the trip is happening and provide more information about the trip.


What happens if a study trip is cancelled by the Cultural Program?

You will be contacted by the Cultural Program about the status of the study trip. If the trip is cancelled, you will be refunded in full for the cost of the trip in your student account.

What if I have other classes during the dates of the study trip?

Students attending a study trip and who are registered in a class corresponding to a study trip class (listed for each Study Trip in Brochure) are excused by Academic Affairs from attending their other classes during the dates of the study trip.

Students attending a study trip but who are not registered in the corresponding class (listed for each Study Trip in Brochure), are NOT officially excused from their classes by Academic Affairs.

In all cases, you must make sure your other professors are aware of your absence due to the study trip.

Visa & Residency

What if a study trip requires a visa to enter the destination country?

You are responsible for knowing the visa requirements for travel outside of France for your nationality.

Before the trip registration deadline of Sunday, January 19, 2025, you must contact the Cultural Program Office to inform your visa needs.

If a visa is required and upon a timely request, the Cultural Program Office can provide you with a letter that can be taken to the embassy or consulate of the relevant country to obtain a visa.

If you fail to apply for a visa in a timely manner or fail to correctly complete the visa application and as a result you cannot attend the study trip, you are still liable for the entire cost of the trip.

What if I am waiting for my medical appointment for my carte de séjour or am in the process of renewing my carte de séjour?

If you register for a study trip involving international travel, you must contact the Cultural Program Office to inform her of either of these two situations.

Depending on the case, the Cultural Program Office may hold off on making transportation and/or accommodation bookings for you until you can safely confirm your ability to travel internationally.

Up until the trip departure date, you must send the Cultural Program Office regular updates about your status. Failure to inform and update the Cultural Program Office of your impending medical visit or carte de séjour renewal may mean that you will still be liable for the entire cost of the trip if you cannot attend for either of these two reasons.

Where can I obtain more information about the pedagogical purpose of the trip?

Contact trip leading professors directly for information about the pedagogical purpose of the trip and details about specific visits or excursions.

For complete Cultural Program Policy details, please refer to the Cultural Program Brochure.

For more information about study trips, excursions, or the Cultural Program, please contact culturalprogramataup.edu (culturalprogram)culturalprogramataup.edu (@aup.edu).

What if I don't turn 18 yet before my Study Trip?

  • Minor students should not register a trip outside of the French Territory until they have clarified their residency in France with the Student Immigration Services of ҵ.

  • Students who are issued a visa “Mineur scolarisé” are covered with this visa that legalizes their stay here (and which allows them to travel and to legally re-enter France from abroad) until their 18th birthday.

  • If a student turns 18 before the semester/ upon arrival/or within the semester, they must start a residency application to apply for a residency permit (“Titre de Séjour Etudiant”).

  • Please take into consideration that the French Authorities may take time to process requests.

  • During that period, students must be aware they are not advised to leave France until they are granted with new card in case of re-entry issues.