
The Department of Economics and Management emphasizes an interdisciplinary and international context that encourages you to examine the social, the national, and the global, from the perspectives of multiple disciplines, so that you are prepared to face your future academic and professional career with a more reflective and ethical comprehension of present-day economics and management questions and challenges. Our diverse facultyhas a wide range of academic and professional experience and creates compelling and rewarding classroom experiences. The Department proposes six majors, three minors and a Masters in International Management.We also offer a joint Masters program in Strategic Brand Managementwith the Department of Communication, Media and Cultureas well as a five-year BA/MSc.

Students selecting the International Economics major will gain the resources best-suited to a more effective understanding and analysis of the economic questions of today and tomorrow.The Department plays an integral role in the teaching of thePhilosophy, Politics, and Economicsmajor and students are encouraged to explore diverse disciplines through double majors or minors.This video from thedescribes where economics could take you. The International Finance majortrains students to apply economics and finance theory to pragmatic problems in the for and non-profit sectors andwithin financial and non-financial institutions and markets, particularly for the optimal allocation of scarce financial assets,includingmoney, loans, bonds, stocks, and currencies. Many companies now extend their reach across national and international borders and there is a constant need for effective management and problem-solving skills that can easily cross borders.You will acquire knowledge of business concepts and their application and practice leadership skills with the International Business Administration major.

Managers increasingly need to consider a larger stakeholder picture and respond to the concerns of multiple constituencies.Students can develop the fundamentals of managing both private and non-profit local or global organizations with the Management major.This major is designed for flexibility and to allow you to explore other disciplines as elective courses. Students learn the basics of start-ups and small business management with the Entrepreneurship major.This generalist managementdegree is geared towardsthosewho want to start their own business, work in a small business or a family business, or understand thebesttechniques foradvancing innovationin any organization. Finally,you can explore the role of consumer behavior and the impact of market dynamics with the Marketing major. Students willlearn how to conduct market research, brand a product, and develop marketing programs in an international context,while also investigatingspecific topics within marketing that appeal to your personal and professional interests.

The Department offers minors in Economics,Ecological and Environmental Economics, Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Economic Development,International Business Administration and Marketing Management.Thesix minors allow students in various majors to develop knowledge and skills that complement that major.Many of our minors are specifically designed for students in other departments who are interested in adding economic and management pre-professional content to their academic program. Students majoring within the Economics and Management Department have a choice of adding additional expertise with these minors and should discuss combinations with their academic advisor.No matter what major or minor you choose, our varied programs will help you thrive in today’scomplex andglobalized environment.


  • Shahram Alijani

    Associate Professor

  • Suzanne Bodevin

    Assistant Professor

  • Carla Canelas Tobar

    Associate Professor, Program Coordinator for Economics

  • Albert Cath

    Assistant Professor, Program Director, MSc in International Management

  • Robert Earhart

    Associate Professor

  • Fred Einbinder

    Associate Professor

  • Gail Hamilton

    Assistant Professor

  • Terrence Letiche


  • Nestor Lovera Nieto


  • Stephane Malo

    Associate Professor

  • William Mcshane

    Assistant Professor

  • David Nizard

    Senior Lecturer

  • Evelyn Odonkor

    Assistant Professor

  • Rene Ryman

    Assistant Professor

  • Nuno Santos


  • Natalya Shiryaeva

    Assistant Professor

  • Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak

    Associate Professor

  • Sofia Valeonti

    Assistant Professor

  • Peter Walkenhorst

    Senior Lecturer

  • James Noel Ward

    Assistant Professor

  • Kate-yue Zhang

    Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Educational Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness

Faculty Emeriti

  • Diane Bonneau

    Professor Emerita of Business

  • Ali Fatemi

    Professor Emeritus of Business

  • Farhad Nomani

    Professor Emeritus of Economics

  • Ali Rahnema

    Professor Emeritus of Economics

Honors Program

The Economics and Management Department offers an Honors Program which provides students the opportunity to deepen and broaden their knowledge in their major discipline. The program is particularly suitable and highly recommended for students who are interested in pursuing graduate studies and/or careers requiring analytical research skills, conceptual modeling and digital literacy. Alternatively, students may choose to study an area related to other anticipated career trajectories.

Students who complete the Honors Program are awarded a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science with Economics and Management Departmental Honors from the American University of Paris.

Departmental Honors requirements for International Economics majors:

Students are strongly encouraged to take the core economics courses during the first two years of their studies. Early completion allows for greater flexibility in pursuing independent research in the senior year.

  • International Economics majors must earn a major GPA of 3.5 or higher and an overall GPA of 3.3 minimum.
  • In addition to the core courses required for the major in International Economics, students must complete EC 3086 Introduction to Econometrics and EC 4090 Seminar in Economics plus three additional EC courses 3000-level or above.
Departmental Honors requirements for International Business Administration, International Finance,Entrepreneurship, Management & Sustainability, and Marketing majors:

Students who have completed at least five BA courses may be invited to participate in the Honors program.

  • Students are automatically qualified if they have a minimum 3.7 majorandan overall GPA of 3.5 minimum.
  • Students may be nominated by department faculty members if they have a minimum 3.5 major GPA andan overall GPA of 3.3 minimum.
  • Students select a thesis supervisor in the Department and produce a 30-page thesis.
Candidates for Departmental Honors (all majors):
  • Candidates for Departmental Honors present and defend their thesis or seminar project before a jury of faculty members.
  • Students who have a recorded academic integrity incident are not eligible for Departmental Honors.

Further information is available from department academic advisors, the Honors Program Coordinator Professor Bodevin at sbodvinataup.edu or the Department Chair.