

  • ҵ's International Faculty

    Meet Your Professors

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  • Faculty News and Achievements

    Professors in the Limelight

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  • Faculty Conferences and Events

    An Exciting Line-Up

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Spotlight on our Faculty

ҵ professors have studied and worked in top ranking universities around the world. They are not only international – both in terms of where they’ve come from and the subjects they teach – but they are also excited to meet you and teach you, to hear your ideas and help you pave your own pathway through higher education. Faculty members act as both mentors and collaborators, as they push you to question your viewpoints and reflect on what you learn, while collaborating with you on interdisciplinary projects that bring you in contact with varied professions, institutions and ways of seeing the world.

Faculty Achievements

Our faculty’s scholarly work is internationally recognized, widely published and generously sponsored, both by research organizations and philanthropic gifts.Ffaculty research covers a wide range of subjects of broad international impact. It addresses, often through interdisciplinary approaches, pressing global questions and scholarly inquiries. The creative production of ҵ faculty is socially engaged and immersed in the international artistic arena.

Faculty News

  • Event
  • Study trip
  • Cultural Excursion