
  • Les inégalités et les risques existentiels : quels liens et processus ? Colloque 667 : La pluralité des acteurs et les stratégies du management public face aux défis sociaux et environnementaux des territoire. 90th ACFAS Annual Conference (Association francophone pour le savoir), Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 8-12 May 2023.
  • FINTECH: Transversalité et Regards Croisés en Sciences de Gestion. Colloque 406 : La gouvernance et les enjeux sociaux et environnementaux des Fintech. 90th ACFAS Annual Conference, (Association francophone pour le savoir), Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 8-12 May 2023.
  • Symposium proponent and panelist. “Educating governance architects to counter existential risks: For organizations and/or their global environment”. European Academy of Management Symposium, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 13-16 June 2023.
  • Symposium Session Chair. “Sustainable Finance”, “Finance verte et durable sortir de la mystification et œuvrer pour une véritable transformation de la finance».” RIODD Annual Conference, Lile, France. 17-19 Oct. 2023.
  • Alijani, S. (2022) ‘La finalité sociale et l’utilité sociétale des marchés financiers : l’exemple des ‘’social investment bonds’.  RIODD 17th Annual Conference: «  » , Nov. 16-18, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Aubervilliers

  • Alijani, S. (2022) Scientic Committee Member and discussant, ‘’Comment concevoir une finance permettant un système économique et social soutenable’’, Symposium Finance, 11ème Congrès de l’AFEP: « Qu’est-ce qu’un système économique et social soutenable ? » Association française d’économie politique, 28 June - 1 July, Amiens

  • Alijani, S. (2022) Chair and Panel Organizer, “Educating governance architects to counter existential risks: For organizations and/or their global environment,” European Academy of Management Symposium, Zhaw School of Management, 15-17 June, Zurich, Switzerland.

  • Alijani, S. (2022) Les inégalités et les risques existentiels : quels liens et processus ? Colloque 654, « Réduire les inégalités pour sauver la planète : par quel bout commencer ? », Association francophone pour le savoir 89th   ACFAS Congress, 9-13 May, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

  • Alijani, S. (2022) Les enjeux et les trajectoires du développement territorial face aux contingences sociales, sociétales et environnementales ? Colloque 408, « Des territoires en transition. Les multiples facettes du développement territorial » ? Association francophone pour le savoir 89th   ACFAS Congress, 9-13 May, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

  • Alijani, S. (2022) La gouvernance et les formes d’agir des organisations en temps de crise écologique. Colloque 442, « La gouvernance et la gestion des risques : Nouvelles tendances » Association francophone pour le savoir 89th   ACFAS Congress, 9-13 May, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

  • Alijani, S. (2022) Le dilemme de la rémunération des dirigeants. Quelle gouvernance pour quelle performance ? Colloque 614, « Rémunération des dirigeants, structure de propriété et gouvernance d’entreprise: enjeux et défis» Association francophone pour le savoir 89th   ACFAS Congress, 9-13 May, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

  • Alijani, S. (2021) Chair and panel organizer. Moving Toward A Decarbonized Economy: Coping with Environmental, Welfare Imperatives & Existential Risks.Global Forum on Democratizing Work,5–7 Oct.,

  • Alijani, S. (2021) Panelist. Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability.RIODD 16th Annual Conference:Entrepreneuriat et développement durable : la«société entrepreneuriale»à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire, Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, France, 29 Sept.–1 Oct.

  • Alijani, S., Turnbull, S. and Sun, W. (2021) Caucus proponent and panelist. Education for Managing Existential Risks.Academy of Management, Bringing the Manager Back in Management, USA, 30 July–3 Aug.

  • Alijani S., Turnbull, S. and Sun, W. (2021) Symposium proponent and panelist. Democratically Governed Organizations, Managing Existential Risks for the Common Good.European Academy of Management Symposium, Trinity College, Montreal, Canada, 16–18 June.

  • Alijani, S. (2021) Les dilemmes de l’innovateur social : les formes d’agir et les processus d’émergence de l’innovation sociale. Session415,“L’innovation sociale dans l'espace francophone : politiques, pratiques et outils,” Association francophone pour le savoir,88th ACFAS Congress,Université du Québec à Sherbrooke, Canada, 3–7 May.

  • Alijani, S. (2021) Panelist. Innover en temps de COVID-19 : retour d’expériences. Session 415, “L’innovation sociale dans l'espace francophone : politiques, pratiques et outils,” Association francophone pour le savoir,88th ACFAS Congress,Université du Québec à Sherbrooke, Canada, 3–7 May.

  • Alijani, S. (2021) Session Chair. Gestion et évaluation de l’innovation sociale. Session 415, “L’innovation sociale dans l'espace francophone : politiques, pratiques et outils,” Association francophone pour le savoir,88th ACFAS Congress,Université du Québec à Sherbrooke, Canada, 3–7 May.

  • Alijani, S. (2021) La finance responsable et éthique comme levier de transformation sociale: quelle place pour les investissements à impact? Session 457, “La pratique de la finance responsable,” Association francophone pour le savoir,88th ACFAS Congress,Université du Québec à Sherbrooke, Canada, 3–7 May.

  • Alijani, S. (2021) L’analyse des fondements éthiques et durables des organisations: quelle gouvernance pour quelle performance? Session 439, “Les organisations responsables et durables au 21e siècle : Antécédents, pratiques et défis stratégiques,” Association francophone pour le savoir,88th ACFAS Congress,Université du Québec à Sherbrooke, Canada, 3–7 May.

  • Alijani, S. (2021) Quel financement des PME africaines : Pistes de réflexions et propositions pour un modèle de financement responsable et durable. Session 608, “, ” Association francophone pour le savoir,88th ACFAS Congress,Université du Québec à Sherbrooke, Canada, 3–7 May.

  • Alijani S., Turnbull, S. and Sun, W. (2020) Symposium proponent and panelist. Democratically Governed Organizations, Managing Existential Risks for the Common Good. European Academy of Management Symposium, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 4–6.

  • Gangi, F., Meric, J., Daniele, L.M., Alijani, S., Karyotis, C. Jardat, R. (2020) Symposium proponent and panelist. Business for Society Project: Next Step Finance for Society. European Academy of Management Symposium, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 4–6.

  • Conference and symposium chair and proponent. Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability. Business & Society SIG, European Academy of Management (EURAM), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 4–6, 2020.

  • Session chair. “ESG, CSR and Financial Performance.” Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability. Business & Society SIG, European Academy of Management (EURAM), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 4–6, 2020.

  • Session discussant. “Circular Economy and Responsible Finance.” Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability, Business & Society SIG, European Academy of Management (EURAM), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 4–6, 2020.

  • Session chair and discussant. “Circular Economy and Responsible Finance.” Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability. Business & Society SIG, European Academy of Management (EURAM), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 4–6, 2020.

  • Reviewer: Academy of Management Review (AMR), Journal of Business Ethics (JBE), European Academy of Management (EURAM) and Academy of Management (AOM).

  • Alijani, S. (2019) Business Panel Chair, “China-EU-USA: Cooperation, Competition or Coopetition? What’s in it for African economic and business development?” NCIB 5th Annual conference, NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business, November 21, 2019, NEOMA Business School, Paris, France.

  • Alijani, S. (2019) Discussant, “Financialization and Sustainability,” AFEP-IIPPE Congress, International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy, and Association française de l’économie politique, Sciences Po Lille, July 3–5, 2019.

  • Alijani, S. (2019) Session Chair, “Institutions and Entrepreneurship Policy,” Academy of Management, August 10–13, 2019, Boston, USA.

  • Alijani S. (2019) Session Chair and Discussant, “Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability,” European Academy of Management Symposium, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), EURAM, June 25–28, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Alijani S., Sun, W. Robinson, S. (2019) Symposium proponent and panelist, “Social Innovation Pathways: Public Engagement and Participative Democracy,” European Academy of Management Symposium, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), EURAM 25-28 June, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Alijani S., Previati, D., Méric, J., Daniele, L., Gangi, F., Vanvitelli, L. (2019) Symposium proponent and panelist, “Lending and Equity Crowdfunding and Traditional Financial Services: Competition or Coopetition,” Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), EURAM, June 25–28, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Alijani S., Homberg, F., Herath, D., Worely, C. (2019) Symposium proponent and panelist, “Organizational Design and Agility: Implications for Society, Business and Environment,” Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), EURAM, June 25–28, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Alijani S. (2019) “De l’agilité à la performance organisationnelle : l’analyse des fondements de la gouvernance transformationnelle” (Conference session 460), Governance & Innovation, Association francophone pour le savoir87th ACFAS Congress,May 27–30, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada.

  • Alijani S. (2019) «De la coopération à la confrontation : l’étude des pays du Conseil de coopération du Golfe» (Conference session 429), Mondes arabes post-2011 : acteurs, évolutions sociopolitiques et (en)jeux géopolitiques, Association francophone pour le savoir87th ACFAS Congress,May 27–30, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada.

  • Conference presentation. “Re-Membering the Dead, Raharimanana’s Way.” Contemporary Francophone Literature: Violence and the Body. The Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), University of Buffalo, NY, 23-26 March 2023.
  • “Marronnage Famadihana in Patrick Chamoiseau’s L’esclave vieil homme et le molosse.” African Urbanities: Mobility, Creativity, and Challenges, The African Studies Association Conference, November, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA. Conference presentation.

  • “Textual Famadihana in the Work of Jean-Luc Raharimanana.” Bodies on the Edge: Life and Death in Migration, Thanatic Ethics International Conference, April, Oxford University, Oxford, UK. Conference presentation.

  • “"Descent and étale-Brauer obstructions for 0-cycles.. SAGA Symposium on Arithmetic Geometry and its Applications, CIRM, Luminy, France, 8 February 2023.
  • “"Descent and étale-Brauer obstructions for 0-cycles.” Séminaire “Variétés Rationnelles”, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, 10 March 2023.
  • “Descent and étale-Brauer obstructions for 0-cycles". Number Theory Seminar, University of Groningen, 2 Feb 2022, online. Invited talk.
  • Keynote speaker at Millennials Generation (PATA) and Measuring Brand Value (D’Aucy)
  • “Water and the environment: human right and epicurean delight.” Taste and Design Awards, Fine Water Society, Athens, Greece, 27 April 2023.
  • Berg, Elena, Jeff Gima, Jeff, Alex Armstrong, Nadine Aboulmagd & Antonio Lopez. “EcoJustice OER repository.” Project Incubator, AMICAL Consortium, Ifrane, Morocco, 25 May 2023.
  • Berg, Elena, Michael Mascha & Kevin Capehart. “Judging reliability at wine and water competitions.”European Association of Wine Economists, Chania, Crete, 29 May 2023.
  • Piani, Claudio, Elena Berg, and Wei-Tse Hung. “Adaptation of Seed Beetles to Fluctuating Temperatures.” Poster presentation given at the European Geosciences Union meeting in Vienna, Austria, April 2019.

  • Berg, Elena, Martin Lind, Shannon Monahan, Sophie Bricout, and Alexei Maklakov. “Kin Selection and Sexual Conflict in Seed Beetles.” Talk given at the joint meeting of the Animal Behavior Society and International Ethological Congress in Chicago, Illinois, July 2019.

  • Lecture on sustainable finance during the ҵ Conference on Sustainability. Paris, France, 27 March 2023.
  • Participant in the Panel discussion and recording by Tocqueville 21, organized by Shane McLorrain. France, Spring 2023.
  • "The Importance of Sustainable Investments and Attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”. Summer Academy of the Foundation St. Omer, July 2022, Paris, France. Lecture.

  • Organized an event with Dr. Maria Carvalho (formerly of South Pole, currently Head of Climate Economics at Nat West, London) an expert on Carbon emissions and the EU ETS presented on the essentials of Carbon Net Zero Strategies; and with Dr. Joško Bobanović of Sofinova, who presented concrete examples of sustainable venture capital investments in the agricultural and industrial sectors.

  • Hosted Roland Lienau, chairman of Exceet Group SCA, who gave a lecture on the key success factors in Private Equity, adding concrete examples of specific investments under his supervision. It was for ҵ Finance Club/Corporate Finance & Financial Markets classes.

  • Summer Academy of the Fondation St. Omer (involving students from Science Po Lille and Georgetown University). The Director, Edouard de Lencquesaing, granted invitation to give a formal presentation on “The Importance of Impact Measurement for Sustainable Investing,” July 2021 lecture series.

  • “Sustainable Finance Metrics, Measurement and the Attainment of Higher ESG Standards in the Private Sector.” Invited guest presentation at the Summer Academy of the Fondation St. Omer by the director, Edouard de Lencquesaing (involving students from Sciences Po Lille and Georgetown University), July 2020.

  • Narrative hermeneutics and the three fields of human experience.” Roundtable “The Use and Abuse of Stories – New Directions in Narrative Hermeneutics,” Conference “Narrative Matters 2023,” University of Tampere, Finland, 15-17 June 2023.
  • Pre-conference workshop at the International Conference“Narrative Matters 2023,” University of Tampere, Finland, 15-17 June 2023.
  • Keynote speaker. "Verstehen als Kritik – oder welches Problem hatte John Wayne mit Gary Cooper?” [Understanding as Critique: What was John Wayne’s problem with Gary Cooper?] Conference of the Society for Cultural Psychology Psychology and Critique: Historical and Cultural Perspectives Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, 8 Sept. 2023.
  • Narrative as a form of life.” 9th Berlin Symposia of Narrative Medicine: Stories from the Health Care System. Institute of History and Ethics of Medicine, Humboldt University Berlin, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, Germany, 4 Nov. 2023.
  • Invited Talk. “Between interpretive cognition and narrative hermeneutics”. Conference “Cognition, Culture, Narrative,” International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, University of Gießen, Gießen, Germany, 6-8 Dec. 2023.
  • “Erzählung und Emotionen (Narrative and emotions)”. Hans Kilian Lecture. Hans Kilian and Lotte Köhler Center of Sociocultural Psychology and Historical Anthropology, Ruhr University Bochum, November 2022, Bochum, Germany.

  • “It’s easy to get lost here: Narrating Lifetime”. Conference on Life Storying in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, 7 Sept. 2022, Brno, Czech Republic. Keynote.

  • “Annie Ernaux and the contact zone between individual and historical time”. Einstein Center Chronoi, Free University Berlin / Humboldt-University Berlin, July 2022.

  • “Are autobiographical narratives political? Conference “Still I rise”: Political narratives in a raging world. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies / University of Helsinki, June 2022.

  • “Narrating a life: Backward, forward, or sideward?”. World Conference IABA (International Association for Biography and Autobiography) entitled “Life-Writing: Imagining the Past, Present, and Future”, University of Turku, June 2022, Turku, Finland. Keynote Speech.

  • “Wenn ich mich recht erinnere – Fakt und Fiktion im autobiographischen Gedächtnis”. 8th Berlin Symposium Narrative Medicine: Narratives in medicine – Between fact and fiction, Institute of History and Ethics of Medicine], Charité University Hospital, Humboldt University Berlin, May 2022.

  • “Literacy and narrative: Discovery stories”. Conference Multiplicities of Il-/Literacy, University of Bayreuth, May 2022, Bayreuth, Germany.

  • Ohnmacht und Exzess. Für ein kulturpsychologisches Verständnis von Zeit und Simultaneität [Helplessness and Excess: Toward a Cultural Psychology of Time and Simultaneity]. Conference of theGesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie / Society for Cultural Psychology. Ascona, Switzerland, Sept. 2021.

  • “Is Narrative Time Diachronic?” DFG Koselleck Workshop, Diachronic Narratology. University of Freiburg, Feb. 2020.

  • “The Self and Its Crises.” The Psychology of Global Crises, #PGC2020, The American University of Paris, May 2020,.

  • “How Do Humans Make Sense of Multiple Temporalities?” Einstein Center Chronoi, Berlin, July 2020,.

  • “Is There a Narrative Perspective of Time?” The Study of Literature, Reading, and Cognition: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Concepts, and Terms. Technical University Aachen, Germany, Center for Cognitive and Empirical Literary Studies, Oct. 2020.

  • “Lifetime between diachrony and synchrony.” Invited lecture. English Department, Research Center Factuality and Fictionality, University of Freiburg/Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, Germany, December 2019.

  • “La morfologia della vita umana.” Keynote lecture. International conference. History, Narration, Big Data: Morphology and Historical Sequence. Centro Studi Arti della Modernità, University of Turin, Italy, November 2019.

  • “Der Angst ein Gesicht geben: Metaphor as Handlung [Giving a face to anxiety: Metaphor as action]. Invited lecture. 7th Berlin Symposium on Narrative Medicine: Metaphors in Medicine. Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und Ethik in der Medizin [Institute of History and Ethics of Medicine], Charité University Hospital, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, October 2019.

  • “Time, Life and Narrative.” Conference Rethinking a Lifetime: Perspectives from Antiquity Until Present. Invited Lecture. Einstein Center Chronoi, Berlin, Germany, October 2019.

  • “Memory, Time, and Simultaneity in W. G. Sebald’s Austerlitz.” Invited Lecture. Department of Literature, University Oslo, Norway, September 2019.

  • Invited Seminar. Research group Literature, Cognition, Emotions, University of Oslo, September 2019.

  • “I Have Many Sick Hearts: Stories About Illness, Borders, and Life.” Keynote Lecture. CHCI Medical Humanities Network Summer Institute Health Beyond Borders. Columbia University Global Center Paris, Reid Hall, France, June 2019.

  • “Variations of Language Awareness: Writing and Narrative.” Invited talk. Conference on Literacies, Cultures, and Minds. University of Calgary, Canada, May 2019.

  • “Juggling How Many Balls at Once? On Autobiographical Simultaneity.” Invited talk. Conference on Uses and Abuses of Storytelling: Theorizing the Intersections of Narrative, Memory and Identity. University of Turku, Finland, February 2019.

  • Molluscan forum. The Malacological Society of London. Flett Theatre. Natural History Museum, London. 16 Nov. 2023.
  • Invited talk. “And what about biodiversity?” Sustainability Seminar Week 5: Teaching about Climate Change and Biodiversity. The American University of Paris, France, 20 Feb.2023.
  • “Red Listing Workshop”. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Queen´s University Belfast, 5–8 April 2022, online.

  • “La Planète Revisitée en Corse”. Mollusk ID Workshop, MNHN-Gruppo Malacologico Livornese, 15-22 May 2022 Città di Castello, Italy.

  • Caballer, Manuel et al. “Biodiversity Exploration and the Program ‘La Planete Revisitee’: Marine Heterobranch Gastropods from Corsica Island”. World Congress of Malacology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 1-5 August, Munich, Germany. Conference Presentation. DOI 10.23788/SPX-Suppl30A

  • “New Lights in the Ocean: Biodiversity Exploration and Bioluminescence.” Learning Commons Forum for Research and Practice, the Learning Commons Advisory Committee and the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Center, ҵ, 27 Oct. 2021.

  • “Short Term Effects of Indian the Demonetization”. Séminaire du LEMMA, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, 06 Dec. 2022, Paris. Conference Presentation.

  • Central Bank of Ecuador, March 2022, online. Paper Presentation.

  • Mass Trials conference. Presenting on mass trials for terror actors in Syria. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Oct. 2021.

  • EUROCRIM annual conference. Presenting on ISIS wives and children before European courts. Sept. 2021.

  • Book launch,Prosecuting the President(Feb. 2021, University of Cardiff). Law & Society Association, May 2021.

  • Charlie Hebdo trial ethnography presentation.Justice Visions Podcast, Feb. 2021.

  • PEP Annual Conference (Partnership for Economic Policy – PEP). Online, paper presentation, June 2021.

  • Discussant and paper presentation, Jobs and Development Conference, IZA/World Bank, Sept. 2020.

  • Discussant and paper presentation, Transforming Informal Work and Livelihoods Workshop, UNU-WIDER, Nov. 2020.

  • Invited speaker, International Workshop on Informality and Undeclared Employment, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Nov. 2020.

  • Discussant and paper presentation at the World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) annual conference, Thailand, September 2019.

  • Discussant and paper presentation at the Business and Entrepreneurial Economics (BEE), Croatia, May 2019.

  • “Attuning to the Pluriverse: Documentary Filmmaking Methods, Environmental Disaster, and the More-Than-Human.” Livability: Art and Environmental Practices for a Present Resurgence, 22-23 October 2022, Como, Italy. Conference Presentation.

  • "Walking with Film as Critical Method." Annual Network for European Cinema Studies (NECS) Conference, June 22-26, 2022, Bucharest, Romania. Conference Presentation.

  • Should There be a Right to Belong?” Utopias Stream, GRASP Festival, Roskilde. 29 Sept. 2023.
  • “Macrocriminality: Debates, Conversations and New Forms of Justice in Post-Conflict Colombia”, Southern Criminology Conference Bologna, Italy. 10 Sept. 2023.
  • “Normalizing Citizenship Revocation for Terror (and other crime) in Denmark,” Presented at Workshop on Withdrawal of EU Citizenship for Radicalized Detaineeds, European Commission Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN) (invited participant) 23 May 2023.
  • “Danish vs. Muslim: Weaponizing Citizenship in Danish Criminal law,” Racialization in the EU Workshop (invited participant), International Studies Association annual conference, Montreal Canada. 13 March 2023
  • “Radical Rewritings: Navigating “Justice” in Colombia’s Transitional Justice Body (JEP),” paper presented at Standardization of Transitional Justice conference, Bogota Colombia, 14 Feb. 2023.
  • “Investigating How we “Know” at Law: Motivation versus Intent in Prosecuting Hate Crimes in Denmark”. International Workshop on Cultural Expertise and Litigation: Practices in South Asia and Europe, Jindal Global Law School, 1-2 Dec. 2022, online. Conference Presentation.

  • Invited speaker at Virtual Forum entitled “Understanding the War in Ukraine”. The George and Irina Schaeffer Center Event, American University of Paris, 10 May 2022.

  • “Missing the Point: Narratives of Responsibility in the Charlie Hebdo Trial”. Terrorism in Court Workshop, Bielefeld University, 7-9 Nov. 2022, Bielefeld, DE. Conference Presentation.

  • “Citizen v. Terrorist: Challenging Habeas Corpus in 21st Century Criminal Law”. EUROCRIM Annual Conference, Malaga University, 24 Sept. 2022, Malaga, ES. Conference Presentation.

  • “Localizing Hate Crime: The Non-Racialized Murder of a Black Danish Man”. The 7th Global Meeting on Law & Society, Lisbon University, 15 July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. Conference Presentation.

  • “Danish Legal Constructions of Foreign Fighters: Ukraine vs. Syria”. Anthropology of Crime and Security Conference, University of Bologna, 18 May 2022. Conference Presentation.

  • "The International Criminal Court and War Crimes in Ukraine: What is next?". University of Southern Denmark, 2 May 2022.

  • “Between Differend and Show Trial: International Criminal Law in the 21st Century”. Deconstructing International Law, Conference of the Maastricht University Study Group for Critical Approaches to International Law, Maastricht University, 7 April 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands. Conference Presentation.

  • Book Launch: The Justice Laboratory, American University of Paris, 10 Oct. 2022.

  • Book Launch: The Justice Laboratory, Chatham House, May 2022, online.

  • Presentation on law and citizenship, Migration in the Mediterranean, EHESS Paris, Jan. 2020.

  • Justice360 (CA18228) workshop, COST network, Sarajevo, Jan. 2020.

  • Neha Jain’s ICL seminar, presentingModel(ing) Justice,EUI, Feb. 2020.

  • Presenting on the Habré trial, International Criminal Court and Its Impact, Aarhus, Feb. 2020.

  • Presenting on foreign fighter legislation in Danish, Borgermødet for UNHCR Review, SDU, Denmark, Mar. 2020.

  • Presenting on foreign fighters, Law and Society Association (LSA), Denver, May 2020.

  • Presenting “face covering ban" paper with J. Slosser, Disentangling Religion and Law, Oslo, June 2020.

  • Presenter, TwixtLab Webinar on “Use of International Criminal Law to Address Violence against Migration.” July 2020.

  • Conference organizer, CWS annual conference, “What is a Battlefield, Who is a Fighter,” Odense (virtual), Oct. 2020. Presented paper, “Transitional Justice for European Foreign Fighters? What Colombia’s JEP Teaches.”

  • Just Sites conference launch – presenting paper on Habré book, Copenhagen, December 2019.

  • “When Human Rights are a Baseline, Not a Mandate: The Emerging Human Rights Jurisprudence of the East African Court of Justice.” Southern Criminology Conference Bogotá Colombia, November 2019.

  • Book launch,Model(ing) Justice, ҵ, October 2019.

  • EUROCRIM Transitional Justice pre-conference, Ghent, September 2019 – presenting paper on South Sudan.

  • European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Edinburgh, June 2019 – organizer of 2 panels on transitional justice.

  • Council for European Studies (CES), Madrid, June 2019 – presenting paper on Danish citizenship revocation.

  • Law and Society Associations (LSA), Washington DC, May 2019 – presenting paper on terror law in Denmark; book launch forModel(ing) Justice.

  • Book launch,Model(ing) Justiceat iCourts, University of Copenhagen.

  • “Un-Belonging:Terrorism,Citizenship,andtheReturnofBanishment.” International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, March 2019.

  • Transitional Justice for South Sudan conference, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, February 2019.

  • Co-organizer, Paper presentation & Session chair. The 39th Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS) 2023, The American University of Paris, 12-15 July 2023.
  • Visiting Professor of iArts (part of Zuyd University of Applied Science in Maastricht, the Netherlands). Maastricht, Netherlands, 2023.
  • Participation as a co-researcher on the theme of ‘Ethnographies of Accountability in two LITEM workshops of the book project Epistemologies of Accountability organized by an International Research Consortium (Saclay/ Institut Mines-Télécom (Paris), Neyenrode Business University (Netherlands), Copenhagen Business School, Aston Business School (GB), and Eada (Barcelona))
  • PhD workshop in the context of a book publication,Nijenrode Business University, Breukelen, Netherlands.
  • “La Manufacture d’idées”, Aug.2023.
  • Launch of “Strategie à la Mode” and Retreat seminar (Hypermanagement course), Paris, June 2023.
  • Participated in two workshops of the book project “Epistemologies of Accountability’ which was organized by LITEM Research Consortium, (Saclay, Institut Mines-Télécom).

  • “Tales of Sustainability”. Raconter La Vie, Doctoral and Graduate Seminar, American University of Paris, 21-22 November, Paris. Lecture.

  • Presented at the Book Publication Hypermanagement symposium at ҵ, fall 2022.

  • Participated in LITEM workshops (Mar., June and Dec.) on the book projectEpistemologies of Accountability, organized by an International Research Consortium LITEM. The LITEM research consortium is made up of Saclay/Institut Mines-Télécom (Paris), Neyenrode Business University (Netherlands), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), Aston Business School (UK), and Eada Business School (Spain). Co-research on the theme of “Ethnographies of Accountability.”

  • Participated in the SCOS conference 2021: Difference. The 38th Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS) took place online between 5–6 July, 2021. The conference was hosted by Copenhagen Business School. Paper presentation and chaired a session,.

  • Attended and participated in the conference/festival La Manufacture d’Idées, Edition 2021 “Lignes des possibles,” Aug. 2021,.

  • Co-organized and presented the MSIM symposium on “Hyper-Management,” 17 Nov. 2021, ҵ.

  • Participated and chaired the final session “Hecke Algebras and Applications.” Greece, 16-21 July 2023.
  • Invited Talk. Center for Critical Democracy Studies Panel Discussion on “Calhoun’s, D. P. Gaonkar’s, and C. Taylor’s Degenerations of Democracy.” The American University of Paris, Jan. 2023.
  • Invited talk. “Democratic Citizenship and Digital Technologies: A Conceptual Map.” European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions. Sciences Po Toulouse, April 2023
  • Invited talk. “Global Educational Justice.” University Political, Legal, and Economic Philosophy Annual Lecture. Bern, Switzerland, May 2023.
  • Invited talk. “Democratic Citizenship and Digital Technologies: A Conceptual Map.” AI Ethics Colloquium. PUCRS Porto Alegre, Brazil,May 2023.
  • Invited talk. “Deweyan Democracy and Education in a ‘Society of Broadcasters’.” Center for Critical Democracy Studies Conference on Liberal Democracy and Its Challenges for Education and Political Science. The American University of Paris, June 2023.
  • Workshop on John Rawls at book launch of the John Rawls Handbuch (Metzler Verlag, 2023). “An Equiprimordial Conception of the Relation between Ideal and Non-Ideal Theory.” Goethe University of Frankfurt, July 2023.
  • Panel Discussion at a Conference on “What is Just?” of the Akademientag der Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften (Academy Day of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences). Berlin, Nov. 2023.
  • “Democracy in Danger” Master Class, Saint Omer Foundation for Transatlantic Values, 28 June 2022, Saint-Omer, FR. Panelist.

  • Justitia Amplificata: Rethinking Justice – Applied and Global Final Conference, Goethe University of Frankfurt, June 2022, Frankfurt, DE.

  • Philosophy Department, University of Leipzig, June 2022, Germany.

  • Lecture Series on “Philosophy of Education”, Department of Philosophy, University of Graz, 15 June 2022, Austria. Lecture.

  • Conference on “Democratic Education Revisited: The Approach of Pragmatism”, Dewey-Center, University of St. Gallen, June 9-11, 2022, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. Keynote Speech.

  • Department of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, University of Witten-Herdecke, June 2022, Germany.

  • “Educational Responses to Antidemocratic Forces”. Seminar on ‘Reimagining Democracy’, Maison Française d'Oxford, 4 May 2022, Oxford, UK. Panelist.

  • “Global Crises”, Social Philosophy and Policy Conference, The University of Arizona Freedom Center, May 12-14, 2022, Arizona, US. Panelist.

  • “Democratic Citizenship Education in Digitized Societies”. Digital Demos Lecture Series, Center for Critical Democracy Studies, The American University of Paris, 23 March 2022, hybrid event. Lecture.

  • “New Directions in Global Citizenship”. 12th Congress of the International Development Ethics Association (IDEA), Universidad Autónoma Latino Americana, July 13-15, 2022, Medellin, Colombia. Panel Discussion.

  • Invited Prof. Johannes Drerup (Universities of Amsterdam and Dortmund) to talk on “Democratic Education, Controversial Issues and the Digital Public Sphere.” Philosophy Program at the American University of Paris, November 2022.

  • Hosted Edouard-Francois de Lencquesang (European Institute of Financial Regulation) to talk on “Humanism and Finance”. The Economics and Management Department, The Philosophy Program and Debate and Politics Club, American University of Paris, November 2022.

  • Hosted Prof. Nita de Oliveira (University of Porto Alegre, Brazil) to give a lecture on “Critical Theory of Artificial Intelligence.” Philosophy Program, American University of Paris, October 2022.

  • Hosted Prof. Alejandra Boni (University of Valencia, Spain) to talk on “Digital social innovations expanding epistemic capabilities towards a sustainable and just transition.” Philosophy Program, American University of Paris, September 2022.

  • Hosted ‘Author-Meets-Critics Session’ with Nicole Hassoun on Global Health Impact – Extending Access to Essential Medicines. Organized by the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society and the Philosophy Program at the American University of Paris, March 2022.

  • Hosted Peter Stone (Trinity College Dublin) to give a lecture on “Why Open Democracy?”. Contemporary European Democratic Theory Lecture Series, Center for Critical Democracy Studies, American University of Paris, February 2022.

  • Organized workshop with ten democratic theorists on “What Demos for the 21st Century?”, hosted by the Center for Critical Democracy Studies, American University of Paris, April 2022.

  • Democratic Citizenship Education in Digitized Societies. A Habermasean Approach. SPOT Political Theory Seminar, Sciences Po Paris – Cevipof, Nov. 2021.

  • Does Digitized Democracy Have an Epistemic Dimension? Probably “No.” Democratic Participation, Popular Sovereignty and Territory, workshop, Sciences Po Paris – Cevipof, Sept. 2021.

  • Schulische Demokratieerziehung und die Krise der repräsentativen Demokratie (Democratic School Education and the Crisis of Representative Democracy). Panel on “the Capacity for Democratic Conflict, We Have the Choice!” Congress of the German Association for Political Science, Sept. 2021.

  • Was heißt globale Bildungsgrechtigkeit? (What Does Global Educational Justice Mean?) Department of Philosophy, University of Mainz, Sept. 2021.

  • After Rawls: The Future of Political Philosophy. Political Philosophy Section, German Society for Philosophy Congress, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Sept. 2021.

  • Transnationale Bildungsgerechtigkeit (Transnational Educational Justice). Lecture series, International Perspectives on Educational Justice, Technische Universität Dortmund, July 2021.

  • Democratic Education and Electoral Ethics, What Should Citizens Vote for? International Conference, Sciences Po Paris – Cevipof, July 2021.

  • Does Digitized Democracy Have an Epistemic Dimension? Probably “No.” Online Workshop of the journalEducational Theory, June 2021.

  • Multicultural Education for Transnational Democratic Citizenship. Thematic conference, “Do We Lack a Societal Consensus? Conflicts of Identity and Political Participation in Civil Society,” German Association for Political Science, University Göttingen, May 2021.

  • “Demokratieerziehung und die Krise der liberalen Demokratie.” Which Citizenship Education for Which Democracy?, German Historical Institute Paris, Paris, Oct. 2020.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. Book launch workshop onDemocratic Education in a Globalized World, Chair for Political Theory, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. Book launch panel onDemocratic Education in a Globalized World, Human Development and Capability Organization, University College London.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. Book launch workshop onDemocratic Education in a Globalized World, Center for Critical Democracy Studies, The American University of Paris.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. “Bildung und Gerechtigkeit,” Inaugural Lecture (Antrittsvorlesung), Department of Philosophy, Goethe University of Frankfurt.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. “Is there a Universal Grammar of Justice?,” New Universalisms Workshop, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study), Delmenhorst, Germany.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. “The Bi- and Multinational Education of Migrant Children.” Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination, Princeton University.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. “Discourse Ethics, Epistemology, and Educational Justice,” North American Association for Philosophy and Education, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Illinois, conference participation.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. “Ideale und Kritik: Zur Aufgabe und Methode politischer Philosophie,” International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg (Austria), conference participation.

  • Culp, Julian. 2019. Commentary on Morganne Ollier, Translating Science into Climate Action Conference, The American University of Paris.

  • Conference organization, Translating Climate Science into Political Action, led by Elena Berg and Claudio Piani.

  • Lecture series organization with Rob Reich and Ted Lechterman on Philanthropy, Power and Democracy, Center for Critical Democracy Studies, ҵ, with Jessica Feldman and Peter Hägel.

  • Guest lecture organization by Regina Kreide on Crossing Out Borders, George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention, ҵ.

  • Guest lecture organization by Jiewuh Song on The International Criminal Court, George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention, ҵ.

  • Guest lecture organization by Lukas Sparenborg on Climate Justice and Responsibility, Department of History, ҵ.

  • “Trends in the Environmental Humanities: Ecofeminism, Idyll, Dystopia,” Frieman Environmental Science Center’s Sustainability Seminar. The American University of Paris, 13 Feb. 2023.
  • Invited talk. “American Writers in France,” University of Alabama Study Abroad Program in Paris, 22 July 2023.
  • Invited writer. A conversation about dual identities (with Kate Gavino). The Angers Literary Festival, Angers, France. 23 September 2023.
  • Invited talk. “Acting into Nature: Beckett, Agency and the Anthropocene,” International Web-Lecture Series on Beckett and the Posthuman, Centre for Research in Posthumanities, Bankura University, India. 30 Nov. 2023.
  • “Autobiographical Memory and Forgiveness”. Virtual Moral Narratives Workshop, 29 November 2022, Princeton, US. Invited speaker/panel discussion.

  • “Samuel Beckett and Embodiment from an Ecological Perspective”. The London Beckett Seminar, 21 January 2022, London, UK. Invited lecture.

  • Her Herebook launch events/interviews/book clubs (selected):

  • Reading and launch party at The Red Wheelbarrow, Paris, Mar. 2021.

  • In conversation with Clare Beams, River Bend Bookshop, CT USA, Mar. 2021.

  • In conversation with Dan Gunn, Center for Writers & Translators, Paris, Mar. 2021.

  • In conversation with Rachel Donadio, The American Library of Paris, Apr. 2021.

  • Bellevue Literary Press Salon, in conversation with Michael Coffey, May 2021.

  • Bartleby Book Club, discussion, Brussels, Belgium, May 2021.

  • Princeton Alumni of Rhode Island book club discussion, July 2021.

  • Author event, “Where We Come from and Where We’re Going: A Conversation with Ann Tashi Slater.” Sponsored by the Princeton Alumni Associations of Japan and France, July 19, 2020,

  • .

  • Co-organized, with Nicholas Johnson, Celine Thobois, and Douglas Atkinson, the first fully virtual Beckett

  • conference, “Beckett and the Anthropocene,” hosted by Trinity College Dublin, Dec. 4–5, 2020,

  • Welcome video:.

  • “Style and the Violence of Passivity in Samuel Beckett’sHow It Is.” Invited talk at The Hermeneutics of Violence Workshop, part of Interpreting Violence: Narrative, Ethics and Hermeneutics, Turku, Finland, August 2019.

  • Co-organized (with Vincent Lloyd, Villanova University) and hosted an interdisciplinary symposium at ҵ – Beckett, Phenomenology and Ecology – which brought together an international group of philosophers and Beckett scholars for a day-long discussion and laid the groundwork for a larger conference to be held at Trinity College Dublin in December 2020, Beckett and the Anthropocene. Paris, June 2019.

  • “Translation as Ecstasy’s Mediation: Beckett contra Rimbaud,” paper presented at the annual conference of the Samuel Beckett Society, Beckett and Translation, Almería, Spain, May 2019.

  • “Writing the Body: Style and the Non-Human,” paper presented at the conference, Beckett and the Non-Human, Brussels, Belgium, February 2019.

  • Invited Guest: workshop for Faith for Rights, Geneva, Switzerland. Nov. 2023.
  • “Comparing Indian Yogic and Sufi Culture as techniques of the Self”. Centre Euro Méditerranéen pour d'Etude de l'Islam Actuel (CEMEIA), 17 July 2022, Ankara, Turkey. Conference Presentation.

  • “Globalisation and Sufism”. 4th International Summer School Panel, Institute for Sufi Studies, 23 July 2022, Uskudar University, Istanbul, Turkey. Panel Discussion.

  • “The Perception of Self: Methods of Self-Perception in the West and the East”. Foundation for Research and Education (ISAR), July 2022, Istanbul. Panel Discussion.

  • “Taking power by shifting stories to politics: Berlusconi, Trump, Meloni”. Stories : La place/le rôle du récit dans l’entreprise, les médias et la vie politique, Université Paris-Dauphine, 10 November 2022, Paris. Conference Presentation.

  • The Attention Economy in the Post Covid Mediterranean.” Keynote address, Mediterranean Forum: Mediterranean Perspectives in the Next Decade. University Conference Center Sarajevo, 29–30 Oct. 2021.

  • “Brand Communication and the Attention Economy.” Digital economy lecture series at the Digital Economy Lab (DELab), an interdisciplinary group of researchers at the University of Warsaw, 10 Nov. 2021.

  • Chair of session. “Post-Truth, Alternative Epistemologies and Trials of Deliberation.” International Communication Association annual meeting, Gold Coast, May 2020.

  • Invited research paper presentation “Power and Techniques of the Self in Moroccan Sufism: The Tariqa Qadiria Butshishiya, an Islamic Counterreformation?” ANU Canberran, February 2019.

  • Artificial intelligence workshop, Transform AI annual conference. Workshop on “Digitalization and Culture,” Paris, April 12, 2019.

  • the American University of Beirut, May 3–5, 2019.

  • Invited analyst and reviewer of research projects at the Qatar National Research Council, September 10–14, 2019.

  • Chair and discussant of keynote “Ghassan Hage No Way: Australia from the Radical Point of Non-Belonging.” Theme: Alter/Natives, European Australian Studies Association Toulon, September 17, 2019.

  • Invited guest speaker at the Salon du Livre Maghrebin Oujda, “Transmission Maroc en France spiritualité et technologie numerique.” Morocco, October 9–13, 2019.

  • Third Mediterranean Forum: Sarajevo-Dubrovnik Constellation. Section: Digitalisation – 4.0 Revolution and Increasing Digitalisation in Society, invited keynote “New Digital Routes Are Creating a New Sense of Space in the Mediterranean,” Sarajevo, Bosnia, October 25–26, 2019.

  • Invited speaker, conference: Sufism and Development. Paper: “Digital Technologies and Techniques of the Self Madagh,” Morocco, November 5, 2019.

  • Moderated Civic Media conference at ҵ, Listening and Transformation: Acoustics and Civic Life. Co-organised with Jessica Feldman, November 13, 2019.

  • CSAA Conference 2019: Cultural Transformations. Paper: “Reciprocal Translations: Islam and France.” University of Queensland, Brisbane, December 4–6, 2019.

  • GLAA Conference on Humanitarian Innovation and Entrepreneurship: SDG Impact Through Service-Learning, Hong Kong, December 16–17, 2019.

  • Documentary Poetry, Popular Protest and Activism: An International Poetry and Poetics Seminar. The American University of Paris. Co-directors: Geoff Gilbert and William Dow. Paris, France, 15-17 June 2023.
  • “Introduction: Documentary Poetry and Poetics: Voices Raised, Imagination and Materiality.” Documentary Poetry, Popular Protest, and Activism: An International Poetry and Poetics Seminar. The American University of Paris. Co-Directors: Geoff Gilbert and William Dow. Paris, France, 15-17 June 2023.
  • “Charles Reznikoff’s Poetic Journalism: A Material Culture of Poetry and Knowing.” “Vernacular Poetics.” Charles Reznikoff’s Inscriptions (1894-1976), International Conference. Université Paris Nanterre, France, 1-3 June 2023.
  • “Writing Aslant: Sound Studies and Aural Literary Journalism in This American Life.” Literary Journalism and a Sense of Place. The Seventeenth International Conference for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS-17). Gdansk University, Poland, 18-20 May 2023.
  • Panel Moderator. “Literary Journalism, In the American Grain.” Literary Journalism and a Sense of Place. The Seventeenth International Conference for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS-17). Gdansk University, Poland. 18-20 May 2023.
  • "Transculturalism and American Audio Podcasts." Lieux De Mémoire Urbains Et Transculturalité, Savoirs et Espaces Anglophone du laboratoire LISAA, Université Gustave Eiffel, 28 September 2022, Auditorium de la Bibliothèque Universitaire Georges Perec, Champs-sur-Marne, FR. Panel Discussion.

  • “The Aural Nonfiction Novel in Ira Glass’s This American Life.” Narrative Journalism Across Media: Nonfiction Ethics and Literary Aesthetics, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications, August 3-6, 2022, Detroit, US. Panel.

  • “‘And to all we appeal’: Re-Envisioning Transatlantic Mobility in Margaret Fuller’s Literary Journalism.” Literary Journalism and Justice, The Sixteenth International Conference for Literary Journalism Studies, May 12-14, 2022, virtual. Panel.

  • “Representing US Poetry’s Double Syntax.” North American Poetry 2000-2020: 2: Poetics, Aesthetics, Politics, L’Institut Universitaire de France and Université Paris Cité, June 29-July 2, 2022. Panel.

  • “Literary Journalism and U.S. Found Poetry: Intersections in Place and Temporality.” Literary Journalism and Found Poetry. “Literary Journalism Across Media.” The Fifteenth International Conference for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS-15). University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20–22 May 2021 (virtual).

  • “American Literary Journalism Studies, Envisioning Futures:The Routledge Companion to American Literary Journalism.” Panel co-chair. “Literary Journalism Across Media.” The Fifteenth International Conference for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS-15). University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20–22 May 2021 (virtual).

  • “Introduction: Literary Journalism and the City.” American Urban Literary Journalism (talk by Robert Boynton). SEA (Savoirs et Espaces Anglophone) Research Group. Lecture organizer. Université Gustave Eiffel (UGE), 7 May 2021.

  • Co-director (with Professor Marie-Françoise Alamichel) of four seminars devoted to the cultural, political and literary representations of cities for the research group Savoirs et Espaces Anglophone (SEA), Paris-Est (UPEM).

  • All Things James Baldwin. “Signatures of Witness.” James Baldwin panel discussion and book launch. Alice Craven and William Dow (eds.),Of Latitudes Unknown(2019). With Bill V. Mullen,James Baldwin: Living in Fire(2019) and Yule Caise, The American University of Paris. October 4, 2019.

  • Panel moderator. “Express Cities.” Représenter la Ville: les Mots, les Gestes et l’Esprit. Savoirs et Espaces Anglophone (SEA),Université Paris-Est UPEM. September 12–13, 2019.

  • “Faculty Reading, Summer Writing Institute,” The American University of Paris, July 2023.
  • “SIM Residency Artist Talk.” Reykjavik, Iceland. August 2023.
  • “Visiting Workshop, Ekphrasis.” University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Oct. 2023.
  • “Talk on MC3: The Medieval Temples of Kalinga.” Literary Arts Program, Brown University, Providence, RI, Oct. 2023.
  • “Reading with Translator Vincent Broqua.”Double Change, Paris, Dec. 2023.
  • “Ekphrastic Writing”. Extending the Frame: Toward a New Ekphrasis, 24 March 2022, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, US. Invited Talk.

  • Poetry reading at the Red Wheelbarrow, Paris, 19 June 2022.

  • Conducted poetry workshop for Graduate Studies, Berhampur University, January 2022, Brahmapur, India.

  • Ronald Barthes Reading Group, Spring 2022.

  • Poetry reading. The New Social Environment, Brooklyn Rail, July 8, 2020.

  • Invited speaker. Writers on Writing, Brown University, Sept. 21, 2020.

  • Poetry reading. Radical Poetry Reading, Brooklyn Rail, Nov. 11, 2020.

  • “Liquidity and the Ideal Worker: Behavioural Coping Strategies and Organisation as a Withdrawn Object,” International Critical Management Studies (ICMS) Bi-Annual Conference, Nottingham UK, 20 June 2023.
  • Earhart, Robert & Albert Cath “Stratégie à la Mode: Fashionability and Trendiness in Management Thought, Theory & Practice,” Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS) Annual Conference, Paris. 14 July 2023.
  • Earhart, Robert and Kate Zhang. “Identity Threat and Self-Adapting Strategies In a Remote Work Environment”. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO) Research Day, 17 June 2022, Paris. Conference Presentation.

  • Earhart, Robert and Farley Sawyer. “What’s the Difference? Authentic Leadership and Aesthetics.” Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), Copenhagen, 5 July 2021.

  • Earhart, Robert and Kate Zhang. “A Different Object: Eco-Tourism Adaptations in the Face of Mass Tourism in Tiger Leaping Gorge Yunnan Province, China.” Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), Copenhagen, 5 July 2021.

  • Earhart, Robert. Chair, Hypermanagement: Experiencing Complexity, ҵ Graduate Symposium, 17 Nov. 2021.

  • Chair. Re-visioning Sustainability and Management Strategy for Climate Change in a (Post) Covid-19 World, ҵ Graduate Symposium, Sept. 10, 2020

  • Earhart, Robert. “Haunted Management: Film as Metaphor, Representation and Affect for Management Pedagogy” Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism, Kings Manor, University of York, Exhibition Square, York, July 9, 2019. Management Stream Presentation.

  • Speaker at a training program for high-level Laotian civil servants in public-private partnerships and international commercial arbitration for the US government’s commercial law and development program, Vientiane, Laos. 7-10 Feb. 2023.
  • “Negotiating a Balanced Contractual Framework for PPPs.” United Nations for Europe (UNECE), 6th Forum on Public-Private Partnerships in Low- and Middle-income countries, IESE Business School and the City Council of Barcelona, 4 May 2022. Speech.

  • “Identification, Evaluation and Negotiation of PPP projects.” U.S. Department of Commerce, Commercial Law Development Program, 14 October 2022, Paris. Speech.

  • Speaker. “A Comparative Law Perspective on Transnational Anti-Corruption Enforcement,” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Comparative Law. Hosted (online) by the University of Wisconsin in Madison, 14 Oct. 2021.

  • Speaker. “Rejection, Resistance and Resonance: Recent French Responses to US Anti-Corruption Measures and Pharma ‘Class actions’ Mass Torts,” Foreign and International Committee of the Chicago Bar Association (videoconference), 14 Sept. 2021.

  • Speaker. “Essential Themes for Implementing Tools that Enable Next Level PPP’s,” World Association of PPP Units and PPP Professionals “WAPPP” Annual Congress (videoconference), Geneva, 14 June 2021.

  • Speaker. “Key Concessions/PPP Clauses and Guiding Principles, Impact of the International Centre .’Policies, Laws and Institutions’ for Attracting the Private Sector into Sustainable and Resilient PFPPP Projects,” Fifth International UNECE Forum on Public-Private Partnerships (videoconference), Geneva, 26 Apr. 2021.

  • Research presentation to ҵ Economics and Management colleagues, “Comparative French and American Law and Practice: Corruption Abroad and Mass Torts,” 8 Apr. 2021.

  • Speaker.«Responsabilités Civiles et Pénales des Dirigeants et Législation Américaine (FCPA): Evolutions Récentes et Nouveaux Enjeux»,GOVERNANCES, Paris, Feb. 4, 2020.

  • Several seminars organized by IKARIAN (with Fréderic Pierrucci) for experienced French lawyers, senior executives and general counsels on “Responsabilité Pénales des Dirigeants et Analyse des Sanctions du US Departement du Justice,” April 2, May 16, October 24, 2019.

  • Training Session for French prosecutors, judges and investigators on “La Responsabilité Pénale des Personnes Morales,” organized by the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (Directors-Vice Procureur, TGI de PARIS, Premier Vice-Procureur TGI Nanterre), December 17, 2019.

  • Masterclass on mergers and acquisitions, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), organized by colleague Doris Speer, December 4–5, 2019.

  • "Compliance et Gouvernance – Le Cas Alstom" (with Fréderic Pierrucci and Marcus Asshoff), Le Cercle des Administrateurs de SCI PO Alumni – October 24, 2019.

  • Conference paper presentation – “Mass Torts: Dispute Resolution in France and the USA: The Vioxx and Mediator Cases Compared” – at the University of Missouri, ASCL Annual Meeting, October 17, 2019.

  • Conference paper presentation at ALSB Annual Meeting: “Assaulting the New Citadel: Individual Responsibility Vs. Corporate Irresponsibility, Addiction, Lack of Choice and Fraud as Bases for Legal Redress for Third Parties.” Montreal, August 10, 2019.

  • Moderator at expert seminar, “JCPOA: Can Europe keep it alive?” at ҵ, February 11, 2019.

  • Participant and presenter on migration and cultural hybridity at 19th Forum de Bamako. “Nouvelles identités entre l'Europe et l'Afrique (y compris la diaspora africaine transatlantique) via la littérature francophone,” February 22–24, 2019.

  • Presentation of research at the5th biennialconference of ERGOMAS (European Research Group on Military and Society), “Vo Nguyen Giap: Leadership and the Evolution of Vietnamese Strategic Culture.” Lisbon, Portugal, June 17–21, 2019.

  • Ran a series of online workshops on “Communication for Development” for three cohorts of students from India and Australia.

  • “Network failures and endless meetings: practical problems and design solution for activist participation,” Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study Annual Conference, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Oct. 2023.
  • “"Creative Manifesto for a Critical AI Future,” Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona, Spain. Dec. 2023.
  • “The Danger of Conflation: What is Antisemitism,” Spui25, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dec. 2023.
  • “Collectivity in Privacy and Security Design,” Infraresistance: tools for anti-colonial organizing, Transnational Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dec. 2023.
  • “Collective Listening: Protests, Assemblies, and Digital Platforms.” Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University, 31 March 2022, online. Invited Talk.

  • “Technology, Activism, and the Social Good”. ҵ Presidential Lecture Series, 3 February 2022, online. Lecture.

  • “COLBAC: Shifting Cybersecurity from Hierarchical to Horizontal Designs,” New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW '21), online, 2021.

  • “State Apps & The Digital Citizen,” The Digital State: Technology and Government in Pandemic Times, annual conference of the Centre for Digital Culture at the Art and Humanities Research Institute, King's College, London, online, 2021.

  • “What Makes an Open Source Project Critical Digital Infrastructure?” with Argyri Panezi, Digital Infrastructure: Building Our Digital World, Ford Foundation, 2020.

  • “Radical Protocols: Designing Democratic Digital Tools in Social Movements,” Eindhoven University of Technology, Philosophy & Ethics group, 2020.

  • “Radical Protocols: Designing Democratic Digital Tools in Social Movements,” Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture and Society, University ofEdinburgh, 2020.

  • Workshop facilitator, governance of FOSS projects, SustainOSS, Brussels, 2020.

  • “Radical Protocols and Systemic Failures: Designing Digital Tools in Social Movements,” at the Annual Conference of the Institute for Protest and Movement Research, Weizenbaum Institut for the Networked Society, Berlin, 2019.

  • Panel moderator, "Theater, Space, and Time," Digital Civil Society Conference, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2019.

  • "The Romantic Agon of the MIDI Protocol," with Martin Scherzinger,SIGCIS (Special Interest Group for Computing, Information, and Society), Society for the History of Technology annual conference, Milan, 2019.

  • "Inclusion, Distribution, Decentralization: How Democratic Social Movements Design Communication Technologies, and What They Tell Us About Theory,"Democratic Theory and Practice(Political Theory Specialist Group), Political Science Association of Ireland annual conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 2019.

  • Co-facilitator, "Coding Caring: Human Values for an Intimate AI,"study-workshop, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 2019.

  • Presentation of "Hold Up Half the Sky," Akademie Schloss Solitude,Stuttgart,Germany, 2019.

  • Invited talk, Department of Political Science, Trinity College, Dublin, 2019.

  • “We Are Nature Defending Herself: Decentering the Human Through Collective Listening and Coordinated Silence in Climate Protest," Voice and Environment, ICI Berlin, 2019.

  • Invited talk, “Radical Protocols: Designing Digital Tools in Social Movements, from Tahrir to Occupy to République,” Center for American Studies and Research, American University of Beirut, 2019.

  • “Channel: Technology and Infrastructure,” Regenerative Feedback: On Listening and Its Emancipatory Potential, Rotterdam, 2019.

  • Gave a seminar on “Contemporary Critique of Luxury” at ҵ to a group of visiting students from the Department of Philosophy at Radboud University, 2 May 2022.

  • Presented the first version of the paper “Socio-natural ropes in Smith and Marx” as part of the Panel on "Ideology and Science in the Multinaturalist Conjunct" at the American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, 16 June 2022, online.

  • Presented the paper “Institution and Organisation” in the Rethinking Institutions: Heterodox and Critical Perspectives Workshop at the Institute of Philosophy within the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC Sazu), 25 August 2022.

  • Presented the second version of the paper “Socio-natural ropes in Smith and Marx” at the Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy at the University of Melbourne, 28 November 2022.

  • “Lying is a Bloodsport: Theatricality in Barbara Cassin’s Work,” Online English and Theatre Studies Seminar, University of Melbourne, 26 Mar. 2021.

  • Hosted invited guest, Dr. Robert Boncardo (University of New South Wales), for a guest lecture on Alain Badiou’s political philosophy in class PO/PL2003 Introduction to Political Philosophy, Jan. 17, 2020.

  • “Genealogy and Comparative Ontology of Political Action in European Modernity.” College Internationale de Philosophie Research Seminar. Hosted invited speaker, Stephen Sawyer, “Was There a Modern Democratic Tradition?” Feb. 6, 2020.

  • Hosted invited guest, Katharina Kraus, “Kant on Personhood.” University of Notre-Dame, Mar. 12, 2020.

  • Elodie Djordjevic, «Qu’est-ce qu’une action politique? Le politique, l’historique et l’étatique dans la conception hégélienne des conditions de l’action».Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, Nov. 5, 2020.

  • Frank Ruda. “The Excluded and Grotesque Sovereigns. Luhmann, Foucault, Hegel.” University of Dundee, Dec. 3, 2020.

  • Gilles Marmasse. "L'homme dans l'Etat selon Hegel." Université de Poitiers, Dec. 10, 2020.

  • Presentations at the Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy at the University of Melbourne, December 4–6, 2019.

  • “Bolshevik and Jacobin Revolutions: From Religious Iconoclasm to Political Idolatry.” 3rd International Conference on The Visual Culture of Iconoclasm and Atheism, Center for Icon Studies, 11 June 2022, online. Conference Presentation.
  • Symposium on Qualitative Interviewing Practices and Practising. Department of Sociology, York University, online. Jan. 2023.
  • Bischoping, Katherine, Zed Gao & Edumund Siu. “Chinese migrants’ uses of ‘roots’ and ‘leaves’ metaphors in the construction of their sense of belonging.” The 39th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. 14-16 June 2023.
  • “Chinese Immigrants’ ‘Double Unbelonging’ amid International Tensions and Covid-19” in S. Wang., Contemporary China and its diasporas: the contribution of the social sciences, EHESS: École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Aubervilliers, France. 10 January 2023
  • “Human Agency in Chinese Communist Revolution: Between Science and Ideology”. The history of Science Colloquium, University of Erfurt, Dec. 2022, online.

  • Chinese Immigrants’ “Double Unbelonging” amid International Tensions and Covid-19. Virtual Salon, The Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology, Division 5 of The American Psychological Association, Nov 2022, online.

  • Co-organizer of the symposium entitled “Deglobalization and Psychosocial Life”. Biennial Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, June 2022, online.

  • “The Cultural Politics of Deglobalization through the Case Study of Chinese Immigrants’ ‘Double Unbelonging’.” Symposium entitled “Deglobalization and Psychosocial Life”, Biennial Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, June 2022, online.

  • Gao, Zhipeng and Thomas Teo. Symposium. “Theorizing the Psychology of Deglobalization,” APA Annual Convention. Co-organizers: Thomas Teo. Participants: Catarina Kinnvall, Thomas Teo, James Liu, Sunil Bhatia and Zhipeng Gao. Online, Aug. 2021.

  • Gao, Zhipeng. “Theorizing Chinese Immigrants’ ‘Double Unbelonging’ in an Era of Deglobalization.” In symposium “Theorizing the Psychology of Deglobalization.” APA Annual Convention, online, Aug. 2021.

  • Gao, Zhipeng. “The Transnational Containment of Bodies and Citizenship amid the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Bodies on the Edge of Citizenship Conference, University of Portsmouth, UK, online, July 2021.

  • Gao, Zhipeng. “Trauma of Revolution: A Communist Patient’s Management of Neurasthenia.” Annual Meeting of Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences, online, June 2021.

  • Gao, Zhipeng. “Between Agency and Nature: Psychosomatic Healthcare in Socialist China, 1949-1965.” Annual Conference of Association for Asian Studies, online, Mar. 2021.

  • Webinar on “One year of Biden Presidency: what's next?”. La Fondation Prospective & Innovation, 28 January 2022. Invited Talk.

  • "Toward an Alternative Transatlantic Strategy “. Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, 13 Sept. 2022. Speech.

  • Attended and participated in the “Geostrategy, Oman and the Gulf” Conference, Oman National Defense College, 25 Dec. 2022, Oman.

  • “Les premières actions diplomatiques de Joe Biden, vues d’Europe.” Cycle “Les Etats-Unis et le monde,” La Fondation Prospective & Innovation, 11 Feb. 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVdAAfEEHcc.

  • “Key Regional Focal Points of Major Power Rivalry before WWI, WWII, the Cold War and Today.” Videoconference, Florida Political Science Association, Mar. 2021.

  • Not a New Cold War: It is Even More Dangerous” Tedxҵ talk, The American University of Paris, 4 Dec. 2021,.Text: https://wsimag.com/economy-and-politics/68323-not-a-new-cold-war.

  • “Geostrategy, Oman and the Gulf.” Conference: National Defense University, 26 Dec. 2021.

  • Fondation Prospective et Innovation.Les Premières Actions Diplomatiques de Joe Biden, Vues d’Europe - Cycle “Les Etats-Unis et Le Monde.”2021,.

  • Talk. “Trump and the Geopolitics of the New Arms Race.” Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), Mexico, Feb. 20, 2020.

  • Talk. “Session 5: The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on American Power and Transatlantic Relations.” Geneva Center for Security Policy, June 10, 2020,.

  • “Trump and the Global Crisis.” Class of Larry Leck, College of Lake County, July 2020.

  • Invited speaker. “Russia, China, Iran, Cyber. What Are the Greatest Challenges to European Security and How to Best Combat Them?” Economic Forum 2020, Krynica Zdrój, Poland, Sept. 8–10, 2020. Unable to attend due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Lecture. “US–French Security and Defense Relations.” John Hopkins University, Baltimore campus, class of former ҵ student April Wuensch, Sept. 22, 2020.

  • Publication and discussion of book,Etats-Unis, Chine, Europe: Quelle Remondialisationby Jean-Paul Betbeze, published by theFondation Prospective et Innovation. Discussion presided over by the former Prime Minister of France, Jean Pierre Raffarin, Oct. 16,2020,.

  • Co-organiser, with William Dow, and Introduction, “Documentary Poetry, Popular Politics, and Activism.” International conference. ҵ, 15-17 June 2023.
  • Co-organiser, with Thibaut Casagrande (Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle) and Flavia Bujor (Université Paris 8 Vincennes St Denis) and Introduction, “Les Corps de Guillaume Dustan.” International Conference. Paris (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle and Université Paris 8). 22-23 June 2023.
  • Organiser, and Introduction, “Making Sense of Language,” _Countertext_ international seminar. ҵ, Paris, France. 10-11 November 2023.
  • Chaired two sessions at the Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, at the American University of Paris, January 5-7, 2022. “Translation, Hybridity, Transculturation”, CounterText roundtable, November 2022.Invited speaker.

  • Gilbert, Geoff. “Occasion: Crisis, Collective Violence, and Price-Setting in Zola, 1871.” Risk, Violence, and Collective Agency conference, Institut des études avancées, Paris, May 22, 2019.

  • “Language, Work, and Shared Lives: Juliana Spahr’s Poetics of the Commons,” Cultural Literacy and Cosmopolitan Conviviality conference, Lisbon, May 11, 2019.

  • “The past as prelude, the second historic crisis of global liberalism”. Fragmented Powers: Confrontation and Cooperation in the English-speaking World, International Conference by the Center for Research on the English-speaking World, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, 25 June 2022, Paris, FR. Keynote Speech.

  • Closed seminar on “Iranian and Middle East Futures”, co-sponsored by the IreMMo (Institut de recherches sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen Orient) and the French Senate, Sénat, 1 April 2022, Paris, FR. Invited Talk.

  • Participated in the conception and scientific organization of the international conference entitled “Reimagining-reinventing Cosmopolitan spaces in conflict and post-conflict zones”, co-organized by the American University of Paris, Schaeffer Center, Sciences Po, Institute of Higher Studies of the University of Rijeka, Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory Belgrade. May 26-29, 2022, Cres, Croatia.

  • Invited speaker. “La réemergence de la Chine dans une perspective historique.” Institut d’études politiques de Lille, Feb. 3, 2020.

  • Dialogue with Professor Raffaele Laudani (University of Bologna), President of the Fondazione Innovazione Urbana, on the global implications of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fondazione Innovazione Urbana, online, Apr. 6, 2020.

  • Invited speaker. “Bringing the State Back In: Rethinking the State in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” China School of Economics and Management of Northwest University, online, Apr. 8, 2020.

  • Invited speaker. “Global Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Demeter Club, online, Apr. 30, 2020.

  • Discussant. Michael Walzer(Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton University),“On Political Action.” Horizons of Freedom conference series, IPST Belgrade-Center for Advanced Studies of Rijeka, Oct. 29, 2020.

  • Discussant. Yanis Varoufakis(Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens).“The Cunning of Freedom in Times of a Twin Authoritarianism.” Horizons of Freedom conference series, IPST Belgrade-Center for Advanced Studies of Rijeka, Oct. 30, 2020.

  • Invited speaker. “Serpents in Paradise: the Sources and Implications of the Global Retreat of Liberalism.” Horizons of Freedom conference series, Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of Belgrade, online, Dec. 3, 2020.

  • Invited speaker. “Politiques impériales au Moyen-Orient: de la Grande Bretagne aux Etats-Unis.” Irak: un État sans nation, IreMMo, French National Assembly, Dec. 12, 2020.

  • Program and organization committee of the international conference Éterniser Bourdieu. IPST Belgrade, Center for Advanced Studies of the University of Rijeka, and the École normale supérieure (ENS), Dec. 22, 2020.

  • Roundtable on Pierre Bourdieu’s work as a scholar and activist in the 1990s at the international conference Éterniser Bourdieu. IPST Belgrade, Center for Advanced Studies of the University of Rijeka, and the École normale supérieure (ENS), Dec. 22, 2020.

  • Invited artist talk at Ecole Supérieur Louis Lumiere.

  • Invited artist talk L'air Arts, Paris.

  • “Editing, translating, editing translation: the confluences and the distinctions.” Zoom lecture in the “Translation Editors Series,” the University of Iowa, USA, May 2023.
  • Participated in a roundtable (with Daniel Medin and invited guests) at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin onThe Letters of Samuel Beckett, Volume IV, March 2019.

  • Chaired two sessions at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, August 2019.

  • Plenary lecture at an international conference on “Translation and Space” at the University of Modena: “Translating Distance: Epistolary & Editorial Spaces,” Italy, May 2019.

  • “The Digital Revolution and Democratic Politics: A Problem-Solving Divergence”. Autonomy in the Digital Age: Rethinking Relationships between Humans, Technology and Society, University of Bonn, November 20-22, 2022, Bonn, Germany. Conference Presentation.

  • Introduction and response to commentators. “Billionaires in World Politics” book launch roundtable discussion, organized by Julian Culp, ҵ, Paris, 31 Mar. 2021.

  • Organized Lecture Series: Philanthropy, Power, and Democracy.

  • Organized Lecture Series: Philanthropy, Power, and Democracy.Talk by Theodore Lechterman: “Famine, Affluence, and Democracy: The Politics of Effective Altruism,” February 25, 2019.

  • Discussant at talk by Rob Reich (Stanford University): “Just Giving: Why Philanthropy is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better,” April 3, 2019.

  • “The Deep Media and Communication Structure of Degenerations (and Renewals) of Democracy.” Forum on book Degenerations of Democracy, The American University of Paris, France. 23 January 2023.
  • “Three Critiques of Disinformation Studies: Conceptual, Unneighborly, and Cryptonormative.” Proceedings of the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada. 24-27 May 2023.
  • “What is a ‘Critical’ Communication Study of ‘post-truth’ politics?” Proceedings of the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada. 24-27 May 2023.
  • “Cross-fertilizations in Theories of Post-truth Politics and Populism: It’s Not About ‘False Information.’” Proceedings of the European Consortium on Political Research, Prague, Czechoslovakia. 5-6 September 2023.
  • Organized panel on “Critiques of Post-truth” where he also presented his paper entitled “The Limits of Information/Disinformation for Post-Truth Critical Communication Theory”, International Communication Association Annual Conference, 30 May 2022. Paris, France.

  • Chaired Panel on “Populism and Media”. The Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, 29 May 2022. Paris, France.

  • Organized lecture series that culminated in a workshop with research presentations on-site and by Zoom: “Post-truth and Trust in a Globalized Society: Truth and Consequences, American University of Paris, 27 May 2022. Paris, France.

  • “From Emo- to Aggro-truth Politics: Hyper-Masculinity and Transposable Dispositions.” International Communication Association Annual Conference, online, 22 May 2021.

  • “Attention, Post-truth, and New Communication and Media Technologies.” The American University of Paris, Faculty Convocation Address, 8 Sept. 2021,/news-events/news/2021-09-07/convocation-launching-aup%E2%80%99s-60th-anniversary.

  • “Aggro-Truth: Toxic White Masculinity and Post-Truth Politics.” International Communication Association Annual Conference, online, May 24, 2020.

  • “Plenary Address: Reflections on Publishing, Publics and Post-Truth Society.” Annual Conference of Information, Medium and Society, online, July 2, 2020.

  • “Communication, Culture, and Post-Truth Politics.” NYU Research Seminar Lecture Series (convenor: Radha Hegde), online, Oct. 12, 2020.

  • “Affect and Emotion Theory in Contemporary Politics,” invited talk for Global Communications Research Seminar, American University of Paris, April 2019.

  • “Quel est la situation post-verité en France ? Considerations des cas récents,“ Forum francophone de Recherche (initiative de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie and The American University of Paris), Paris, France, April 25, 2019.

  • “Donald Trump’s Emo-Truth Politics: A Critical Cultural Approach,” Cultural Studies Association annual conference, New Orleans, May 28, 2019.

  • “Post-Truth and Liberal Democracy: Origins and Futures,” Plenary Speaker Address, 7th International Congress on Social Sciences, Paris, July 17, 2019.

  • Participant. “La ‘saulce verte’ expliquée par les traités d'épidémies et de pestilences”, Salsa rabelaisienne II, The Renaissance Society of America, Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 9 March 2023.
  • Organizer and participant. “Discourse on the Plague (1347-1600): Authorities, Experience, and Experiments” (“Le discours sur la peste (1347-1600): Autorités, expérience, expérimentations”) – International Conference (organized with the participation of Véronique Montagne, Université Côte d’Azur). 19-20 October 2023.
  • “A Walk Through the Womb: François Rabelais’ Autopsying the Matrix in Guy de Chauliac’s Chirurgia magna”, Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, The American University of Paris, 6 January 2022. Panel.

  • “La ‘saulce verte’ expliquée par les traités d’épidémies et de pestilences”, Renaissance Society of America Annuel Conference, 9 March 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  • “Écrire l’histoire de la peste à la Renaissance : entre autopsie et plagiat (Marot, Rabelais, Nostradamus, Montaigne).” OIF (Organisation International de la Francophone), 19–21 avenue Bosquet, Paris, Nov. 2021.

  • “‘Oncques n’y prindrent mal’: les semeurs de la peste de Rabelais.” Journée d’études – L’art de déjouer le mal: penser “la partie prophylactice et conservatrice de santé,” Basel, Switzerland, October 18–19, 2019.

  • Hollinshead-Strick, Cary & Quandt, Karen: Wabash College “The Ecologies of Paper Making and Print Production in Nineteenth Century France,” Cultural Production in the 19th Century -Retrouvailles et Reprises, Université Paris Cité, Paris, France. 19-20 June 2023.
  • “The 19th-Century Literary Passage from Plant Paper to Wood Pulp,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA 9-11 November 2023.
  • “From Rags to Wood Pulp: When the Ciseleur Supplants the Chiffonnier”. Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, 1 November 2022, New York, USA. Conference Presentation.

  • “Hydrology and Paper Production: On the Situatedness of a Paper Trope”. Cultural Production in the 19th Century, Le Franchissement / Crossings, 16-17 June 2022, online. Conference presentation.

  • Chaired two sessions in the Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, at The American University of Paris between the dates January 5-7, 2022.Invited Sima Godfrey (U. of British Columbia) to give a talk entitled, "Cultural Memory, National Identity, and Collective Forgetting: Crimea, the war the French won and forgot." on April 25, 2022, online.

  • “The Power of Staying Put: Bad News as Good Sustenance in Nineteenth-Century Print Tropes.” Nineteenth Century French Studies Colloquium, 30 Oct. 2021, Washington, D.C.

  • “Text Puréed or in Patches: The Epistemology of Alimentary Metaphors from Balzac to Zola.” Session in honor of Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson. MLA, Seattle, Washington, Jan. 11, 2020.

  • “Choosing to Keep the Feuilleton: Handwork as Valorization of Popular Literature.” Cultural Production in the Nineteenth Century – Transgressions: Censorship and Self-censorship, Université Paris 7, Paris, June 18, 2019.

  • “Scissors of Enchantment, or How to Cut a Book from Your Newspaper.” https://ncfs2019.fsu.edu/. Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, Sarasota, Florida, October 31–November 2, 2019.

  • “On the Persistence of the Mummy Paper Idea in France.” Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, January 3–6, 2019.

  • Co-organized and represented ҵ at the International Neuropsychological Society conference, in Barcelona, June 2022.
  • Hosted Gender and Medieval Studies: Resilience, Persistence and Agency Conference at the American University of Paris, 5-7 January 2022.

  • “Ventriloquism and Pious Infidelity in Premodern European and South Asian Devotional.” Comparative Approaches to Gender and Mysticism, Ashoka University, India, 17 Mar. 2021.

  • “Kama and Tapas: A Poetics of Kavya, A Praxis of Piety.” Gender in Global Medieval Mysticism, Ashoka University, Sonepat (Haryana, India), Sonepat and online, conference presentation, 17 Mar. 2021.

  • “The Nature of Conduct and Its Orientations in Fourteenth-Century France.” Gender and

  • Medieval Studies: “Gender, Science and the ‘Natural’ World.” Swansea University, UK, Jan. 6–8, 2020.

  • “Beyond Technologies of Self: Pushing Back the Boundaries of Medieval Conduct.” Twelfth Biennial Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Sydney, February 5–8, 2019.

  • “From Vogue to French Vogue: visual culture and national identities in the American and French fashion press, 1920-1940 or The quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns in the fashion press”. La circulation transatlantique de la mode au XXe sièclc: aspects Culturels et symboliques, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, 14 novembre 2022, online. Conference Presentation.

  • “La garçonne, fille de la guerre ?". Colloque International Itinéraires de la Garçonne, Université d’Angers. 16-17 septembre 2022. Conference Presentation.

  • Organized panel “Archiving Fashion”. American University of Paris, 9 June 2022, Monttessuy Center for the Arts, Paris.

  • Organized “Made By. Repenser la notion de travail et le rôle de l’immigration dans la mode/ Made By. Rethinking Labour and Immigration in Fashion”, the research seminar on Fashion Histories and Cultures, Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent (IHTP-CNRS), 1 December. 2022, Paris.

  • Organized research seminars on “Fashion Histories and Cultures” (CNRS-ҵ) with Renate Stauss on April 21, June 16, October 6 and December 1st, 2022.

  • Organized a talk on “Industrial Perspectives” with Renate Stauss, June 9, 2022.

  • Keynote speaker at the Conference entitled “Russie / Ukraine - Écoute et dialogue face au péril", organized by ASCPE, 24 April 2022, Paris.

  • Keynote speaker at the Conference entitled “100th anniversary celebrations of Archdiocese of Orthodox Churches of Russian Tradition in Western Europe”, Cathédrale Saint-Alexandre-Nevsky, 26 June 2022, Paris.

  • Keynote speaker, homecoming exercises, Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe Saint Serge, Paris, 3 Oct. 2021..

  • Public lecture, "Le Transsibérien," Université Populaire de Poissy & Association Linguarik; Théâtre Blanche de Castille, Poissy, September 22, 2019.

  • Online conference presentation. “The 2030 sustainable development agenda: putting ‘culture’ back in its place.” Towards More Sustainable Development, online conference organized on 2 Nov. 2023 by the International Cultural Relations Research Alliance.
  • Management of the Education Program of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, designed and launched in 2017 : commission of 2 Massive Open Online Courses and of teaching resources for IB schools on the Trust’s flaghsip programmes; the negotiation of short courses and workshops with 5 schools of architecture; 10 public lectures, both live and online.
  • “The Presence of Perec’s Je me souviens… in Francophone Works or How to Create a Literary Memory of Past Traumatic Events.” Perec : Je me souviens. Je me souviens de Perec. Perec: I remember. I remember Perec. MLA Convention 2023. San Francisco, USA. 5-8 Jan. 2023.
  • “Reclaiming Việt Nam: Memory and Embodied Transmission in Papin’s Les Os des filles.” Women, Memory, and Intergenerational Transmission in the Francophone World. Women in French Australia. Virtual Seminar Series, 29 Nov. 2023.
  • Invited talk. “Gaël Faye’s Petit Pays: L’histoire de la région des Grands Lacs et d’un enfant.” University of Winsconsin-La Crosse, USA, 8 Dec. 2023.
  • “Passé, exil et souffrance : le corps-archive dans Les Os des filles de Line Papin.” SELF XX-XXI – Expériences, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, 16-18 June 2022, Paris, France. Conference Presentation.

  • Co-organized with Dominique Carlini-Versini from Durham University, UK. “Bodies, Borders, and Boundaries”. Women in French Australia, CFP Seminar Series, October 2022 – April 2023, online.

  • Co-organized “Orientalisme et occidentalisme : poétique du déplacement et éthique de la relation.” Keynote lecture by Mounira Chatti from Université Bordeaux Montaigne. American University of Paris, 15 February 2022, online.

  • Laurent, Caroline D. “(Mi)Lieu de Mémoire: Southeast Asian Identities in Paris’s Chinatown.” Postcolonial Realms of Memory: Sites and Symbols in the Modern Francosphere. Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. Florida State University. Tallahassee, 7–8 Oct. 2021.

  • Levinson, Sharman (2019) “Circulations of Concern with the ‘Uncertainty of Signs of Death’ in mid–18th Century France: A Historical and Cultural Translation Perspective.” 24th annual meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences, (University of Vilnius) Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8–11, 2019.

  • Levinson, Sharman (2019) "Repetition of the Singular and Accumulation of the Exceptional in Jacques-Jean Bruhier D’Ablaincourt’s (1742)."Dissertation sur l’Incertitude des signes de la mort et l’abus des enterremens et embaumens précipités.38th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, (Central European University) Budapest, Hungary, July 4–6, 2019.

  • “Automated reasoning in normative detachment structures with ideal conditions.” Conference talk at.

  • “NAI: The Normative Reasoner.” Demo in.

  • “The NAI Suite – Drafting and Reasoning over Legal Texts.” Conference talk in JURIX 2019.

  • “The NAI Tutorial.” Half-day tutorial in ICAIL 2019.

  • “Automated Reasoning on Legal Texts.” Invited tutorial in ReMeP 2019.

  • Organized panel "Bodily Relics and Anatomies of the Sacred.” Renaissance Society of America (RSA), March 30-April 2, 2022. Dublin, Ireland.

  • “Visions in Stone: Illusion and the Devotional Gaze in Borromeo’s Sacred Images.” Renaissance Society of America (RSA), virtual, 20 Apr. 2021.

  • “Artists’ Academies and the Ideation of ‘Divine Things’ in the Age of Reform,” Renaissance Society of America (RSA), Toronto, March 17–19, 2019. Paper presented.

  • “‘The Flux and Fog of Matter’: Materiality and the Senses in Sebastiano del Piombo’s Devotional Painting,” Fellows Seminar Series, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, University of Toronto, February 8, 2019. Paper presented.

  • “The Artist’s Faculties and the Artistic Process,” The Renaissance Society of America (RSA), Toronto, March 17–19, 2019. Panel co-organized with Colin Murray.

  • The Early Modern Interdisciplinary Graduate Forum, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, University of Toronto, January 15, 2019. Panels chaired.

  • Presentation of paper “Dalit Feminist Resistance” at the annual Law, Culture and the Humanities conference, Ottawa, Ontario, March 22–23, 2019.

  • Organized public lecture by Alain Badiou, “Ontologie et mathématiques,” hosted at ҵ, June 17, 2019.

  • “Fighting impunity,”, Documenting Terror in Syria. Institut d’études Politiques, Sciences Po, Paris, 30 March 2023.
  • “Quelle sortie de crise au Liban?” Euromed-IHEDN, Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale, Paris, 12 April 2023.
  • “"Beyrouth : Capitale de l’impunité ?" Le Bloc National, Comet Meetings, Paris, 23 Sept.2023.
  • “"Identités, Mutations et Soft Power,” Les transformations dans les sociétés du Proche-Orient, Galerie Leegenhoek, Paris, France. 26 Sept.2023.
  • “Gaza: Can the conflict be contained?" American Graduate School, AGS, Paris, France. 16 Oct. 2023.
  • “"How to understand the situation in Gaza and Israel?” ҵ’s SGA History and Politics, American University of Paris, 25 Oct. 2023.
  • “The war on Gaza and its repercussions in Lebanon,” Policy discussions series, Kulluna Irada, Beirut, Lebanon. 26 Nov. 2023.
  • “Crimes, Occupation, Fragmentation, and Impunity: 12 years of the struggle for Syria,” King’s College program of Middle East Studies, King’s College, London, UL, 29 Nov. 2023.
  • “Gaza: les racines du conflit et les solutions pour une paix durable,” Association Medina, Musée d’histoire naturelle, Bourges, Belgium, 14 Dec. 2023.
  • Talk on the reasons of the Russian invasion of Ukraine at the ҵ community event in Support of Ukraine, March 8, 2022.

  • " La guerre en Ukraine vue du Proche-Orient". Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient (IREMMO), March 16, 2022, Paris. Invited Talk.

  • “Syria’s Ongoing war and Lessons for Ukraine”. Edition Nautilus, March 15, 2022. Berlin. Discussion.

  • “Le Monde Arabe face à la guerre en Ukraine”. L’Institut du Monde Arabe, March 31, 2022, Paris. Invited talk.

  • “Les conséquences de la guerre en Ukraine, Voix des Victimes”. April 8, 2022, Geneva, Switzerland. Invited Talk.

  • “Le Liban d’hier à demain”. The American University of Beirut, 27 Oct. 2022, Beirut, Lebanon. Invited talk.

  • “How are we convinced? Or, where do we derive our convictions from?”. Arab Intellectuals in the 20th & 21st Centuries, Symposium organized by the Center for Arab & Middle Eastern Studies (AUB), the Mohammad Atallah Chair for Ethics (AUB,) and the Institut Français du Proche-Orient (IFPO), American University of Beirut, 24 March 2022. Panel Discussion.

  • “Confessionalisme, violance, pandémie et bandits: comment le soulèvement populaire fut étouffé”. LA “THAWRA” D’OCTOBRE 2019, trois ans après: de l’espoir à la désillusion?, L’Institut des sciences politiques de l’USJ, Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut, 28 Oct. 2022. Conference Presentation.

  • “Syrie : le pays brûlé”. L’Institut Français, 30 Oct. 2022. Beirut, Lebanon. Invited Talk.

  • “Comment le Liban peut-il surmonter ses crises successives”. Fondation Boghossian, Villa Empain, 24 Nov. 2022, Brussels, Belgium. Discussion.

  • “Le livre noir des Assad”. 44th edition of Le Livre sur La Place, 26 Nov. 2022. Nancy.

  • “Les conséquences de l’impunité en Syrie” IREMMO, 28 Nov. 2022, Paris. Invited Talk.

  • “Liban  trois ans après la thawra: état des lieux”. iReMMO-SUD, 7 Dec. 2022. Marseille. Discussion.

  • Conference “Les Paris de la Russie en Syrie”, organized by Institut du Monde Arabe- Tourcoing, 28 January 2022. Invited Talk.

  • “Regards libanais sur la turbulance du monde: Kosovo, 11-Septembre, Afghanistan, Irak”. Les Rencontres du CCMO, Collège de France, Site Ulm, 31 March 2022, Paris. Discussion.

  • “Public and Private Freedoms in Lebanon.” Secular club at the Saint Joseph University, Beirut, Feb. 2021.

  • “Regards sur 10 ans de revolutions.” Mouvement pour le socialisme et Femmes pour la démocratie, Geneva, Mar. 2021.

  • “Syrie: 10 ans après.” University of Toulouse, Apr. 2021.

  • Majed Ziad, “Michel Kilo ou la vie et la mort d’un intellectuel syrien.” Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, Apr. 2021.

  • “La Syrie dix ans de guerre.” Iremmo (Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient), Paris, May 2021.

  • “Revolutions and Counter Revolutions in the Arab World.” Association of Foreign Affairs, Malmo, May 2021.

  • “L’Alterpolitique: Anthropologie critique et imaginaire radicale.” University de Toulouse, May 2021.

  • “Horror and Its Representations.” (Arabic). Mena Prison Forum, Beirut, June 2021.

  • “Liban: la faillite d’un état.” Iremmo (Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient), Paris, Oct. 2021.

  • “Echos artistiques et culturels de Beyrouth.” Brussels, Nov. 2021.

  • “Le Liban: une mission une histoire.” Amitiés limousins libanais, Limoge, Dec. 2021.

  • “Regional Rivalry and Iranian Role in Lebanon.” Carnegie International, Beirut, Dec. 2021.

  • “Géopolitique des religions.” IRIS (Institut des Relations Iinternationales et Stratégiques), Paris, Dec. 2021.

  • «La nouvelle génération arabe et ses aspirations politiques». Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, Feb. 2020.

  • «Samir Kassir, le parcours d’un intellectual». Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, Mar. 2020.

  • “Deliberative Democracy and Its Approaches.” The Kettering foundation, Dayton, Ohio, USA, online, July 2020.

  • “The Crisis of Lebanon.” Saint Olaf College, USA, online, Aug. 2020.

  • “The Decline of the Lebanese System.” The Council for Arab-British Understanding, online, Sept. 2020.

  • “The Regional Consequences of the Syrian Conflict.” American Graduate School, online, Oct. 2020.

  • «Liban récit d’une catastrophe». L’Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen Orient, online, Oct. 2020.

  • «Le Liban et sa crise existentielle». Mucem et Mediapart, Dec. 2020.

  • "The Impacts of Trump's Withdrawal from Syria," SOAS University of London, Khalili Lecture Theatre, March 5, 2019.

  • "Dans la tête de Bachar Al-Assad," Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, March 14, 2019.

  • "Syrie, notre propre humanité en question," French Parliament and Association Revivre, Paris, March 25, 2019.

  • "Dans la tête de Bachar Al-Assad," Association Medina, Bourges, March 26, 2019.

  • "Samir Kassir, intellectual libanais, palestinien, syrien et français assassiné à Beyrouth," Institut des cultures de l’Islam, Paris, May 2, 2019.

  • "De Santiago à Beyrouth: des luttes pour une vraie démocratie," Mediapart, November 9, 2019.

  • "Liban: soulèvement ou révolution?" Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, November 28, 2019.

  • "Liban : la révolution d’une nation?" IRemmo, Paris, December 2019.

  • Design Thinking Workshop. American University of Paris, France.
  • Organized a workshop on “Design Thinking”, which was held at ҵ, in October 2022. The guest speaker was Victor Schiller, President of R Cubed Group.

  • Panelist at a workshop on Marketing Plans at the Business School Sub de Pub in Paris, 15 Dec. 2022

  • Panel member for degree defenses at Université Catholique de l’Ouest (UCO) Bretagne Nord, France, November. 2022.

  • Organized the workshop on “Design Thinking” at ҵ, Oct. 2021.

  • Participated in a creativity workshop as organized by Prof. Valérie Lejeune of Université Catholique de l’Ouest (UCO), Bretagne Nord, June 2021.

  • Organizer of the Open Innovation Contest with guest speaker Laetitia Cuirot from Agorize, 2019.

  • Chaired a session at the “Resilience, Persistence and Agency” conference of the Gender and Medieval Studies Group, hosted at American University in Paris, January 2022.
  • “La patrimonialisation du centre historique de Tunis : vers une analyse du discours et des pratiques des acteurs, institutions et réseaux en présence.” Paper given at the monthly pluridisciplinary research seminar on the Maghreb organized by the LACNAD (Langues et cultures de l’Afrique du Nord et sa diaspora – EA 4092), INALCO, Paris, France, 1 Feb. 2023.

  • “La médina de Tunis, l’évolution de la problématique de la sauvegarde urbaine depuis les années 1960.” Lecture given with Zoubeïr Mouhli for students in the MA in Urban Design, Harvard University, at Dar Lasram, headquarters of the Association de sauvegarde de la Médina de Tunis, 22 February 2023

  • “Vers une contextualisation du projet Hafsia : notes sur le renouveau urbain et le logement social en milieu historique”. Atelier Patrimoine, Université Ibn Khaldoun, 29 Sept. 2022, Tunis, Tunisia. Lecture.

  • McGuinness, Justin and Iman Batita. “The Impact of Heritage Policies on the Appropriation of Domestic Space in the Médina (Historic Urban Core) of Tunis, 1950 to the Present.” Association for Critical Heritage Studies, fifth biennial conference, UCL – University of London, online, Aug. 26–30, 2020.

  • Presentation. McShane, William & Reint Gropp.Business Dynamism in Germany: A Cross‐Country Analysis.” 5th ZEW Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE), Mannheim, Germany. 12-13 Oct. 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel & Annie Montaut. “Translating Geetanjali Shree’s Ret samadhi (Tomb of Sand) into French”. The Center for Writers & Translators event at the American University of Paris, Feb. 2023.
  • “A Conversation about Chinatown with Thûan,” The Center for Writers & Translators event at the American University of Paris. Feb. 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel & Maaza Mengiste. “The African Country that Defeated Europe.” Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, Norway. Feb. 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel, Sandra Lillebø, Monica Isakstuen & Eivind Riise Hauge. “New Norwegian Voices.” Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, Norway. Feb. 2023.
  • “What’s Good: Daniel Levin Becker in Conversation with Nafkote Tamirat,” The Center for Writers & Translators event at the American University of Paris, 15 March 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel & Maaza Mengiste. “Casting New Light on Colonial History: An Ethiopian Epic.” Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, April 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel, Maria Stepanova & Monika Sznajderman. “Into the Family Archives, the Uncertainty and Value of Memory.” Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, April 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel, Lauren Groff & Luie Rico. “L'infinie possibilité de la fiction.” Littérature Live, Lyon, May 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel & Beata Mairesse Umubyeyi. “Small Odysseys.” International Literature Festival, Dublin, Ireland. May 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel & Gunnhild Øyehaug. “Picking Evil Flowers.” American Library in Paris in collaboration with CWT, NORLA, and Shakespeare and Company, Paris, France. 13 Sept. 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel, Gabriela Admesteanu, Marisa Cornejo & Han Kang. “Comment dire les traumas de l’Histoire.” Le Livre sur les quais, Morges, Sept. 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel, Nathasha Brown & Han Kang. “On Fractured Identities, Connections and Communication," Le Livre sur les quais, Morges, Sept. 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel, Gabriela Adamesteanu, Radu Bata, & Ioanid Radu. “Rencontre des ambassadeurs: Découvrir la littérature roumaine.” Le Livre sur les quais, Morges, Sept. 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel & Angelia Ammer. “Translating Fernanda Melchor’s Parasais into German”. American University of Paris, October 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel & Maria Stepanova. “Possible Lives”. American Library in Paris in collaboration with CWT as part of the Entre Nous series co-organized by Columbia Global Centers and the Institute for Ideas and the Imagination, November 2023.
  • Medin, Daniel & Juan Gabriel Vasquez

  • “Literary Activism,” lecture for the Institute of Germanic Languages and Literature at Bern University, Bern, December 2022.

  • “Geflüster pflücken: Gedichte aus dem Tagalog übersetzen” with Annette Hug and Eva Schestag, part of the series Weltlyrikubersetzen hosted by the Comparative Literature Department of the Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, November 2022.

  • “Autobiographical Writing: A Work in Progress” with Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse, Musée d’Aquitaine, Bordeaux, October 2022.

  • “Portraying the Self, Portraying Others” with Anne Weber and Tess Lewis, CWT event at American University of Paris, September 2022.

  • “Dark Neighborhood: A Reading and Conversation with Vanessa Onwuemezi,” CWT event at American Library of Paris, June 2022.

  • “Democracy in Danger: Caring for our future” with Sjón, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, May 2022.

  • “Allure and Danger of Memories: Considering the Past” with Kapka Kassabova and Georgi Gospodinov, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, May 2022

  • “A Conversation about Hurricane Season” with Fernanda Melchor, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, February 2022.

  • “In the Details” with Adania Shibli, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, February 2022.

  • “A Conversation about the Annotated Arabian Nights” with Yasmine Seale, CWT event at American University of Paris, February 2022.

  • “Negligible Stories, Famous Families” with Joshua Cohen, American Library in Paris, January 2022.

  • “Specters of Violence: A Conversation with Jakuta Alikavasovic and Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse.” CWT event in collaboration with Schaeffer Center at The American University of Paris, Nov. 2021.

  • “A Conversation with Lauren Elkin aboutA Diary of a Year on the Bus.” Visit to First Bridge class of CL1091: Autobiographical Writing, Nov. 2021.

  • “Reconstructing Ourselves: Confronting Memory and Trauma” with Andrés Neuman, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, June 2021.

  • “Life Interrupted” with Jorge Comensal and Susana Moreira Marques, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, June 2021.

  • “Excavating the Language: Fragments and Silences” with Adania Shibli, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, June 2021.

  • Endnote at Translating (and) World Literature across the University, GLCA Virtual Conference, DePauw

  • University, Apr. 2021.

  • “Fifty Sounds: A Reading and Talk by Polly Barton,” CWT event at The American University of Paris (virtual), Apr. 2021.

  • “The Midlife Mind: Literature and the Art of Aging.” Panelist for launch of book by Ben Hutchinson with author, Lucy Campos, Jeremy Carrette and Claire Davison, University of Kent in Paris (virtual), Mar. 2021.

  • “River and Life” with Esther Kinsky, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, Feb. 2020.

  • “Dreams from the War” with Mazen Maarouf, Bergen International Festival, Feb. 2020.

  • “Literary Celebrity, Activism, and the Industry,” panel with Alice Guthrie, Charlotte Ryland, Alan Taylor and Elleke Boehmer at Art & Action: A Webinar Series on Literary Authorship, Politics, and Celebrity Culture,University of Oxford (virtual), Sept. 2020.

  • “Cartographies” with Mathias Enard, Irène Jacob and Lucie Campos, Villa Gilet, Lyon, Oct. 2020.

  • “A Conversation with Eduardo Halfon,” CWT event at ҵ, November 2019.

  • “Arabic Literature in Translation: A Masterclass.” Workshop for young writers of promise from the Arabic world; mentors include Alaa Al-Aswany and Adania Shibli. Sponsored by Foundation KfW Stiftung and the Commonwealth Foundation. Frankfurt, October 2019.

  • “A Conversation with Alaa Al-Aswany,” panel at The Politics of Translation: Arabic Literatures in Europe, Frankfurt, October 2019.

  • “Publishing Arabic Literature in Translation,” panel with Lynn Gaspard (Saqi Books), Elisabeth

  • Jaquette (American Literary Translators Association), Pierro Salabè (Hanser Verlag), Adiana Shibli (Palestinian author) at The Politics of Translation: Arabic Literatures in Europe, Frankfurt, October 2019.

  • “Saison der Wirbelstürme : A Conversation with Fernanda Melchor and Angelica Ammar.” Award Ceremony of the HKW International Literaturpreis, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, June 2019.

  • “Writer as a Literary Activist” with Mikhail Shishkin and Jacek Dehnel. Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, May 2019.

  • “Reversing the Gaze” with Aminatta Forna. Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, May 2019.

  • “The White Review Roundtable on Translation” with Nina Leger, Daniel Levin Becker and Zeljka Marosevic, Shakespeare & Company, Paris, May 2019.

  • “European Dreams and Fictions” with Jonathan Coe, Olivia Rosenthal, Sophie Lewis and Claudia Durastanti, Beyond Words French Literature Festival, Institut Francais London, May 2019.

  • “A Conversation About the French Edition ofTemporada de Huracanes” with Fernanda Melchor and Joachim Schnerf. CWT event at ҵ, March 2019.

  • “Berlin als Schaffensort (series)” with Dag Solstad and Audun Lindholm. Sponsored by Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin and Norwegian Literature Abroad, Literaturhaus-Berlin. March 2019.

  • “Beckett als Briefschreiber” with Dan Gunn, Gyorgy Dragoman, Chris Hirte, Ulrich Matthes and Ulrich Peltzer, Akademie der Künste (German Academy of the Arts), February 2019.

  • “What Does the Fox Say?” with Dubravka Ugresic, Bergen International Literature Festival. Bergen, February 2019.

  • “Translating Sorrow” with James Montgomery (about Cahier 32), Bergen International Festival, February 2019.

  • “What Is Literary Quality?” with Ane Farsethås, Jennifer Makumbi, Kari Marstein, Peter Nielsen, and Eirik Vassenden, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen. February 2019.

  • Wright, M. Michelle ., Montgomery, J., Maria Medved I., Roger K. & Raflei Milajerdi, H.Patient-Centered Care for Autistic Adults: Invisibility, Myths, and Moving Forward. Presented at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Rio Mar. Best Conference Research Study Award. Puerto Rico. 22-25 Oct. 2023.
  • “Narrative medicine: But what about clinical psychology?” Conference presentation. 9th Berlin Symposia of Narrative Medicine: Stories from the Health Care System. Institute of History and Ethics of Medicine, Humboldt University Berlin, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, Germany. 4 Nov. 2023.
  • Wright, M. Michelle, Montgomery, Janine, Medved, Maria I., Roger, Kerstin & Milajerdi, Homa. Patient-Centered Care for Autistic Adults: Invisibility, Myths, and Moving Forward. Presented at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Rio Mar. Puerto Rico. 22-25 Oct. 2023. Best Conference Research Study Award.

  • Board Member and co-organizer of the Berlin Conference of Narrative Medicine entitled “Narratives in medicine: Between fact and fiction”. Charité Hospital/Humbolt University, 2022, Berlin, Germany.

  • Medved, M.I. “Narrative attributions: Why people with dementia do what they do”. The 8th Annual Berlin Conference of Narrative Medicine, May 2022, Berlin, Germany. Conference Presentation.

  • Organized the workshop “The Sweetgrass Method: H.o.p.e for Indigenous People”, where Dr. Standing Eagle Baez (Bemidji State University) and Dr. Allison Baez (University of Iowa College of Public Health) gave a presentation on Indigenous Mental Health 13 Dec. 2022.

  • Board member and co-organizer. Annual Berlin Symposium of Narrative Medicine (recognized by German Medical Association for continuing education credits), Charité Hospital/Humbolt University, 2021.

  • Online speaker. “Gender and Covid-19.” Episode One: “Why Do More Men than Women Die of Covid-19?” Episode Two: “How Does Covid-19 Impact Women?”Learning Laboratory. The American University of Paris.

  • Invited speaker. “De-Individuation and De-Personalization During the Time of Covid-19.” Psychology of Global Crises Conference, Paris, May 2020.

  • Invited speaker. “Memory and Narrative: New Alliances in the Sciences of Life.” Wissenschaften von Leben: Natur- und Kulturewissenschaften im Dialog. Salzkammergut, Austria, June 2020.

  • Wright, M.,Medved, M. I., Montgomery, J., Roger, K.“Understanding Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Clinical Encounter.”Presented at the International Conference for Communication in Healthcare. Conference award winner, Sept. 2020.

  • Co-organizer of The Psychology of Global Crises (open access synchronous and asynchronous conference with 64 presenters, 10 panels, 2,000 participants, 10,000 YouTube views).

  • Co-organizer of the Annual Berlin Symposium of Narrative Medicine (recognized by German Medical Association for continuing education credits), Charité Hospital/Humboldt University on theme of Narratives in Medicine: Between Fact and Fiction.

  • Medved, M. I. “Broken Brains, Shattered Rationality?” Presented at the Literacies, Cultures and Minds Symposium. Calgary, Canada, May 2019.Invited talk.

  • Kenyon, K. M., Hiebert-Murphy, D., Ristock, J., and Medved, M. I.Situating the Empowerment Experiences of Women in Domestic Violence Shelters.”Presented at the 3rdEuropean Conference on Domestic Violence, Oslo, Norway, September 2019. Conference presentation.

  • Medved, M. I. “Apples, Currants, and Machines.” Presented at the 7th Annual Berlin Symposium of Narrative Medicine, Berlin, Germany, November 2019. Conference presentation.

  • “L’article “Philosophie arabe” de l’Encyclopédie par Diderot : les ferments d’un antisémitisme scientifique,” Conference “Typologies de l’islam occidental dans les encyclopédies, les dictionnaires et les lexiques européens aux XVIIIe et XIXe s.”, Nancy, France. 16-17 March 2023.
  • "La dialectique (ğadal) aux IVe/Xe et Ve/XIe s. : voie théologienne et voie philosophique. L’intervention avicennienne ,” Workshop “L’art de la conversation dans la culture arabe,” 5e Congrès des études sur le Moyen-Orient et les Mondes Musulmans (GIS MOMM/CNRS), Lyon, France. 11 July 2023.
  • “Philosophie et théologie dans le cercle de Bagdad au IVe/Xe s. : une lecture de la Muqābasa (“Séance” ) 48 d’Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī,” 11th International Conference of the S.I.H.S.P.A.I. : “Raison et Nature : Science, philosophie et théologie dans l'Islam classique et post-classique,” Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany. 6 Sept. 2023.
  • “La dialectique (ğadal) aux IVe /Xe et Ve /XIe s. : voie théologienne et voie philosophique. L’intervention avicennienne”. Forum Insaniyyat, Université de la Manouba, Université de Tunis, 21 Sept. 2022, Tunis, Tunisia. Conference Presentation.

  • “Construction d’une identité savante en temps de crise : l’exemple du philosophe al-Fārābī en contexte abbasside (Xe-XIIIe s.).” Table ronde pôle TELL (Temps, Espace, Lettres, Langues), Université de Lorraine, “Crises et (re) constructions d’identité, de l’Antiquité à nos jours.” Pont-à-Mousson, 22 Nov. 2021.

  • “Une image des dialecticiens et des théologiens dans leKitāb al-Ğadald’Avicenne,” colloquium in Naples for the Société Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie Arabe et Islamiques, September 2019.

  • Participation in the SCWCA 2023 Conference “Inventions and Intentions: (Re)Discovering the Unique in the Familiar.” Online conference, Jan. 2023.
  • Participation in a pedagogical roundtable on the EWCA 2023 Summer Research Grants. Online conference, March 2023.
  • Invited roving mentor at AMICAL 2023 Conference (AMICAL). Funded by AMICAL. Al-Akhwawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco, 24-26 May 2023.
  • Nguyen-Luong, Q., et al. “NIKA2 Observations of Dust Grain Evolution from Star-forming Filament to T-Tauri Disk: Preliminary Results from NIKA2 Observations of the Taurus B211/B213 Filament.” Mm Universe Conference, Grenoble, France. June 2023.

  • Conference presentation. “Cultivating the Next Generation of African Leaders through Language.” ICCMI 11. Corfu, Greece. 12-14 July 2023.
  • Conference presentation. Odonkor, Evelyn. & Elyadari, Khalid. “Les conséquences psychologiqes de l’échec entrepreneurial chez les entrepreneurs marocains: une étude empirique,’’ l’Entrepreneuriat, la Créativité et l’Innovation Manageriale. Dakhla, Morocco. 7-9 Nov.2023.
  • Conference presentation. Odonkor, Evelyn, Tom Gillpatrick., Price, B. & Wood, V. “The Role of Global Higher Education Partnerships in Facilitating Africa’s Continued Economic and Social Development: A Case for the VITAL-Model.” l’Entrepreneuriat, la Créativité et l’Innovation Manageriale. Dakhla, Morocco. 7-9 Nov. 2023.
  • Conference presentation. Odonkor, Evelyn., Price B & Wood, V. “The Five Pillars of Entrepreneurship: Model Extension Featuring Three Examples of Entrepreneurship with Global Market Potential.” CIM. 2023.
  • Invited talk. George Washington University, School of Media & Public Affairs. Navigating through French Culture and “les non-dits.”
  • Odonkor, Evelyn and Jessie Pallud. “Drivers of Mobile Technology Adoption in Cuba and Ghana”. Digital Marketing, 10th Annual International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, ICCMI, July 8 -10, 2022, Naxos, Greece. Panelist.

  • Odonkor, Evelyn. “A Configurational Approach to Understanding the Drivers of Mobile Phone Usage in Developing Countries”. Digital Marketing, 10th Annual International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, ICCMI, July 8 -10, 2022, Naxos, Greece. Paper Presentation.

  • Assisted in organizing the 10th Annual Conference of Africa Business and Entrepreneurship Research Society focusing on “ Post-Covid-19 Challenges: Lessons Learned and Opportunities”, and chaired two sessions on Entrepreneurship and Education. Laval University, May 18 - 21, 2022 in Québec, Canada.

  • European Advertising Academy (ICORIA),Krems, Austria, June 27–29, 2019.

  • Odonkor, Evelyn, M. “Values and Consumer Attitudes: An Empirical Investigation Across a Selected Sample of Sub-Saharan African Countries,” International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Crete, Greece, July 10–12, 2019.

  • Odonkor, Evelyn, M. “Making Equal Opportunity Meaningful,” GLAA Conference for Humanitarian Innovation & Entrepreneurship: SDG Impact through Service-Learning,Lingnan University, Hong Kong, December 16–17, 2019.

  • Oxley, Noémie & Aziz, Fatima. “Engaging with the war in Ukraine on TikTok. Studying imaginaries of contemporary conflicts”, Paper Presentation, ICA conference, Toronto, Canada. 24-29 May 2023.
  • “Intellectual Jewish Connections Between Paris and Buenos Aires in the Early Aftermath of the Holocaust: The Case of the 9 rue Guy-Patin” (with Malena Chinski), 20th research conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, online, July 2023.
  • “The Jewish Labor Committee and Bundist Refugees from Poland to France, 1946-1949,” conference Remaking the World in the Shadow of the Cold War. Migrants, Workers, Soldiers, Spies in Post-1945 Reconstruction, Central European University, Vienna, June 2023.
  • “A Multi-Directional Contextualization: Marek Edelman’s Recovered Notes on the Warsaw Ghetto,” conference Looking at the Ghetto… The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Eighty Years in Retrospect, Dubnow Institut/Leipzig University, Leipzig, April 2023.
  • “Les témoignages vidéo de rescapés de la Shoah et les historiens. Le cas de la Visual History Archive et de la Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies,” Master seminar Archives orales et histoire des organisations, organized by Florence Descamps, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/EHESS, Paris, March 2023.
  • Roundtable participant. “Studying Television in Queer Times.” Console-ing Passions conference, Calgary, Canada. 22 June 2023.
  • Conference presentation. “Representation by Numbers, or How to Shut Down Popular Discourses of Queer Media.” International Association of Media and Communications Research, Lyon, France. 11 July 2023.
  • “Queer Media Materialities.” Guest lecture invited by Dr Diego Semerene, Oxford Brookes University, Mar. 2021.

  • Conference presentation. “Queer Fits: Towards a Theory of Queer Media Formats.” Mediating Sexualities: The Sexual Politics of Media Production and Regulation, Université de Lille, online, Nov. 3, 2020.

  • Keynote presentation. “The Queer Potential of Infrastructural Failure.” The Failure of Knowledge / Knowledges of Failure research network, University of Bayreuth, online, Dec. 10, 2020.

  • “Circulations: Researching with Affect Theory,” invited talk for Global Communications Research Seminar, The American University of Paris, February 2019.

  • “Deterioration: Infrastructures Becoming Visual” presented at Infrastructures and Inequalities conference, University of Helsinki, October 2019.

  • Panel participant. “Exemplars of Assessment in Higher Education.” The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) 2023 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, USA. 4-6 Dec. 2023.
  • C Piani, T Hung, and E Berg. “Adaptation of seed beetles to fluctuating temperatures.” Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna.
  • Initiated the international colloquium and cowrote the call. Colloque International "2015 - Récits Et Fictions Du Terrorisme.” Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris. 15-17 Nov. 2023.
  • "Drawing Invisible Women: The Complicated History of the Bande Dessinée's Female Figures." “Festival de la bande dessinée: Catriona Macleod: Inaugural Conference. American University Paris, France. 15 March 2023.
  • Organized Les Conférence francophone (Francophone Speakers’ Series): Mounira Chatti, “Orientalisme et occidentalisme : Poétique du déplacement et éthique de la relation”, 15 February 2022.

  • Organized Les Conférence francophone: Shumona Sinha “Le nom du bonheur était francais”, co-interview with Russell Williams, 1 December, 2022.

  • “Lisser les plis du réel ? Un monde à portée de mots (Maylis de Kérangal).” Colloquium: Origami – Is There Something New Between the Folds? The Fold in Literature and Arts Origami,du nouveau entre les plis ?Le Pli dans la littérature et les arts, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, May 23–24, 2019.

  • Rast, Rebekah, et al. Conference presentation. “Appropriation d’une nouvelle langue en contexte de migration.” Contact des langues et acquisition bi/plurilingue : diversité des situations, diversité des processus ? Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France. 6 July 2023.
  • Rast, Rebekah, et al. Conference Presentation. “Inflectional marking in initial L2 production: A look at input processing at first exposure.” The Fourth International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-4), Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea, 19 Aug. 2023.
  • Rast, Rebekah, et al. “Construction du discours en polonais langue cible par des apprenants débutants : interaction des propriétés des langues sources et de l’input en classe de langue”. L’acquisition de la compétence pragmatique en L2 : Journées d’études, Université Côte d’Azur, 20 October 2022, Nice, FR. Conference Presentation.

  • Rast, Rebekah, et al. “Role of frequency and L1/L2 typology in the acquisition of inflectional morphology by absolute beginners”. 31st Annual Conference of the European Second Language Acquisition (Eurosla 31), University of Fribourg, 26 August 2022, Fribourg, CHF. Conference Presentation.

  • Trévisiol, P., Rast, R. and Watorek, M. “From Processing to Production in Japanese Ln at the Initial Stages of Acquisition.” The 20th International Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Shizuoka University, Japan, online, 27 Mar. 2021.

  • Watorek, M., Majdoub, H., Rast, R. and P. Trévisiol. “Influence des différences translinguistiques dans la reconnaissance des mots en L2.” ReAL2 International conference- Influences translinguistiques : où en est-on aujourd’hui ? Université Toulouse, Jean Jaures, 7 July 2021.

  • Watorek, M., Majdoub, H., Rast, R. and P. Trévisiol. “Extracting Lexical Items from the Speech Stream at First Exposure: French Learners of Polish and Arabic.” European Second Language Association Conference 30, Universitat de Barcelona, online, 2 July 2021.

  • Trévisiol, P., Rast, R. and M. Watorek, M. “From Processing to Production in Japanese Ln at the Initial Stages of Acquisition.” The 20th International Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Shizuoka University, Japan, online, 27 Mar. 2021.

  • Invited speaker. “Instructed Third Language Acquisition: Input Processing in the First Moments of Access to the Target Language.” Seminar, MA in Applied Linguistics and Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts, University of Barcelona, 29 Jan. 2021.

  • Rast, R., M. Starren and M. Watorek. “Measuring the Language Input, Uptake and Intake of Learners Abroad.” Study Abroad Research in European Perspective: Input in Study Abroad and Views from Acquisition. Focus on Constructs, Operationalisation and Measurement Issues,COST Action Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, January 24, 2019.

  • Watorek, M., H. Majoub, R. Rast and C. Vincent. “Reconnaissance des items lexicaux dans un flux sonore par les débutants francophones apprenant le polonais et l’arabe.” Journées d’étude sur l’acquisition lexicale, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, November 21, 2019.

  • “The body performing witness: exploring in film the the embodied experience of simultaneous interpreters at atrocity tribunals” International Conference Translating Performance / Performing Translation.” École Universitaire de Recherche ArTeC. Paris, France. Invited Talk, December 2019.

  • American Fringe filmmakers, Cinematheque Française. Panel leader, November 2019.

  • Outsider Art Film Series, Paris Outsider Art Fair, American Center for Art and Culture, Paris, France, discussion leader, October 2019.

  • Invited speaker. “The discrete and lucrative charm of attention technologies”. 15ème colloque infoclio.ch 2023, Recherches sur l’attention et sciences historiques. Bern Zentrum für Kulturproduktion, Switzerland, 10 Nov. 2023.
  • Organization, attendance with students, and participation in the panel titled “EMERGE Forum on The Future of AI driven Humanity and the International Scientific Conference on Digital Society Now”. Digital Society Lab, of the University of Belgrade, 16 Dec. 2022, Belgrade, Serbia.

  • Roda, C., and S. Perry (2020) “Learning on Lockdown: A Survey of Higher Education Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Presentation to Teaching Information Literacy during COVID-19: Your Reflections and Looking Forward. AMICAL Consortium, June 17, 2020.

  • TEDxLaPosteBSCC Matière(s) – Attention, numérique, et dématérialisation – Paris, April 1, 2019.

  • "De la sorcellerie à la sagesse : Hérodote, Ovide, Apulée, Saint Augustin." Conference on Magie, Féerie, Sorcellerie Médiévales.Université de la Haute Picardie, Amiens, France, March 13–15, 2019.
  • “A Buddhist Writing Back Against Brahmanism: Intertextual and Ideological Conversion in ‘The Kukurra Jataka (Dog Jataka).” 62nd Annual Congress of the Société des anglicistes de l’enseignement supérieur (SAES), Université Rennes 2. France. 1- 3 June 2023.
  • Invited plenary speaker. “Allegories of Deforestation: A Buddhist Jatakan Ursula Le Guin’s The Word for World is Forest and Derek Walcott’s Omeros.” 18th triennial conference of the European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (EACLALS), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France. 6 June 2023.
  • “Sentences and Sensation: Rhythm as Embodied Form in Lisa Robertson’s The Fractal Baudelaire.” The Traveler’s Body in the Literature, Civilization and Arts of the English-Speaking World, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France. 13 Oct. 2023.
  • Roy, Sneharika. “ Journal du Dehors d’Annie Ernaux : un recueil de poèmes en prose ?”. Explorations. Dynamiques du déplacement en literature, University of Rennes 2, 25 November 2022, Rennes, FR. Conference Presentation.

  • “L’écosocialisme et le messianisme vert dans The Word for World is Forest d’Ursula Le Guin”. Ecologie et Environnementalisme: entre la politique et le sacré, University of Angers, 1 April 2022, Angers, FR. Conference Presentation.

  • “Un Champ d’îles : vers ‘une vision écologique de la relation’ ”. Forum francophone interdépartemental de Recherches et d’Enseignement in collaboration with the Organisation internationale de la francophonie, The American University of Paris, 14 April 2022, Paris, FR. Conference Presentation.

  • Conference presentation. “In the Name of the Father: Edward Said’s Foundational Status in Postcolonial Studies.” Name of a Discipline: Where Are “Postcolonial” Theories and Practices Going, and What Can We Call Them? (Société d’Étude des Pays du Commonwealth), Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris and online, 28–29 Jan. 2021.

  • Conference presentation. “Le radicalisme noir et les études postcoloniales : convergences et angles morts.” Transculturalismes, Sorbonne Université, Paris and online, 11 Mar. 2021.

  • Conference presentation. “Kama and Tapas: A Poetics of Kavya, A Praxis of Piety.” Gender in Global Medieval Mysticism, Ashoka University, Sonepat (Haryana, India), Sonepat and online, 17 Mar. 2021.

  • “La Mission et la transmission de la parole épique dans les Caraïbes.” La Transmission dans la Caraïbe,Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France, April 11, 2019.

  • “Invocation and Illumination: ‘Metaphoric Montage’ in Khaled Hosseini’sSea Prayer.” Third Biennial Cultural Literacy in Europe Conference, Catholic University of Lisbon, Portugal, May 10, 2019.

  • Roy, Sneharika. “Marx, Subaltern Studies and Amitav Ghosh: The Enterprising Subaltern in Amitav Ghosh’s Economic Sagas.” ACLALS (Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies), The University of Auckland, New Zealand, July 16, 2019.

  • Participation in a pedagogical roundtable on Ecological Seeing Paris, France, Jan.2023.
  • Invited speaker & Paper presentation. “Représentations de la cécité dans l’art médiéval (XIIIe et XIVe siècles)," “Construire une histoire du handicap et de la surdité.” EHESS Seminar. Paris, France, 3 Jan.2023.
  • Invited talk. “Bird/Human relationships in the Earliest Illuminated Kalila wa Dimna Manuscripts.” Session on Medieval Ecocriticism. Kalamazoo, International Congress on Medieval Studies, at Medieval Institute College of Arts and Sciences Western Michigan University, USA. May 2023.
  • Russakoff, Anna; “Pregnant Nuns to Healing Breastmilk: Images of Women in Marian Miracle Illustrations”. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, American University of Paris, 5–7 January 2022. Keynote Speech.

  • Participated in a workshop at Rice University entitled “Towards a Visual History of the Working Class,” Sept. 2021. Delivered a paper entitled “Pain Quotidien: Images of Bakers in Medieval France.”

  • Invited to participate in a Zoom seminar at Loyola University Chicago on “Medieval Animals,” Mar. 2021. Delivered a paper entitled “Familiar and Exotic: Cross-Cultural Animals in the Kalila wa Dimna.”

  • Kalamazoo, International Congress on Medieval Studies, invited to participate in roundtable session sponsored by the International Medieval Society, Paris, entitled, “Introduction to Libraries and Archival Work: Conducting research in Paris and France.” May 2019.

  • Conference organization – on the organizing committee (comité scientifique) for the journées d’études: “Looking across the Atlantic: Circulations d’idées entre la France et l’Amérique du Nord en art medieval,INHA Paris, June 12–13, 2019.

  • Ryman, Rene. “Barcelona - The Prized International Capital of Catalonia.” NCLH International. Barcelona, Spain. 21 Dec 2022, Lecture.

  • Ryman, Rene. “Valencia - The City of Arts and Sciences.” NCLH International. Valencia, Spain. 21 Dec 2022, Lecture.

  • Ryman, Rene. “Cartagena - The City with a View of History.” NCLH International. Cartagena, Spain. 22 Dec 2022, Lecture.

  • Ryman, Rene. “Malaga - The Hometown of Pablo Picasso.” NCLH International. Malaga, Spain. 22 Dec 2022, Lecture.

  • Ryman, Rene. “Lisbon - The Capital of Portugal.” NCLH International. Lisbon, Portugal. 23 December 2022, Lecture.

  • Ryman, Rene. “Europe’s Pandemic Rebound: The New Era of Education, Health Care, Employment and AI Technology.” Northern Illinois University, 11 Oct. 2022, Lecture.

  • Keynote speaker for KW Signature Event, “Understanding European Markets & the Post-COVID Economic Recovery Plan.” Rockford, IL.

  • “Bermuda and Great Britain” – Hamilton, Bermuda, May 2019.

  • “Bermuda: The History, Culture and Wealth of a Diverse Nation” – Hamilton, Bermuda, May 2019.

  • “The Bermuda Triangle: The Myth, the Mystery and the Money” – Hamilton, Bermuda, May 2019.

  • “Brexit and the Future of the EU” – Rock Valley College – Rockford, Illinois, USA, October 2019.

  • “The Chilean Fjords: Nature’s Gift of History and Beauty” – Santiago, Chile, December 2019.

  • “The Falkland Islands: The History and the Controversy” – Falkland Island, (BT), December 2019.

  • “Punta Arenas: A Diverse Port City of Economic Success” – Punta Arenas, Chile, December 2019.

  • “Montevideo: The History and Success of Uruguay Capital City” – Montevideo, Uruguay, December 2019.

  • “Buenos Aires: A Beautiful City with a Complicated Past” – Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2019.

  • Organized over 25 talks in relation to the Center for Critical Democracy Studies.
  • Co-convener of an international symposium with Julian Culp entitled “What Demos for the 21st Century?”, hosted by the Center for Critical Democracy Studies as part of the Contemporary European Democratic Theory lecture series. American University of Paris, April 2022.

  • “The Problem of Democratic Government in the French Revolution”. Panel on Dilemmas of Democratic Governance in the Conference entitled “Democracy and Capitalism: An (Ant)agonistic History”, Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, University of Chicago, 2 Dec. 2022, Chicago, IL. Panelist.

  • Invited speaker, Imperial Histories workshop at University of Chicago, Nov.2022. Chicago, IL.

  • Invited speaker, Political Theory Workshop at Standford University, 6 May 2022, Standford, CA.

  • Invited speaker, Democracy Symposium at Stanford University, May 2022.

  • Co-convener of an international conference entitled “Violent Turns: Sources, Interpretations, Responses”, hosted by the Schaeffer Center and the ҵ Center for Critical Democracy Studies, June 23, 2023, Paris.

  • Co-convener of the Conference entitled “Open Access Publishing: A New Era in Scholarly Communication”, hosted by The International Political Science Association (IPSA), in collaboration with Concordia University, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the American Political Science Association (APSA), Concordia University 13-14 September 2022, Montréal, Canada.

  • Invited to Festschrift of Jan Goldstein, the Norman and Edha Freehling Professor of History at the University of Chicago. May 2022.

  • Events organized by the Center for Critical Democracy Studies:

  • “The End of the War on Terror?” Lecture given by Marc Hecker and Elie Tenenbaum, 8 Dec. 2021. Co-organized with Roman Zinigrad.

  • “Undesirable: Passionate Mobility and Women’s Defiance of French Colonial Policing 1919–1952.” Lecture given by Jennifer Boittin, 7 Dec. 2021. Co-organized with Miranda Spieler.

  • “No Virtue Like Resilience – A New Machiavellian Justification of Democracy.” Lecture given by Carlo Burelli., 12 May 2021.

  • “Anti-Fascism as a Differentially Mobilizing Ideology: Anti-Imperialism and the Failed Globalization of the European Left, 1935–1979.” Lecture given by Guiliana Chamedes, 20 Apr. 2021.

  • “The Prison Abolitionist Movement: The Convergence of Movements to End Immigrant Detention and Mass Incarceration.” Lecture given by Michelle Kuo, 12 Apr. 2021. Co-organized with Miranda Spieler.

  • “A Prophetic Vision of the Past: Glissant’s Poetic of Nonhistory.” Lecture given by Gary Wilder, 8 Apr. 2021. Co-organized with Miranda Spieler.

  • “The Construction of Race and Racial Hatred by the State in French Algeria.” Lecture given by Joshua Cole and Judith Surkis, 29 Mar. 2021. Co-organized with Miranda Spieler.

  • “Slavery, Race, and the Law During the Long Eighteenth Century.” Lecture given by Christy Pichichero and Miranda Spieler, 22 Mar. 2021. Co-organized with Miranda Spieler.

  • “A World Before Race? Gender, Mobility, and Property in the Early Modern Iberian World.” Lecture given by Mariana Dantas and Michelle McKinley, 15 Mar. 2021. Co-organized with Miranda Spieler.

  • “Race, Law, and Universalism: Empire and Its Legacy in Modern France.” Lecture given by Jennifer Boittin and Lionel Zevounou, 9 Mar. 2021. Co-organized with Miranda Spieler.

  • “Race, Law, and Social Justice: An Introduction.” Lecture given by Michelle Kuo and Miranda Spieler, 23 Feb. 2021. Co-organized with Miranda Spieler.

  • “Global Medicine in the Republic of China, 1937 to 1970.” Lecture given by Wayne Soon, 2 Feb. 2021.

  • “D.Rad Symposium: Trends of Radicalization in Europe and Beyond” with D.Rad Project Consortium. 2 Dec. 2021. Co-organized with Roman Zinigrad.

  • “Democracy in Selection” with Annabelle Lever, 1 Dec. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “The Privatized State” with Chiara Cordelli. 30 Nov. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “Should the People Control Public Spending? A Normative Assessment of Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendments” with Carlo Burelli and Enrico Biale, 22 Nov. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “Towards a Theory of Postcolonial Justice” with Jamila Mascat, 10 Nov. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “The Democratic Boundary Problem – A Function-Sensitive View” with Eva Erman, 20 Oct. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “How Should Republicans Conceive of Transnational Solidarity?” with Miriam Ronzoni, 29 Sept. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “The Shifting Border: Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility” with Ayelet Shachar, 28 Apr. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “Constituting European Citizenship” with Sandra Seubert, 14 Apr. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “Remaking the Demos ‘From Below’?” with Robin Celikates, 17 Mar. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • “The Representative, the People, and the Public Sphere” with Simone Chambers, 17 Feb. 2021. Co-organized with Julian Culp.

  • Paper presentation. “Doing narrative violence: Tucker Carlson and the great replacement.” Narrative Matters 2023 at Tampere University, Finland. 15–17 June 2023.
  • Roundtable contribution. Schiff, Brian & Altimaore, Kaylee. “The Hermeneutics of Darkness.” Narrative Matters 2023 at Tampere University, Finland. 15–17 June 2023.
  • Paper presentation. “Violent Horizons: Understanding Perpetrators of Collective Violence.” Violent Turns Sources, Interpretations, Responses at The American University of Paris, 21-23 June 2023.
  • “Storying Justice.” 10th Narrative Matters Conference, Mercer University, 17 May 2022, Atlanta, Georgia, US. Keynote Speech.

  • Co-organized the international conference entitled “The Photography of Persecution: Pictures of the Holocaust” in collaboration with the Schaeffer Center.

  • Keynote. “The Hermeneutics of Crisis and the Crisis of Interpretation.” The Psychology of Global Crises, The American University of Paris, May 20, 2020.

  • Keynote. “One Narrative Studies or Many?” Delivered to the workshop The Study of Literature, Reading, and Cognition: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Concepts, and Terms. ACCELS–Aachen Center for Cognitive and Empirical Literary Studies, Oct. 5, 2020.

  • Invited speaker. “Entering Stories.” Delivered to Narrating the Mesh at the University of Ghent, Dec. 8, 2020.

  • Schiff, B. “Conceptual Shell Games.” Uses and Abuses of Storytelling: Theorizing the Intersections of Narrative, Memory and Identity. University of Turku, Finland, February 16, 2019.

  • Schiff, B. “Structural Straightjackets.” Social for the Study of Narrative Conference. University of Navarra, Spain, May 31, 2019.

  • Schiff, B. Keynote address. The Summer Course for Narrative Study. Aarhus University, Denmark, July 2019.

  • Schiff, B. “The Hermeneutics of Darkness: Interpreting Perpetrators on their Crimes.” Hermeneutics and Violence Workshop. University of Turku, Finland, August 28, 2019.

  • Schiff, B. Invited roundtable presentation. Epistemologies of Memory Conference at Kings College London, September 12–13, 2019.

  • Schiff, B. “Are Small Stories Another Category of Narrating?” Small Stories: A Research Paradigm Across Data and Disciplines Workshop, University of Freiburg, Germany, November 22, 2019.

  • Organized, together with the Office of Communications and Outreach, a conference on the world of performance art and a 3-hour theater workshop for ҵ students with ҵ Alumna and resident artist at Tate Museum in London, Rieko Whitfield. 14 Nov., 2023.
  • Panel organizer. “Sensory Education for Communicating Taste,” Knowing Food: Insights from around the Table, the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Boston University, MA, USA. 31 May – 4 June 2023.
  • Conference participation. “Tasting Place as Tactical Practice: On the Road with Comté Cheese”, at Knowing Food: Insights from around the Table, the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Boston University, MA, USA. 31 May – 4 June 2023.
  • Conference Presentation. “Tasting Place with Comté Cheese: Focus on Olfaction”, NOS-HS Exploratory Workshop in Olfactory Cultural Studies, Volda University College, Alesund and Runde, Norway. 3-5 Sept.2023.
  • Conference organization with Tristan Fourier and Sébastien Dalgalarrondo (CNRS-Iris, Paris), “Rewilding Food and the Self: Critical Conversations from Europe,” The American University of Paris, France. 28 Sept. 2023.
  • Conference Presentation. “Cooperative Tasting with the Comté Aroma Wheel.” Sense/Document, organized by Counter Text, hosted by The American University of Paris, France. 10 Nov. 2023.
  • “Food Without Borders/Nourriture sans Frontières,” Keynote address at the University of Bordeaux-Agen, with Anne Luneau and Caroline Schneider (Ravel teachers who collaborated on the project), September 30, 2019.
  • Artist’s Talk for FRAME, March 2022.

  • Artist’s Talk for the Focus Art Fair, June 2022.

  • Permanent representation in the AZ Gallery, Murano, Venice, Italy.

  • Artist’s talk for FRAME, Mar. 2021.

  • Artist’s talk for the Focus Art Fair, June 2021.

  • Presentations in the Combes Fine Arts Gallery of the work exhibited in “Pandemics and Propaganda” for six different ҵ courses.

  • TEDx talk at ҵ, Oct. 2021.

  • Workshop hosted for the UC Davis Summer Program in France.

  • Workshop hosted for L’Institut Français de la Mode.

  • Two printmaking workshops hosted for Trinity College, Paris.

  • Invited talk. “Il n’y a pas d’aventure purement humaine !” Abhumanism in the context of post-World War II Paris, KU Leuven (MDRN lectures), 1 Feb. 2023.
  • “La Bauhaus et l’objet,” Université du Temps Libre, La Rochelle, France. 30 Nov. 2023.
  • Organizer. “Surrealisms”. Virtual Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Surrealism (ISSS), November 17-20, 2022.

  • Contributor. “Guernica de Picasso, peindre l’Histoire”. Association d’action culturelle “L’Artistique”, Mairie de Nice, 12 March 2022.

  • Contributor. “Salvador Dali et le Surréalisme”. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Le Havre, 6 October 2022.

  • Contributor. “Breaking the Body Limits: The Antihumanist Vision of the Self in the Abhumanist Production of Jacques Audiberti and Camille Bryen”. Surrealisms, Virtual Conference of ISSS, 17-20 November 2022.

  • Member of the organizing committee of the virtual conference “Surrealisms: Nuits Blanches; Noches en Blanco; Around the Clock” with ISSS (International Society for the Study of Surrealism), Nov. 2021,.

  • Organization and moderation of the panel “Earth as a Desert: Surrealism and Ecology (revisited).” Dr. Iveta Slavkova, Dr. Anne Marie Butler, Dr. Donna Roberts, Dr. Christina Heflin, Dr. Julia Drost, and Dr. Samantha Kavky. Nov. 2021.

  • Moderation of the panel “Aventure de Réception” with Dr. Teresa Nocita and Dr. Christian Roy, Nov. 2021.

  • “Penser le corps au-delà de l’humanisme, Jacques Audiberti et l’abhumanisme.” The Politics and Narratives of Bodies/Politiques et récits du corps, organised by Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (Argentina) and Fernando Gonçalves, Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 26–28 May 2021,.

  • “Earth as a Desert: The Ecology of Surrealism.” Panel chair and organizer with Anne Marie Butler (Kalamazoo College) for the CAA (College Art Association) Annual Meeting 2021, Art and Climate Change, online conference, Feb. 2021,.

  • Presentation of bookRéparer l’homme.La Grande Guerre, la crise de l’humanisme et l’Homme nouveau du futurisme et du Bauhaus, (Presses du réel, Dijon, 2020). Annual meeting of the Association des Amis de Jacques Audiberti (), Nov. 3, 2020.

  • “Abhumanism After World War II Paris: A Periphery Within a Centre,” International conference Art in the Periphery, Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa e Instituto de História da Arte da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, March 15, 2019.

  • “La politique du corps sain: sport et société dans l’entre-deux-guerres,” Musée des Beaux-Arts, Valence, January 29, 2019.

  • “La Crise de personnage” and “De duo au collectif,” High School Notre-Dame, Valence. Collaboration with the Musée de Valence and the Region Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes, February 7, 2019.

  • “La Renaissance,” High School Loubet, Valence. Collaboration with the Musée de Valence and the Region Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes, April 11, 2019.

  • “Le Futurisme,” Université du Temps Libre, La Rochelle, May 28, 2019.

  • “La revue Documents: redéfinir le primitif et la civilisation,” Université du Temps Libre, La Rochelle, October 17, 2019.

  • Speaker at Patrimoines déchaînés on behalf of la Fondation pour la mémoire de l’esclavage, Musée de Nantes, France. 19 Sept. 2023.
  • Co-organized and chaired “Le réformisme et la place de la femme dans l'islam contemporain/ Reform and the Role of Women in Contemporary Islam with Kahina Bahloul”, hosted by The George & Irina Schaeffer Center, 10 March 2022, online.

  • “Esclaves domestiques et la police parisienne”. Policer les populations noires en Europe dans le long 18e siècle, organized by l’Institut d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (Paris I-CNRS-ENS) and the University of Californie (Irvine), Paris-Sorbonne I, Paris-Sorbonne I, Centre Malher, 16 June 2022. Conference Presentation.

  • "The Rise and Fall of André Lucidor, an African Swordsman in Paris (c.1718-1771): Race, Sexual Deviance, and the Problem of Freedom in the Eighteenth Century Capital.” The Center for Critical Democracy Studies, American University of Paris, 14 November 2022.

  • "The Case of Ourika: Children, the French Slave Trade, and the End of the Rights of Man.” The Center for Critical Democracy Studies, American University of Paris, 2 May 2022.

  • “The Chevalier de Boufflers between Senegal and Paris: Slavery and the Man of Feeling.” Conference on French Revolutionary Lives, co-sponsored by the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies and the 18th Century Seminar, Princeton University, 9 April 2022. Panelist.

  • Commentary on Cécile Vidal et al., Une histoire sociale du nouveau monde, at the Journée Mondes Américaines, 11 March 2022, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Campus Condorcet.

  • “The Julian Affair.” The Age of Revolutions E-Seminar, co-sponsored by USC and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Clement Thibaud and Nathan Perl-Rosenthal), 22 February 2022. Conference Presentation.

  • Concept, organization, and workshop development. Stauss, Renate & Schreiber, Franziska “Fashion teaching in the coming semester: topics, projects and methods – a collegial enrichment” (Modelehre im kommenden Semester: Themen, Projekte und Methoden – eine kollegiale Bereicherung). Half-day professional development workshop for fashion educators, Berlin Center for Higher Education, Germany. 28 March 2023.
  • Stauss, Renate & Schreiber, Franziska. Organization of the conference “De-Fashioning Education” The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2023 x Fashioning Education, Berlin University of the Arts, Germany, co-facilitated by The American University of Paris, France, hybrid event, 15-16 Sept. 2023.
  • Renate & Schreiber, Franziska. Workshops “DeFashion Test Kitchen – Student Think Tank of The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2023 x Fashioning Education,” Berlin University of the Arts, Germany, co-facilitated by The American University of Paris, France, hybrid event, 15-16 Sept. 2023.
  • Stauss, Renate & Schreiber, Franziska. Organization of the workshop “Fashion teaching in the coming semester: topics, projects and methods – a collegial enrichment” (Modelehre im kommenden Semester: Themen, Projekte und Methoden – eine kollegiale Bereicherung), Berlin Center for Higher Education, Germany. 26 Sept. 2023.
  • “The Politics of Fashion Education: Developments, Discriminations and Dreams”. Fashion Politics Series, Parsons Paris & London College of Fashion, 21 January 2022, online. Invited talk.

  • “The Intersectional Politics of Fashion Education: Nightmares & Dreams – A Workshop of Constructive, Collective Destruction”. Face Summit, Central Saint Martins, 14 October 2022. Lecture.

  • “Fashion Education Retreat”. Professional development workshop for fashion educators, Berlin Center for Higher Education, 14-15 September 2022, Berlin, Germany. Lecture.

  • “Vestimentary Protest: Dress as Visualized Resistance and Agency”. International Week, FH Bielefeld, University of Applied Sciences, 2 May 2022, online. Invited talk.

  • “Vestimentärer Protest: Kleidung als visualisierter Widerstand und Handlungsmacht”. Film Costume Design, Berlin University of the Arts, 24 January 2022, online. Invited talk.

  • Host. “The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2022: What Can Fashion Education Do?”.The American University of Paris, 12 October 2022, online.

  • Host. “The Student Think Tank of The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2022: What Can Fashion Education Do?”. The American University of Paris, 5 October 2022, online.

  • Host. “Transformation Through Fashion Education? Towards Systemic Change”. Symposium, Fashioning Education Series, Berlin University of the Arts, 19 May 2022, online.

  • Hosted “Promoting Paris Fashion and Coordinating Paris Fashion Week: The key role of the FHCM” as part of Fashion Industry Talks. Guest: Pascal Morand, Executive President of the Federation de la Haute Couture et de la Mode, American University of Paris, 8 June 2022.

  • Organized research seminar series “Deconstructing Paris Fashion: Towards a de-hierarchized narrative”. Fashion Cultures and Histories, 2022-2023.

  • Hosted “Misfit Masculinities: Self-Fashioning in a Sanist and Ableist World”, lecture by Ben Barry, fashion scholar/activist, Dean of the School of Fashion at The New School’s Parsons School of Design, New York City, US. Fashion Talks at ҵ 2021-2022: Between Consumption, Criticism and Activism, 27 April 2022, online.

  • Hosted “Designing and Dressing Dissent”, lecture by Clare Farrell. Fashion Talks at ҵ 2022/23: Between Knowledge & Action, American University of Paris, 22 Sept. 2022, Paris.

  • The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2021: A Conference on Learning and Teaching Fashion in Theory and Practice. Concept, organization and hosting of conference, facilitated by The American University of Paris, France, online event, with Franziska Schreiber, 1–2 Oct. 2021,/conferences/fashion-education.

  • ” was a virtual student exhibition showcasing projects that doubt and hope in/with/through fashion – projects of particular relevance to learning and teaching fashion now.

  • “The Utopia of Fashion: Imagining the Future of Fashion Education” was a student think-tank interdisciplinary workshop for students from the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and The American University of Paris (ҵ) to rethink, reimagine and develop visions of learning and making fashion together.

  • “The End of Fashion Education? Towards New Beginnings.” Symposium, Fashioning Education series, Berlin University of the Arts, online event, with Franziska Schreiber, 26 May 2021.

  • “Don’t / Look in the Mirror! –The Gendering Politics of the Dressing Mirror.” Conference paper, Fashion Tales 2021: Politics Through the Wardrobe, Modacult – Centro per lo studio della moda e della produzione culturale, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, online event, with Lucia Ruggerone, 17–19 June 2021.

  • “The End of Fashion Education? Towards New Beginnings.” Invited lecture, Design Pedagogy Symposium, School of Form at SWPS University Poland in collaboration with the Center for Philosophical Technologies at Arizona State University, US, online event, with Franziska Schreiber, 20 May 2021.

  • “Dress as Therapy: Working with Dress in Psycho-medical Settings –Between Control, Cure, Care and Creative Play.” Conference paper, Curative Things: Medicine / Fashion / Art, facilitated by Leeds Arts University, online event, 12 Feb. 2021.

  • “Everything Is Constructed: Of Fashion, Ambiguity and Interstices.” Invited talk, Hochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Art, Germany, online event, 26 Jan.

  • “Dress Therapy –Between Control, Cure, Care and Creative Play.” Invited lecture, Central Saint Martins, London, online event, 17 Feb. 2021.

  • “I love it! Werte/n in der Designlehre.” (“Values and Evaluation in Design Education.”) Concept, organization and delivery of two-day professional development workshop, Berlin Center for Higher Education, Germany, with Franziska Schreiber, 22 Jan. 2021.

  • “Vestimentary Protest: Dress as Visualized Resistance and Agency.” Invited workshop, International Week, FH Bielefeld, University of Applied Sciences, Germany, online event, 4 May 2021.

  • Conference conception, organization and hosting with Franziska Schreiber. The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education, facilitated by The American University of Paris, France, Sept. 25, 2020,/conferences/digitalmultilogue-fashion-education.

  • Invited lecture with Franziska Schreiber. “Fashion Education: Dimensions, Contexts and Futures.” Annual Conference of the Network Fashion Textile, Germany, Sept. 26, 2020.

  • Conception, organization and hosting of two-day professional development workshop with Franziska Schreiber. “I love it! Werte/n in der Designlehre.” (“Values and Evaluation in Design Education.”) Berlin Center for Higher Education, Germany, Nov. 25, 2020.

  • “Lost in Reflection: Clothes’ Mirrors and the Self,” The Annual Conference of the Association for Art History. Brighton, Brighton University, April 2019 (with Lucia Ruggerone).

  • “Fashion Education: Learning and Teaching Fashion in Theory and Practice,” professional development workshop for fashion educators, Berlin Center for Higher Education, Germany (with Prof Franziska Schreiber) April 1, 2019.

  • “Fashion Education Retreat,” two-day professional development workshop for fashion educators, Gutshof Sauen, Berlin Center for Higher Education, Germany, with Prof Franziska Schreiber, September 30–October 1, 2019.


  • Participation in the Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School – When Archives Become Digital, Oxford, UK, July 2023.
  • Participation in Oral History Metadata Synchronizer (OHMS Fundamentals) with Brooke Blackmon Bryan. Online. April 2023.
  • Participation in ҵ Workshop with Brooke Blackmon Bryan on Experimental Learning, Paris. March 2023.
  • Participation in AMICAL Digital Oral History cohort program. Online. Jan. 2023
  • Webinar Leader and Organizer – AMICAL Virtual Forum

  • Michael Stöpel and Joyce Draiby . , 5 Dec. 2023. Online.
  • Michael Stöpel and Fadia Al Ahkras. “.” 15 Nov. 2023. Online.
  • Mary Ann Cullen and Amanda Larson. “" 26 Oct. 2023. Online.
  • Michael Stöpel and Joyce Draiby. Virtual Tuesday, “How do IL Librarians support Faculty members in research?” 26 Sep. 2023. Online
  • Henning, Nicole. “Using ChatGPT and artificial intelligence tools in instruction to promote AI literacy.” 21 June 2023. Online.
  • Michael Stöpel and Fadia Al Ahkras. “ by Lorraine Evans and Karen Sobel.” 30 March 2023. Online.
  • Urszula (Ula) Lechtenberg and Carrie Donovan. “.” 28 Feb., 2023. Online.
  • Michael Stöpel and Joyce Draiby. “.” 31 Jan. 2023. Online.
  • Stöpel, Michael, Christine Furno and Meredith Saba. "Envisioning Post-pandemic Reference & Information Services and Support in a Shifting World" World Library and Information Congress 2022 (IFLA), 28 July 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Poster Presentation.

  • Stöpel, Michael, Christine Furno and Meredith Saba. "Emerging Reference and Information Services: Three Institutional Perspectives on Connecting with our Communities in a Post-Pandemic World." World Library and Information Congress 2022 (IFLA), 27 July 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Panel Discussion.

  • Stöpel, Michael and David Tresilian. “Student micro-documentaries in the digital liberal arts.” AMICAL Conference 2022, 16 June 2022. Online Community Idea Exchange.

  • Stöpel, Michael.“Faculty-Librarian Collaborations: Integrating the Information Literacy Framework into Disciplinary Courses.”8th Sharjah International Library Conference (SIBFALA), 11 Nov. 2021. Invited talk.

  • Stöpel, Michael, Livia Piotto, Samantha Godbey and Xan Goodman.“The Sustainability of Faculty-Librarian Partnerships Inspired by the ACRL Framework.European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), 20 Sept. 2021. Online poster presentation.

  • Stöpel, Michael, David Tresilian and Paul Love. “Student-Led Cross-Institutional Collaboration between France & Morocco.” AMICAL Conference 2021, 24 June 2021. Online community idea exchange.

  • Stöpel, Michael and Christine, Furno. “Creating learning experiences: Reimagining IL instruction for Fall 2021.” AMICAL Conference 2021, 23 June 2021. Online workshop.

  • Stöpel, Michael, Livia Piotto and Aziz El-Hassani. “The Future of Media Education: Media, News & Information Literacies.” Media Education Summit 2021, 1 Apr. 2021. Online panel discussion.

  • Attended the continued training program The Institute for Liberal Arts DigitalScholarship (ILiADS)

  • Attended continued training at the 2019at Pyramid/Paris

  • Attended continued training at the 2019at the Library of Congress/Washington DC

  • Attended continued training at the 2019at the American University of Beirut/Lebanon

  • Stöpel, Michael, Stanley, Samantha“Evaluate and Reflect: Unifying Concepts and Learning Techniques in Information and News Literacy”NAMLE Conference 2019. American University. Washington DC, USA. 27 May 2019. Poster Presentation.

  • Stöpel, Michael.AMICAL Conference 2019. American University of Cairo. Cairo, Egypt. 5 May 2019. Poster Presentation.

  • Webinar Leader and Organizer – AMICAL Virtual Forum; Brandon D. Locke (Faculty at the University of Washington iSchool), April 16, 2019 at 16–17h (CET). Online.

  • Invited talk at the special edition of the ISI 2021 conference,.

  • Invited expert rapporteur for five multimillion projects (i.e. summarizing individual 3x5=15 reviews for each project and producing a solidified report for each one) financed by the European Commission within the call “HORIZON-CL4-DIGITAL-EMERGING-2021-01-11.” Nov. and Dec. 2021,.

  • Lecture during the2021 edition of the Presidential Lecture Seriesat ҵ.

  • “Robots in the Wild,” workshop within the Eleventh International Conference on Social Robotics, member of organizing committee and keynote speaker, Madrid, Spain, November 26–29, 2019.

  • RE-IMAGINING AI, Scholars, Artists and Designers in Dialogue (participating Al scholar), Basel, Switzerland, June 20–21, 2019.

  • “Economist’s Fables on the Origins of Money”, 50th Annual Meeting of the History of Economics Society, Vancouver, Canada, 22-25 June 2023.
  • Plenary Session Speaker. “2023 HES Award Winners, 50th Annual Meeting of the History of Economics Society, Vancouver, Canada, 22-25 June 2023.
  • Roundtable Speaker. “Latin American Society for the History of Economic Thought/ANPEC-Sul”, XXVI Encontro de Economia da Região Sul, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, 10-11 Aug. 2023.
  • “Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen: From Economic Development to Bioeconomics,” Webinar Ecological Economics and Economic Thought in Brazil, Brazilian Society for Ecological Economics, online, Aug. 2023.
  • “Economic Planning the Chicago Way: The Case of CENDEC in Brazil, 1965-1970,” 9th Latin American Conference on the History of Economic Thought, Medellín, Colombia, 16-18 Nov. 2023.
  • “Bringing Latin America into the Mainstream: The 1963 Rio de Janeiro Conference on Inflation and Growth”. 8th Latin American Conference on the History of Economic Thought, Universidad de la República, 20-22 April 2022, Montevideo, Uruguay.

  • Book Panel on Before Method and Models: The Political Economy of Malthus and Ricardo, by Ryan Walter, and Constructing Economic Science: The Invention of a Discipline, 1850-1950, by Keith Tribe. 8th Latin American Conference on the History of Economic Thought, Universidad de la República, April 2022. Montevideo, Uruguay. Invited Talk.

  • Book Panel on Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations in Spain: A History of Reception, Dissemination, Adaptation and Application, 1777-1840, edited by Jesús Aztigarraga and Juan Zabalza. International Adam Smith Society Conference, Universidad de Los Andes, June 2022, Bogotá, Colombia. Invited Talk.

  • “Grotius Among the English Merchants: Mare Liberum and Anglo-Dutch Rivalry in the Early Seventeenth Century”. History of Economics Society Annual Meeting, University of St. Thomas, June 2022, Minneapolis, USA.

  • “A ‘Sudden Outcry’ for Free Trade: Autonomy, Empire and Political Economy in the Irish Free Trade Campaign, 1779-1785". 11th Meeting of the Iberian Association for the History of Economic Thought, Universidad de Barcelona, December 2022, Barcelona, Spain.

  • “Bringing Latin America into the Mainstream: The 1963 Rio de Janeiro Conference on Inflation and Growth”. Séminaire Histoire de la macroéconomie et des theories monétaires (H2M), PHARE / Université Paris 1, December 2022, Paris, France.

  • “Bringing Latin America into the Mainstream: The 1963 Rio de Janeiro Conference on Inflation and Growth”. Money in Times of Crisis, 6th Thomas Guggenheim Conference on the History of Economic Thought, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, December 2022, Rome, Italy.

  • Suprinyak, Carlos E. “Free Trade Before Cobden: Autonomy and Empire in the Irish Free Trade Campaign, 1779–1785.” 24th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 2021.

  • Suprinyak, Carlos E. “Grotius Among the English Merchants:Mare Liberumand Anglo-Dutch Rivalry in the Early-17th Century.” The Making of the Modern International Realm: Hobbes-Bentham, ESPOL, Catholic University of Lille, France, Apr. 2021.

  • Invited talk. The Conference of Archeo-lutherie, Festival de Gellone, St-Guilhem-le-Désert, Université Montpellier III, France. May 2023.
  • “Facteur d’instruments à clavier de table”. La 5e édition du festival Les Marteaux de Gellone, Centre International de Musiques Médiévales, 26-28 May, 2022. Invited speaker.

  • Invited talk. “The Instrumental Reconstruction, Process or Object?” at the fourth session of Experimental Archaeology, a conference organized by the University of Montpellier III in Saint Guilhem de Désert (Hérault) and dedicated to bagpipes in the Middle Ages, 26–27 May 2021.

  • Attendance and presentation at ILiADS (Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship), 26–30 July (with Michael Stöpel and Paul Love).

  • Attendance and presentation at AMICAL 2021 Conference, Critical Transitions in Libraries, Technology and Pedagogy, 21–24 June (with Michael Stöpel and Paul Love).

  • “Student–Faculty Research Team Collaboration in the Liberal Arts: Lessons Learned from the GLCA-Library of Congress Program,” with Michael Stoepel. AMICAL Conference, Kuwait, Jan. 2020.

  • ҵ TLC Mellon Seminar, “Student-Faculty Collaboration in the Liberal Arts: Lessons Learned from the GLCA-Library of Congress Program,” November 25, 2019, with Michael Stoepel.

  • Conference participation. The American Developmental State in Comparative Perspective, ҵ & IEA Paris, France. 25-26 May 2023.
  • Conference participation. Money as a Democratic Medium 2.0, Harvard University, 15-17 June 2023.
  • Conference participation. Conference “Walter Bagehot and Lombard Street (1873): A 150-year retrospective”, University of South Britanny, France. 29-30 June 2023
  • Invited speaker. Workshop “At the Edge of Financial Worlds: an Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Zurich, Switzerland. 18 Aug. 2023.
  • Invited speaker. Economic History Seminar, University of Barcelona, Spain. 13 Dec. 2023.
  • Workshop “Central banking, monetary policy, and social responsibility,” Université Grenoble Alpes, December 7-8, 2022. Invited speaker.

  • Workshop “Magnifying Spaces of Capitalism: Sources and Data of a Transforming World,” University Compultense of Madrid and YSI Economic History Working Group, April 21-22, 2022. Invited speaker.

  • Economic History Seminar, Paris School of Economics, April 6, 2022 [“The Money Struggle: An Interpretation of Democracy, Depreciation and Taxes in the U.S. Civil War” co-authored with Ariel Ron]. Invited speaker.

  • Iberian Association of the History of Economic Thought (AIHPE), University of Barcelona, Dec. 2-3, 2022 [“Stephen Colwell’s Political Economy”]. International conference.

  • History of Economics Society Annual Conference (HES), University of St. Thomas, June 16-18, 2022 [“Stephen Colwell’s Political Economy”]. International conference.

  • Conference presentation. “Irving Fisher, Simon Newcomb, and Their Plans to Stabilize the Dollar.” European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) Annual Conference, University of National and World Economy in Sofia, 8–10 Oct. 2021. Coauthored with Robert Dimand, Brock University.

  • Guest lecture. Seminar Topics in Global Economic History, University of Oxford, Trinity College, June 2021.

  • Invited speaker. PhD seminar, Colorado State University, Mar. 2021.

  • Invited speaker. “Magnifying Spaces of Capitalism: a Webinar.” University of Santiago de Compostela and YSI Economic History Working Group, Feb. 2021.

  • Conference presentation and participation at Single-Molecule Sensors and Nano Systems International Conference (S3IC), Barcelona, Spain, 22-24 Nov. 2023.
  • Session Chair at the Standing Conference of Organizational Symbolism (SCOS) 2023. Weaving a Marketplace, Performance, Strategy, Communication Workshop. The American University of Paris, France. 12-15 July 2023.
  • Workshop: Stock Tickers as Symbols and Signifier. Bucketing Stock Tickers, a Participatory Workshop. Research by James Noel Ward, and International Finance Degree Candidates Angelina Zagaynova and Chiamaka Emeh.
  • Guest lectured at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology.
  • “Les enjeux des procès pour terrorisme (audiences, acteurs, discours).” Participation at the conference “Les procès de terrorismes. Regards croisés,” , Limoges, France. 26-27 Jan.2023.
  • Invited to a round table to comment the book of Damien Scalia. “Génocidaire(s), Au cœur de la justice internationale pénale ,” Sorbonne University, Center for Comparative Law, Paris, France. 31 Jan.2023.
  • “Le procès V13 : quelques leçons pour la justice pénale internationale,” 8eme Journées De La Justice Pénale Internationale, CRDH, Centre Panthéon, Paris II, France. 2 – 3 Feb. 2023.
  • “Mass Crime Prosecution Through Hybridization of Criminal and Transformative Justice: The case of Paris and Bogota trials,” International workshop Toolkits and Standards in Transitional Justice: Consolidation, Innovation and Implications, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. 15-16 Feb. 2023.
  • Online participation Seminar dedicated to the presentation of my bookThe President on Trial: Prosecuting Hissene Habre at The Centre for Human Rights and the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa (ICLA) of the University of Pretoria in South Africa, 20 Feb. 2023.
  • Speaker at the international conference “Solidarity with Ukraine: Building a New Internationalism”, LSE, 11 March 2023
  • Invited talk: “The French Bataclan Trial: What lessons for the prosecution of mass crimes at the ICC?” The Geneva Academy for International law, Switzerland. 21 March 2023.
  • Invited speaker. “L’expertise culturelle dans les procès de terrorisme à Paris” in the international conference EURO-EXPERT, “L’expertise culturelle en Europe et au-delà,” Sorbonne University, Paris, France. 6-7 April 2023.
  • Guest lecturer in the summer course in international criminal law. “75 Years: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and The Genocide Convention,” The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, 12-17 June 2023.
  • Paper presentation and Co-organization. “Violent Turns: Sources, Interpretations, Responses, The American University of Paris, France. 21-23 June 2023.
  • Invited speaker at the international workshop and public round table “Protection and Justice in Times of Counter-Terrorism: Insights from France and the UK,” with the participation of practitioners and academics, King’s College London, UK. 7-8 Sept. 2023.
  • Invited speaker. “Justice and War: Contemporary/Post Civil Wars: Laboratories for the Reconfiguration of Law and Politics? The case of Afghanistan and Colombia,” The Institute for Research on Law and Justice, part of the yearly seminar “La place de la justice dans l’effort de guerre et de paix,” Institut des études et de la recherche sur le droit et la justice. Paris, France. 14 Sept. 2023.
  • Participation in the round table “Restorative Justice: The Colombian Model,” organized by the Colombian French Jurists Association with the participation of key actors from the restorative process at the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, Paris Bar Association, France. 17 Oct. 2023.
  • Invited talk. Presented my research on the Bataclan trial in a Research Seminar, University College Dublin, Center for Human Rights, Ireland. 27 Oct. 2023.
  • “The Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia: What Innovations for ICL?”, paper presentation at the International Research Conference “Latin America's Contribution to the Development of a Common Law,” Sorbonne/CNRS, Paris, France. 30-31 Oct. 2023.
  • Co -organizer and speaker at the 4th Annual Conference of the « Centre de droit comparé et internationalisation du droit », Law Faculty, Sorbonne Univesity: « La recherche juridique face à l’interdisciplinarité: des juristes indisciplinés ou trop disciplinés ? », Dec. 13, 2022.

  • Co-organizer of a 2-days conference: ‘The Bataclan Trial as Seen by the Social Sciences: An Ethnographic and Multidisciplinary Approach’; Paper presentation: “Poursuivre les crimes de masses. Le procès V13 comme expérimentation judiciaire”, Sciences Po Paris, Nov 10, 2022 (Co-organized with CERI, Sciences Po Paris and the Schaeffer Center).

  • “The French Bataclan Trial: What are the Lessons for the Prosecution of Mass Crimes?”. Oxford Center for Socio-Legal Studies (CSLS Socio-Legal Seminar Series), Nov 7, 2022. Lecture.

  • “Local courts as Global Actors”. Convener of two panels at The 7th Law and Society Global Conference, July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. –Presentation of a paper: “The Bataclan Trial: Hybridization of Criminal and Restorative Justice”.

  • "Theorizing Ethnographic Court Research; The Case of French Terror trials" paper presentation in the international workshop “Empirical research with judicial professionals and courts: Methods and practices". International Institute for the Sociology of Law, 23-24 June 2022, Onati, Spain (invitation).

  • “Slow Justice: The French Bataclan trial as a new paradigm? ”At in the international conference: The McDonaldization of Justice and the Disappearance of Fair Trial Conference, the 11th Conference on the future of adversarial and inquisitorial systems, Law Faculty, Warwick University, 19-21 May 2022. Paper Presentation (invitation).

  • “Lower courts and judicialization: The New Transnational Players”, paper presented in the International Conference “Sociological Perspectives on International Economic Law and Human Rights Law”, EUI, 12-13 May 2022). Florence, Italy. Paper Presentation.

  •  “The transformation of the terror trial in the era of transnational jihadism: What can we learn from the French Bataclan trial for the prosecution of mass crimes?”. International Law Forum, Hebrew University, 11 April 2022, Jerusalem, Israel (lecture).

  • “Terrorism on Trial: Insights from the French Bataclan Trial and Beyond”. Sciences Po, 6 April 2022. Invited Talk.

  • Presented her co-edited book ““The President on Trial: Prosecuting Hissène Habré” at UCL Faculty of Laws, 18 March 2022.

  • Lecture at the United Nations Investigation Mechanism on the crimes committed in Syria, January 2022, online.

  • ” International Workshop on Cultural Expertise and Litigation: Practices in South Asia and Europe, Jindal Global Law School, 1-2 Dec. 2022, online. Conference Presentation.

  • Solidarity with Ukraine Building a New Internationalism, Workshop with Ukrainian Civil Society, LSE, UK, March 2022.

  • National School of Judges (ENM) « Judge and the cultural expertise: The case of Asylum courts » Septembre 29, 2022 (lecture).

  • Organizer and participant. “Victims’ Rights: What Justice for Victims of International Crimes?” Round table and book presentation, Sciences Po, PSIA, online, Feb. 2021.

  • Book talk. “The President on Trial: Prosecuting Hissène Habré.” Centre for Conflict, Security and Societies, Cardiff University, online, 24 Feb. 2021.

  • “Prosecuting a President for Crimes Against Humanity.” Book presentation online with a panel of contributors and international lawyers, Columbia Law School, Human Rights Institute, 14 Oct. 2021.

  • “The Inter/National Tracks of Judicialization.” Paper presented in the Annual Conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association – SLSA (with S. Dezalay), online, Mar. 2021.

  • “The Role of Courts in the War on Terror.” Paper presented in the Law and Society Annual Conference, online, May 2021.

  • “Terrorism on Trial: An Ethnography in French Courts.” Presentation of a paper upon invitation, in

  • the international conference Critical Exploration of Human Rights, University College Dublin, Ireland, (The 23rd Irish European Law Forum). I also gave keynotes in the panel “Human Rights, Crises, and Legal Dilemmas,” online, 7–8 May 2021.

  • Invited to participate in a workshop “‘On Behalf of the People’ – Courtrooms as a Field of Research on Political Violence, Radicalization, Extremism and Terrorism.” Online workshop, organized by Bielefeld University, Germany, 23 Sept. 2021.

  • Participation and presentation of my book in the International Symposium “Mass Trials for Mass Violence? 75 Years after Nuremberg.” Université Libre de Bruxelles and McGill University, Brussels, 4–5 Oct. 2021.

  • Invited to a round table discussion at the conference “Comprendre et juger, le démocratie face au djihadism.” Title of presentation : “La transformation des procès pénaux à l’ère du terrorisme djihadiste.” CERI, Sciences-Po, Nov. 2021.

  • Lectures for magistrates (the French National School for Magistrates, ENM), law professionals and the general public:

  • Invited as a speaker in a seminar held at the French Supreme court.“La justice pénale internationale : quelle perception mémorielle ?” SéminaireàlaCour de Cassation,Cycle 2021 - La justice entre mémoire et oubli, 27 Sept. 2021,.

  • Invited to give a lecture “Cultural Expertise andAsylum Courts” at the Formation Continue des Magistrats, French National School for Magistrates (ENM), Sept. 2021.

  • Invited to give a lecture “Le procès Hissène Habré devant les chambres extraordinaires du Sénégal.” Formation Continue des Magistrats, French National School for Magistrates (ENM), 14 Dec. 2021.

  • Invited to present my research “Les filières djihadistes en procès: une étude ethnographique a la cour d’assises de Paris.” CAREP, 6 Apr. 2021,.

  • Invited to give a lecture in the International Criminal Law Summer Course for professionals organized by Professor Schabas, July 2021.

  • “Terror in Court: Transnational Jihadism and the Fabrication of Its Judges.” Center for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford University, UK, Jan. 30, 2020,.

  • Organizer and participant. “Jihadists on Trial: An Ethnographic Study at the French Assize Court (2017–2019).” CERI, Sciences Po, Mar. 2020, https://www.sciencespo.fr/agenda/ceri/fr?event=1953. For the launch of our research report, this interdisciplinary colloquium was organized with the participation of academics and judicial actors including the French Counter-Terrorism Prosecutor, the President of the Assizes Criminal Court, a counter-terrorism investigative judge and a defense lawyer.

  • Presentation of a paper. Annual Conference of Law and Society, May 2020.

  • Book presentations ofThe President on Trial, Prosecuting Hissene Habré(OUP 2020) at Irish Center of Human Rights, Galway, Nov. 2020, and Groningen University, The Netherlands, Dec. 2020.

  • Presentation of bookThe Trial ofHissèneHabréat the international conference Beyond, Between and Below the International Criminal Courts in the panel “Alternative International Criminal Justice Sites,” ICOURT (with K. Carlson) University of Copenhagen, December 2019.

  • Invited to participate in the panel “The Viewpoint of Academics” in the international workshop Measuring the Impact of Anti-Terrorist Laws on Human Rights in France. Among the participants were the UN special rapporteur on counter-terrorism. Sciences Po, November 2019.

  • Participation in the panel "Is the International Criminal Justice ‘Model’ Justice?" The American University of Paris, October 2019.

  • Organized the panel “Terror, Rights and Belonging: Dignity Before the Law and Courts” and presented research at the Law and Society Annual Conference, Washington DC, June 2019.

  • Invited to present a paper at the Cardiff Centre of Law and Society Annual Conference “Wars on Law, Wars Through Law? Reflections on the Past and the Present of the War on Terror,” Cardiff University, UK, May 2019.

  • Trial Watch Conference, The Clooney Foundation: invited to present my work on French courts during a workshop with the participation of George and Amal Clooney who launched the Trial Watch project, Colombia University, NYC, April 2019.

  • “Le retour des combattants terroristes étrangers dans l’Union Européenne,” European Council for Foreign Relations, Paris office, invited to speak in a round table, March 2019.

  • “Reconsidering craft techniques in fine art practice in the light of New Materialism”. Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, 17-19 Nov. 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. Conference Presentation.

  • “Fake Mirror Selfies and the Reproduction of Generalized Cultural Distrust”. Contemporary Cultures of Post-Truth (Re-)Production: Beyond Fake News and Credulity as Media Effect, International Communication Association Annual Conference, 30 May 2022, Paris, France. Conference Presentation.

  • “Local Hype: Campus Journalism during Covid-19 Lockdown.” Paper presented at the Future of Journalism Conference: Overcoming Obstacles in Journalism. Cardiff, 23–24 Sept. 2021.

  • Panel Discussant, “How Young People Understand and Engage with News,” with Lynn Schofield Clarke (University of Denver), Paul Mihailidis (Emerson College), Sonia Livingstone (London School of Economics and Political Science), Neil Thurman (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München). Academy Colloquium, The Audience Turn in Journalism, a collaborative research project funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and conducted by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Groningen with twelve news industry partners, Amsterdam, January 22–25, 2019.

  • “The Trump-Bump: Journalism Education in an Age of Change,” paper presented at the 5th ECREA Journalism and Communication Education TWG conference, Trial and Error III. Business as Usual? On the Relationship Between Industry and Education for Media Professionals in Times of Change. Salzburg, May 17–18, 2019.

  • Session Moderator, “Ethical Challenges for Teaching and Undertaking New Forms of Journalism,” at the 5th World Journalism Education Congress, Université Paris Dauphine, July 10, 2019.

  • Invited chair. Discussion on The Attention Economy/In Search of the Third Bird with Justin EH Smith and Graham Burnett, American Library in Paris, France. 19 Oct. 2023.
  • Invited chair. Discussion about Edward Chisholm’s book A Waiter in Paris, American Library in Paris, France. 12 Dec. 2023.
  • Williams, Russel. “Lire Anéantir”. Séminaire Michel Houellebecq, Université Paris Nanterre/Sorbonne Université, 7 April 2022, Paris, FR. Invited talk.

  • “In Conversation with Lauren Elkin and Russell Williams”. Institut Français, London, 27 September 2022, London, UK. Panel Discussion.

  • Panel Discussion with Shumona Sinha and Anne-Marie Picard at the American University of Paris, on the former’s new book titled “L'autre nom du bonheur était français”, published by Gallimard. December 2022.

  • Invited paper. “Michel Houellebecq’s New Dark Age: Information Overload, Appropriation, Extremity.” Houellebecq in Focus online conference, Villanova University, Mar. 2021,.

  • Invited talk, “La France, ce n’est pas Michel Houellebecq,” GLITS Research Seminar, Goldsmiths University London, February 14, 2019 [Modern and Contemporary Francespecial issue launch].

  • Invited talk, “La France, ce n’est pas Michel Houellebecq,” ҵ Forum francophone interdépartemental de Recherches et d’enseignement, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, March 28, 2019.

  • Presentation. “Uncertainty in Analyzing Emotions on Twitter in a Mixed Methods Study of Heimat, Whiteness and Nationalism.” From Uncertainty to Action: Advancing Research with Digital Data, Digital Academy University of Bielefeld, Virtual. 26 Sept. 2023.
  • Conference Presentation. “Identity Threat and Its Underlying Causes in a Remote Work Environment,” Human Relations 75th Anniversary Conference, London, UK. 19-21 April 2023.
  • “Rethinking Psychological Contracts in the Context of Remote Work Arrangements”. Joint Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Discoveries, 4-5 July 2022, Warsaw, Poland. Conference Presentation.

  • “Identity Threat in a Remote Work Environment”. Joint Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Discoveries, 4-5 July 2022, Warsaw, Poland. Conference Presentation.

  • “Identity Threat and Self-adapting Strategies in a Remote Work Environment”. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion de Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), 17 June 2022. Conference Presentation.

  • Kate Yue Zhang, “Identity Changes and Self-Adapting Strategies in a Remote Work Environment.”

  • Workshop 1: “Cognition in the Rough,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2021.

  • Workshop 2: Academy of Management Paper Development Workshop on Managing Remote Work, 2021.

  • “(De)Radicalization in Schools and a Rights-Based Regulatory Framework: Comparative Reflections on Violent Radicalization and Nationalism.Symposium: Liberal Democracy and Its Challenges for Education and for Political Science, ASN World Convention, Columbia University, New York, USA. 18-20 May 2023.
  • Invited speaker. “Securitization Reforms in French Education.” CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA. May 2023.
  • “Obligations to Respect, Protect, and Fulfil the Right to Education in the Context of Private Involvement in Education.” Side event to the 53rd regular session of the Human Rights Council titled “Human Rights Obligations to Provide Public Education - Strengthening the Right to Education for All: Introducing the Abidjan Principles’ Commentary,” United Nations Office, Geneva, Switzerland. June 2023.
  • “Deradicalizing’ Children by Radicalizing Society: On the Imposition of Fundamental Values in School Curricula in France and the UK. Symposium: Liberal Democracy and Its Challenges for Education and for Political Science, ҵ Center for Critical Democracy Studies (CCDS), Paris, France. 9 June 2023.
  • “‘Religious Separatism’ and Separation of Church and State: Weaponizing Republican Values against Muslims in France.” International Conference: Migration, Law and Religion/Culture, Berlin, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin, Germany. Dec. 2023.

  • “(De)Radicalization in Schools and a Rights-based Regulatory Framework.” Faculty Workshop, Unisinos Law School, Porto Alegre, Brazil (December 2022). Conference Presentation.

  • Zinigrad, Roman and Umut Korkut. “The State as a Stakeholder in Radicalization.” CERIS (Community for European Research and Innovation for Security), European Commission, November 2022, Brussels, Belgium Conference Presentation.

  • “Dieudonné: Humour in the Service of Antisemitism in France.” Workshop: “Changing landscapes: From humour and/in politics to humour as politics,” Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, 2022, Germany Conference Presentation.

  • “Les usages politiques des catégories juridiques par la Russie : dépasser le clivage autoritaire-démocrate” SDI (Semaine Doctoral Intensive), Sciences Po Law School,2022, Paris. Conference Presentation.

  • “Populism and the Securitization of Education: Lessons from France.” Futures of Populism Workshop, D.Rad project, 2022, London. Conference Presentation.