


(University of Chicago Press)

Stephen W. Sawyer


Zarić, Zona. 2025. “Butler and Fraser: The History of a Controversy”. In: Judith Butler and Marxism: The Radical Feminism of Performativity, Vulnerability, and Care, ed. Elliot Mason and Valentina Moro. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Zinigrad, Roman. 2025. “Laïcité and Regimes of Security: Weaponizing Republican Values against Muslims in France”. J. of Law, Religion and State (Forthcoming).



(Edinburgh University Press)

Marjan Ivković,Zona Zarić

The first-ever monograph dedicated to the work ofrenowned critical theorist Nancy Fraser, authored byZona Zarićand Marjan Ivković(Edinburgh University Press) will be hot off the press this December 2024 and is already available forwith a launch discount code NEW30 for 30% off.This comprehensive study systematically reconstructsFraser’s influential contributions to critical theory, Marxism, and socialist feminism, offering an in-depth analysis of her theories on social justice, recognition, and redistribution. The book delves into Fraser’s critical engagement with contemporary political challenges, providing a vital resource for scholars and students interested in understanding her impact on the future directions of critical theory.


Colin-Jaeger, Nathanaël. 2024. “Diviser pour mieux gouverner : en défense des fédérations polycentriques”, Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger (à paraître).

Colin-Jaeger, Nathanaël. 2024. “Can We Design Spontaneity?”, Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics , 17(1): 66-88.

Colin-Jaeger, Nathanaël. 2024. “La nature de la Fédération : ontologie et caractéristiques normatives”, Implications Philosophiques.

Culp, Julian. 2024. “Morally philosophizing the indefensible or politically theorizing the disagreeable?” Ethics & Global Politics, 17/4, 16–24.

Culp, Julian. 2024. “Deweyan Democracy and Education in a 'Society of Broadcasters',” in Festl, Michael (ed.), John Dewey and Contemporary Challenges to Democracy and Education, 87-104.

Culp, Julian. 2024. “The Global Crisis and the Psychological Feasibility of Internationalism,” Social Philosophy and Policy40/2, 372-86.

Culp, Julian. 2024. “Global Justice Must Be Seen To Be Done—A Defense of Integrated Pluralism,” Journal of International Political Theory.

Spieler, Miranda. 2024. “Ourika and the Chevalier de Boufflers.” In French Revolutionary Lives. Edited by David Bell and Colin Jones, 29-47. War Culture and Society. Series editor Rafe Blaufarb et al. Palgrave MacMillan.

Zarić, Zona. 2024. “The Rapeability and Takeability of Bodies and Lands”. In: Contours of Change, ed. Sanja Bojanić and Valeria Graziano. 176–189. Rijeka: CAS SEE University of Rijeka.

Zarić, Zona. 2024. “Pour une praxis de la compassion”. Multitude 96: 100–105.

Zinigrad, Roman. 2024. “Laughing Matters in Courts: Humor and the Normalization of Hate Speech”. Alternatives 2024. doi.org/10.1177/03043754241244891.


Culp, Julian. 2024. “Craig Calhoun, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar, and Charles Taylor. Degenerations of Democracy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2022),” Constellations 31/1, 124-6.

Culp, Julian. 2024. “Markus Tiedemann, Post-Aufklärungsgesellschaft – Was wir verlieren und was uns bevorsteht (Leiden/Paderborn: Brill/mentis, 2023),” Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik 46/1, 123-4.

Spieler, Miranda. 2024. Review of Edenz Maurice, La Guyane: la promesse républicaine: faire France outre-mer 1920-1980 (2022), submitted May 2024, forthcoming H-France.


Zinigrad. Roman. 2024. “How Social Media Amplifies Support for the Far Right in France”. LSE EUROPP (Sep. 2, 2024).



Edited by Albert Wu and Stephen W. Sawyer. (Routledge).

Edited by Julian Culp, Julian, Johannes Drerup and Douglas Yacek. (Cambridge University Press).


Colin-Jaeger, Nathanaël. 2023. “Raison publique, libéralisme, pluralisme et complexité : la contribution de Gerald Gaus à la philosophie politique”, Raisons Politiques, 92(4): 85-94.

Culp, Julian, and Johannes Drerup. 2023. “Equality of Educational Opportunity,” in Sardoč, Mitja (ed.), Handbook of Equality of Opportunity. Berlin: Springer, 1-25.

Culp, Julian. 2023. “Ethics of Education,” in Sellers, Mortimer, and Stephan Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Berlin: Springer, 1-7.

Culp, Julian. 2023. “Demokratie,” in Frühbauer, Johannes, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck und Thomas Schmidt (eds.), Rawls-Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 213–217.

Culp, Julian. 2023. “Thomas Pogge,” in Frühbauer, Johannes, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck und Thomas Schmidt (eds.), Rawls-Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 497-503.

Culp, Julian. 2023. “Democratic Citizenship Education in Digitized Societies – A Habermasean Approach,” Educational Theory 73/2, 178-203.

Hristov. George, Adriana Zaharijević and Zona Zarić. 2023. “Critique of the Master-Slave Dialectic” [Gospodari i robovi: kritika zasnovana na klasi, rasi i rodu]. In: Manuel of Critique [Priručnik kritike], ed. Marjan Ivković and Željko Radinković. 263–294. Belgrade: Akademska knjiga.

Mladenović, Ivica, Dušanka Milosvaljević and Zona Zarić. 2023. “Critical sociology” [Kritička sociologija]. In: Manuel of Critique [Priručnik kritike], ed. Marjan Ivković and Željko Radinković. 465–494. Belgrade: Akademskaknjiga. November 2023

Novak, William J. and Stephen W. Sawyer. 2023. “Une Histoire Pragmatique du Politique” [Possibilities for a Pragmatic History of the Political]. Histoire @ Politique 51: 184-193. doi: .

Ron, Ariel, and Sofia Valeonti. 2023. “The Money War: An Interpretation of Democracy, Depreciation, and Taxes in the U.S. Civil War.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 47 (2): 263-268. .

Spieler, Miranda. 2023. “L’Enlèvement des esclaves de Paris des Lumières.” In Colonisations: notre histoire, 120-122. Paris: Seuil.

Spieler, Miranda. 2023. Review of Cecile Vidal, Caribbean New Orleans, in Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales 4: 828-831.

Spieler, Miranda. 2023. Forum comment on David Todd,Velvet Empire(2022), H-Diplo Roundtable.

Zinigrad, Roman and Stephen W. Sawyer. 2023. “State and Religion: The French Response to Jihadist Violence”. 14(8) Religions 1010. doi.org/10.3390/rel14081010.

Zinigrad, Roman. 2023. “Commentary on the Abidjan Principles: Obligations to Respect, Protect, and Fulfil the Right to Education in the Context of Private Involvement”. Oxford Hum. Rights Hub J. 2023.


Sawyer, Stephen W., and Roman Zinigrad. 2023. Mainstreaming, Gender, and Communication in France. The American University of Paris. D.Rad. pp.95. halshs-04471793.

Sawyer, Stephen W., and Roman Zinigrad. 2023. Civic Education Programs as Preventive Measures in France. The American University of Paris. D.Rad. pp.22. halshs-04471801.


Culp, Julian. 2023. “Krassimir Stojanov, Bildung gegen Populismus? Über antidemokratische Halbbildung und ihre Alternativen (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2022),” Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik 45/4, 117.


Zinigrad, Roman. 2024. “The False Hope of Israel’s Protestors: Why The Supreme Court Is Not (And Never Was) The Last Bastion of Democracy”. VerfBlog (08.09.2023).



Edited by Julian Culp, Johannes Drerup, Isolde de Groot, Anders Schinkel and Douglas Yacek. (Brill).


Culp, Julian. 2022. “Symposium on Peter Hägel's Billionaires in World Politics,” The Journal of Global Ethics, 18/2.

Culp, Julian. 2022. “Global Democratic Educational Justice,” in Curren, Randall (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Education. London: Routledge, 245-56.

Culp, Julian. 2022. “Four Challenges to Political Autonomy Education in Contemporary Public Spheres,” On Education. Journal for Research and Debate 5 (14).

Culp, Julian. 2022. “Does Democratic Citizenship Education Engineer Consent to Political Authority?” in Luppi, Roberto (ed.), Autorità e democrazia. Educare al pluralismo nel XXI secolo.Rome: Armando Editore, 163-176.

Culp, Julian. 2022. “Zur postkolonialen Kritik globaler demokratischer Bildungsgerechtigkeit,” in Drerup, Johannes und Philipp Knobloch (eds.), Bildung in postkolonialen Konstellationen. Bielefeld: transcript, 235-260.

Dimand, Robert, and Sofia Valeonti. 2022. “Irving Fisher, Simon Newcomb, and Their Plans to Stabilize the Dollar.” The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 29 (6): 1052-1065. ”.

Sawyer. Stephen W. 2022. “Deglobalizing the Global History of Europe,” Annales Histoire et Sciences Sociales, 1-11, doi:10.1017/ahsse.2022.10.

Sawyer. Stephen W., and William J. Novak. 2022. “Of Rights and Regulation: Technologies of Socio-economic Governance in a Revolutionary Age” in Social Rights and the Politics of Obligation in History, Charles Walton and Steven Jensen, eds. (Cambridge University Press).

Spieler, Miranda. 2022. «Viande de barbecue» dans L’Épicerie du monde. Edited by Pierre Singravélou, 17-21. Paris: Fayard.

Valeonti, Sofia. 2022. “Henry C. Carey’s Monetary Thought and American Industrialization in the Greenbacks Debate.” History of Political Economy 54 (2): 186-216. .


Culp, Julian. 2022. Demokratie und Digitalisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung. Vienna: Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).


Sawyer, Stephen W., and Roman Zinigrad. 2022. “Radicalizing Law to Deradicalize Society: The French Legislative Arsenal of Deradicalization and the Threat to Human Rights”. D.Rad Blog.



Culp, Julian. 2021. “John Rawls,” in Festl, Michael G. (ed.), Liberalismus Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 149-156.

Culp, Julian. 2021. “Martha Nussbaum,” in Festl, Michael G. (ed.), Liberalismus Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 165-171.

Culp, Julian. 2021. “Supranationalität,” in Festl, Michael G. (ed.), Liberalismus Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 263-268.

Culp, Julian, and Johannes Drerup. 2021 “Demokratieerziehung und die Herausforderungen des Liberalismus,” Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Ausgabe 4. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Culp, Julian. 2021. “Schulische Demokratieerziehung und die Krise der repräsentativen Demokratie,” Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 2021/4. Wertheim: Beltz Juventa, 528-542.

Delalande, Nicolas, and Stephen W. Sawyer. 2021. “La fabrique transnationale de l’État. Nouveaux regards sur une exception française”. D’ici et d’ailleurs. Histoires globales de la France contemporaine, Quentin Deluermoz, ed. (Paris: La Découverte).

Ducange, Jean-Numa, Silyane Larcher et Stephen W. Sawyer. 2021. “La République multiple. Une histoire transnationale et globale”. D’ici et d’ailleurs. Histoires globales de la France contemporaine, Quentin Deluermoz, ed. (Paris: La Découverte).

Sawyer, Stephen W. 2021. «Un procès en légitimité. Adolphe Thiers, la Commune et les fondements démocratiques de la République». Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle. 63: 39-56.

Sawyer, Stephen W. 2021. “From Histories of Liberalism to a History of the Demos: Toward a Democratic Critique of Neoliberalism,” Consecutio Rerum,Anno 5, no 9.

Sawyer, Stephen W. 2021. “‘Paris Broken, but Paris Liberated’? The State, City Administration and Scales of Reconstruction in Post-War Paris, 1944-1976,” Cold War Cities, Tze-ki Hon, ed. (Routledge).

Spieler, Miranda, 2021. «Être esclave dans une capitale impériale: Paris XVIIIe siècle» dans Histoire mondiale de l’esclavage. Edited by Paulin Ismard, Benedetta Rossi, and Cécile Vidal, 245-252. Paris: Seuil.

Spieler, Miranda, 2021. “Peasant Resistance in Postrevolutionary Haiti.” Reviews in American History. 49(3): 413-421.

Zinigrad, Roman. 2021. “Parental Rights in Education under International Law: Nature and Scope” in Realizing the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education: Human Rights, Public Education, and the Role of Private Actors in Education 79-103 (F. Adamson et al. eds., Elgar Publishing, 2021).


Sawyer, Stephen W., and Roman Zinigrad. 2021. De-radicalisation and Integration in France: Legal & Policy Framework. The American University of Paris. D.Rad. pp.81. halshs-04471780.

Sawyer, Stephen W., and Roman Zinigrad. 2021. Trends of Radicalisation in France. The American University of Paris, D.Rad. pp.64. halshs-04471773.

Sawyer, Stephen W., and Roman Zinigrad. 2021. Cultural Drivers of Radicalisation in France. The American University of Paris. D.Rad. pp.71. halshs-04471785.

Sawyer, Stephen W., and Roman Zinigrad. 2021. Stakeholders of (De)-Radicalisation in France. American University of Paris. D.Rad. pp.62. halshs-04471763.


Spieler, Miranda, 2021. Review of Sophie White, Voices of the Enslaved: Love, Labor, and Longing in French Louisiana(2019), in Slavery and Abolition. 42(3): 653-654.

Spieler, Miranda, 2021. Review of Brandon Byrd, The Black Republic: African Americans and the fate of Haiti (2019), in Slavery and Abolition, 42(2): 415-417.


Culp, Julian. 2021. “Licht und Schatten John Rawls’ politischer Philosophie,” praefaktisch-Blog, February 28.

Sawyer, Stephen W., and Roman Zinigrad. 2021. The Democratic Promise of “Deradicalization”. Tocqueville21 (02.06.2021).