ҵ's MCGC Center is proud to partner with the following international research centers and networks that further research, understanding, and political action around digital technologies, media, communication, democracy, and social justice.
(MIC)is a collaboration between the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication and. The Center explores the intersections between media, democracy, technology, policy, and social justice. MIC produces engaged research and analysis while collaborating with community leaders to help support activist initiatives and policy interventions.
is a leading research institution that creates new forms of cultural understanding for a rapidly internationalizing world. Its major objectives are to work with colleagues around the world to develop critical understandings of the forces shaping contemporary life; to design international projects that transform research, teaching, and policy-making by sharing institutional resources and innovatively using the latest in telecommunication technologies; and to inform expert and lay audiences in the United States and abroad about contemporary cultural issues affecting us all.
Democratic Agendas Network:In 2017,launched a new network-building project titledDemocratic Agendas Networkas a framework for integrating projects and dialogues related to the career of democracy and its futures. Through theDemocratic Agendas Network,the CTSis currently focused on developing a network that links graduate students and faculty at universities and research institutions, both in the U.S. and abroad, in long-term collaborative projects. This new network will enhance and complement the conferences, research, teaching, publications, and public outreach initiatives thatthe CTShas been fostering since its inception.The CTSplays a crucial coordinating role in this project, working in collaboration with international scholars and institutional partners.
(CGCC)was founded in 2002 as an interdepartmental forum for bringing together School of Communication faculty and students to address the emerging importance of globalization in communication studies. No theme better captures the intellectual challenges of the new century than globalization, especially as mediated by cultural flows and communication technology. Although established in the School of Communication, the CGCC offers the opportunity for interdisciplinary scholarly exchanges to members of all Northwestern academic units.
began in 2007 by investigating whether new technology is enabling self-expression and connection in new ways, and by developing new applications for social and creative purposes.Its work since 2012 has centred on how journalism is changing, and how the media can be reformed.
If your center or research network is interested in collaborating with our center, please contact the MCGC Center Director,Jayson Harsinjharsinaup.edu