Essential elements of ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½â€™s global liberal arts curriculum include being able to think critically, challenge assumptions, conduct research, navigate resources, evaluate findings, articulate well-reasoned arguments and convey said arguments in writing and in other modes of expression.
To fulfill this requirement, you will need to: complete an English sequence through EN2020 (coded CCE) – in most cases this is fulfilled with one semester of EN1010 and one semester of EN2020, representing 8 credits; and two courses, one coded CCD and one CCR, and representing 8 credits in the major.
As part of these courses, you will engage with works of world literature from a wide range of genres and time periods and situate these works in their historical and cultural contexts. You will improve your reading and writing skills and learn to present well-organized, insightful critical arguments.
To fulfill this requirement, you will need to complete an English sequence from EN1010 through EN2020 Writing and Criticism (coded CCE), representing 8 credits.
Learning Outcomes
You will learn how to:
Digital Literacy courses teach skills in digital collaboration, writing and publishing, data management and preservation, data analysis and presentation, and research – as well as the ethics and implications of these practices. You will enhance your ability to use a range of digital tools and technology-enabled methodologies.
To fulfill this requirement, you will need to take one CCD course that could count towards any major, minor, GLACC or elective course.
Learning Outcomes
In all courses coded DL, you will:
These courses emphasize research methods and writing in the discipline, they are coded CCR.
To fulfill this requirement you will need to take 1 CCR coded course, representing 4 credits.
Learning Outcome