
Credit Transfers

Transferring Credits to ҵ

Credit transfers allow you to bring credits earned at another accredited institution with you to The American University of Paris. High school or secondary school students can earn advanced standing credits for their diplomas or advanced coursework.

Advanced standing credit from high school or secondary school

Depending on your secondary school curriculum, you may qualify for up to 32 semester credits of advanced standing credit.

  • International Baccalaureate(IB Diploma) candidates receive 32 semester credits for results of 30 or above; 8 semester credits for results between 24 and 29 for each HL score of 4 and above; 8 semester credits for each IB HL Certificate with a score of 4 or above.Students receiving an IB score of 32and above are also eligible for theҵ IB Diploma Scholarship.
  • Advanced Placement “AP” Tests(College Board) 8 semester credits for each AP test passed with a grade of 4 or above, not to exceed 24 credits.ҵ's CEEB code is 0866.
  • GCE 'A' LevelExaminations candidates receive 32 semester credits for at least three subjects in which an A, B, or C was achieved; 11 semester credits for each individual subject in which an A, B, or C was achieved for two or fewer subjects. Not to exceed 32 credits.
  • Austrian Matura candidates receive 32 credits with a minimum overall grade of bestanden ("passed").
  • Bulgarian Diploma za Sredno Obrazovaniecandidates receive 32 credits with a minimum average grade of 4.
  • Danish Studentereksamencandidates receive 32 credits with a minimum average grade of 9.
  • Dutch VWO(Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs)candidates receive 32 semester credits a minimum average of 6 .
  • Finnish Ylioppilastutkinto/Studentexamensbetygcandidates receive 32 credits with a minimum average grade of magna cum laude approbatur (5).
  • French Baccalauréatcandidates receive 32 semester credits.
  • German Abiturcandidates receive 32 semester credits with a minimum grade of 3.
  • Italian Maturita(Esame di stato) candidates receive 32 semester creditswith a minimum average grade of 60.
  • Lebanese Baccalauréatcandidates receive 32 semester credits.
  • Norwegian Vitnemål–Videregående Opplæringcandidates receive 32 semester credits with a minimum average grade of 4.
  • Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureatcandidates receive 32 semester credits with a minimum average grade of 6.
  • Swedish Fullständigt Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskolancandidates receive 32 credits with a minimum average grade of VG (15).
  • Swiss Maturacandidates receive 32 semester credits with a minimum grade of 4 (depending on grading scale).

The University does not currently recognize any other secondary school examinations for advanced standing.

Transfer credit from another university or college

You may transfer up to 64 semester credits for successfully completed coursework where you earned a “C” or better from a previously attended university or college. Credit stemming from the following coursework is not accepted, and is not eligible for transfer credit:graduate coursework, internships and professional experiences, repeated coursework, physical education, and religious courses that resemble catechism.

How your transfer credits are calculated and applied to ҵ degree requirements

Once you have confirmed your attendance to the University and your official transcripts have been received, your previous university-level courses will be fully evaluated for transfer credit eligibility. Occasionally you’ll be asked to provide additional information (such as a course description or syllabus) in order to determine transfer eligibility of a particular course.

At least 64 credits, including your final 16, must be completed in residency at ҵ. Transfer credits can fulfill either core curriculumrequirements, requirements in your major, or free elective credit.

Transfer credit fulfilling core curriculum requirements

Very often your transfer credit may fulfill ҵ core curriculum requirements. Core curriculum requirements include courses in four subject areas: math and science, humanities, social sciences and languages. Core curriculum courses are organized in four categories: Integrative Inquiry, Critical Inquiry and Expression,Quantitative and Experimental ReasoningandExpression Française.

Transfer credit towards requirements in your chosen major

As a transfer student, you must complete at least fifty% of your upper-level major requirements at ҵ. You may apply up to eight transfer credits toward a minor.

Get in touch

Should you have any questions about your transfer credits or need help to determine your eligibility, don’t hesitate tocontact the Admissions Office.