Anyone can be a global explorer.ҵ’sglobal liberal arts education prepares you to live and work internationally – no matter where your journey began.Weaward over€6million every year to students of all nationalities,with the aim ofpromoting economic diversity among our culturally diverse student body.
Around50% of students receive some form of financial aid– in some cases as high as 75% of tuition. Below, you’ll find more information on financial aidoptions at ҵ.Unless otherwise stated, awardstake the form of tuition abatement.
The awardsbeloware based on your profile and background, not on financial need.ҵ will automatically consider you for these at the point of admission to the university.All of these awards are limited to incoming, degree-seeking students. Visiting students and First Year Abroad students are not eligible.Students initially admitted as degree-seeking students and were awarded merit aid, cannot keep the award if they change to an ineligible program. Current students at ҵ who were not initially awarded at the time of admission are not eligible.
More information is included in the drop-down menu for each award just below.
ҵ is American. ҵ is French. ҵ is proudly international. We believe that identities are complex and multifaceted and that cultural perspectives are best when shared.If yousee yourself as livingan international lifestyle,if youfeelconnected tomore than one country, and have the willingness and drive to go out ofyourcomfort zone and engage withthe world in new ways, you’ll fit right into the ҵ community.The Cross-Cultural Award is given to students who know how to communicate the benefit of their international experiences to their peers and colleagues. We look for students who feel at home in the world and are comfortable inunfamiliarenvironments.If you believe that living and learning across national borders has positively impacted your life, and if you want to help others find similar experiences, then you’re the perfect candidate.
At ҵ,youbuildyour own pathway.A liberal arts education extends beyond the classroom and into all aspects of life. ҵ’s Global Professional Skills (GPS) Programis aco-curricularinitiative thatprovides the tools you need for continuous growth and improvement toward your personal and professional goals. It encourages participants to think of their curricular and co-curricular endeavors as intertwinedand to learn from each new experience. If you are someone involved in student clubs, volunteer activities or community organizing, then you already know how enriching co-curricular activities can be as a complement to academic studies. The GPS Co-Curricular Scholarship is awarded tocuriousstudents whoseek, through the GPS Program, to seize new opportunities andreflect on howtheseactivitiesshapetheir present and future.
For those students educated within the Frenchhigh-schoolsystem,theAmerican liberal arts model of higher education offers greater flexibility and more opportunities for exploration than traditional French universities. ҵ is uniquely placed to provide an American education on French soil. If you have completed the French Baccalaureate or have followed the French curriculum in France or abroad, then you are eligibleto be considered for this additional scholarship.
Purposeful travelis central to an ҵ education.Your classescarry learning outside of the classroom, encouraging you to apply your knowledgetoreal-life situations out in the field.ҵ’s Cultural Program has, since 1962, given students the opportunity to sharpen their intellectual curiosity throughfaculty-ledstudy tripsacrossFrance, Europe and the world. The Cultural Program Award is designed for students who demonstrate a strong desire for academic, cultural and personal exploration, but who need help financing study trips.
In a world where so many of our lives are dominated by consumer-driven identities, we believe that the future will be defined by those students who have the innate ability to think independently, critically and, above all else, confidently. THRIVE scholars will exhibit strong intellectual ability, most often as demonstrated in their academic pursuits - in and out of the classroom, and not be afraid to strike out on their own path. If you enjoy learning in all aspects of your life, and if your academic interestsfuel your extracurricular passions, then you may well be considered for a THRIVE scholarship.
The ҵ alumni community is over 20,000 strong. Once you graduate, you’ll form part of a close-knit community that stays connected for life.It’s no surprise that some of the global explorers attendingthe Universitytodayarenot the first in their families to join us in Paris. The Alumni Scholarship is awarded to admitted degree-seeking students whose parent or grandparent graduated from The American University of Pariswith either a bachelor’s or master’s diploma.
ҵ is committed to supporting veterans of the United States Armed Forces and their families.Veterans or current military dependents who qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) or the VA Survivors and Dependents Education Assistance Program (Chapter 35) and who can produce a VA Certificate of Eligibility will receive an annual Veterans Scholarship.
Students who qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill at the 100% benefit level may be eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Programat ҵ which would cover more than the Veterans Scholarship.
ҵ processes need-based Tuition Awards drawing on the information included in the student’s admissions application and combining it with an evaluation of a family’s financial need.You must request and complete a financial aid application to be considered for this award. The average total Financial Aid package at ҵ is about 33% of tuition and the majority do not go over 50% of tuition. There are limited exceptions including our 75% ҵ Scholar Awards.
ҵ Scholar Award
ҵ awards a limited number of ҵ Scholar Awards to students with exceptionally strong academics, proven financial need, and a clear demonstration that they would flourish within the ҵ community. The award is combined with other forms of financial aid representing a total package of 75% of tuition. ҵ Scholars will be asked to contribute in various ways to the development of our vibrant, international student body. Activities that may be required include volunteering as an ҵ Student Ambassador, participating in special ҵ events, communicating with prospective students and alumni, student blogging, and social media campaigns.
We ask you to fill out an online application and submit a number of supporting documents. New students can apply for a tuition award after having submitted their application for admissions. The application for a tuition award and any supporting documents will in no way affect the admissions decision.To apply, just follow these steps:
Contact the Admissions Team if you have any questions about the procedure or your award.
To accept a tuition award, you must and complete all the steps in the online confirmation process, as detailed in your acceptance email. Please pay attention to any dates on the tuition award letter as the offer may only be valid for a limited time and may be different from other admission deadlines. The official award is final, but in certain cases you may request a re-evaluation of your file (contact your Admissions Counselor to learn how to submit an appeal).
The amount in your award letter is for a full-time course schedule. Should your credit load decrease or increase in future semesters, you’ll maintain the same percentage of thefinancial award. In other words, your award amount will be pro-rated.
If you’re an American student or U.S. permanent resident, please read the loan eligibility information outlined in your award letter carefully. Let your admissions counselor know right away if you plan on applying for loans.
All undergraduate students receiving a merit award or scholarship or a need-based tuition award must maintain the required minimum cumulative GPA for their award.
Current undergraduate students who have never received a tuition award can submit a tuition award application and the required supporting documents to be considered for a tuition award for the following semester. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required to be considered. Completing the application well before the beginning of the semester is encouraged. New applications will not be considered if a complete application is not on file before the first day of the semester. Contact admissionsaup.eduto receive a copy of the online application form and a list of supporting documents required.
Current undergraduate students receiving only a merit award or scholarship, including former Global Citizenship Scholarship awardees must also maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Students and permanent residents from the United States can obtain U.S. federal and private loans to help finance part or all of their studies. The available loans are:
We are Title IV-approved (code G07881) by the United States Department of Education to participate in the federal Direct Loan Program and administer loans to American citizens and permanent residents. This loan program gives our students access to Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans, Parent PLUS and Graduate PLUS loans. Our American students can also apply for the private Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan.Due to federal regulations, students applying through guaranteed transfer agreements will only be eligible for private loans, and not for federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans and PLUS loans.
Most undergraduate students take out Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans first and then use the Parent PLUS loan or the Smart Option loan for the balance. Eligibility and more detail are provided in the official financial award letter.
Please note that ҵ students are not eligible for the Pell grant, or any other federal grants, as these grants are not applicable to universities that are located outside of the U.S., in accordance with federal regulations.
With the exception of the private Smart Option loan, which you can apply for directly online through, all students applying for US federal loans must begin by filling out(Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for each academic year.
Once you complete the FAFSA, a copy of the Student Aid Report (SAR) is sent to us electronically if you request it. ҵ's Title IV code is G07881. It’s the student's responsibility to fill out the FAFSA properly and resolve any outstanding issues.
Filling out the FAFSA does not mean that you have applied for any loans. Completing the FAFSA is only the first of several steps required to apply for loans. You still need to. You will also need to complete the ҵ Loan Plan on your ҵ Status page.
All students using US Federal Loans must complete. Entrance counseling ensures you understand the terms and conditions of your loan and your rights and responsibilities. You'll learn what a loan is, how interest works, your options for repayment, and how to avoid delinquency and default.
All students using US Federal Loans must also completewhen they leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. The purpose of exit counseling is to ensure you understand your student loan obligations and are prepared for repayment. You'll learn about what your federal student loan payments will look like after school. Federal Student Aid will recommend a repayment strategy that best suits your future plans and goals.
Once you’ve completed your FAFSA and the required steps to apply for loans, the Financial Aid Office initiates the request for your loan funds. This process takes about a week. Then,Student Accounting Serviceswill credit your student account at The American University of Paris with the corresponding loan amount in Euros.
If any excess loanfunds are on your student account after tuition and fees have been covered, student accounting services will prepare a check in Euros that you can deposit into your local bank account in Paris and use for your living expenses. Most students receive living expense money from their loans at the beginning of the semester. Nevertheless, federal regulations prevent The American University of Paris from disbursing loan funds, and therefore turning over any living expense money, any time prior to 10 days before the beginning of the loan period, usually the first day of the semester.
Please address all questions about your student account, gaining access to the refund check, and local banking issues to Student Accounting Services.
U.S. Department of Education regulations determine total loan eligibility, i.e. the maximum amount you can borrow in any given loan period, based on the following formula: tuition + fees + reasonable living expenses – financial awards received. Your FAFSA results will determine how this final amount is divided among your different loan types, but your overall loan eligibility is provided in the official financial award letter.
You cannot borrow more than your loan eligibility unless a detailed budget is presented and approved by the ҵ Financial Aid Office. Federal statute indicates explicitly what can and cannot be included in a budget. For example, items such as past credit card debt, most start-up costs before arriving on campus, rent that is noticeably higher than that of most other students, security deposits and any expenses outside of a loan period cannot be included in the budget.
Once a loan has been certified and the funds are ready to be requested from the Department of Education. Student Accounting Services will credit your account with the net amounts of the loan. The net US dollar amount is converted to Euros using the official daily exchange rate for the day The American University of Paris received the funds.
Students who borrow federal loans are limited in the amount of study they can complete in the United States. This is because ҵ is a "foreign university" (meaning our campus is located outside of the United States) as defined by the US Department of Education. Once at ҵ, degree-seeking students who receive federal loans cannot elect to study inside the United States if it means more than 25% of their program (degree) is made up of courses completed in the United States. This takes into account previous transfer credits to ҵ as well. Each request to study abroad, whether it is an entire semester or a one-course internship/thesis must be measured against the 25% threshold. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.
If you apply for one of these loans and your credit check fails, you will either need to correct the problem with your credit report or apply with an endorser. We encourage you to ensure that any problems get resolved well before payment deadlines.
Although the Financial Aid Office strives to ensure that our students understand the complexities of the student loan process, we’ll never refuse to certify a loan for an eligible student. However, the Financial Aid Office will not process federal loans for a) students taking summer session courses before they begin their full-time studies in the fall semester; b) students who are not registered full-time during their first semester.
Both the Financial Aid Office and Student Accounting Services process loans for students, but each office has a specific role and is better able to answer questions in certain areas.
Contact the Financial Aid Officewith questions about:
Contact Student Accounting Serviceswith questions about:
This is a list of some of the most frequently asked financial aid questions. Please do not hesitate toif your question is not answered.
Almost all awards granted by ҵ are easily renewed every year by meeting certain minimum requirements. Merit awards and scholarships are maintained each semester by keeping a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Tuition Awards for undergraduate students are maintained with a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA . Americans who receive federal loans must re-apply for the loans each academic year, which means completing, at minimum, a new FAFSA and a new Master Promissory Note(s) (MPN) for each loan.
You may appeal, in writing, to the Financial Aid Office to reinstate a financial award or scholarship once you meet the qualifications for the award again. For example, a student losing a merit award or scholarship due to a 2.8 cumulative GPA at the end of the fall semester must achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA by the end of the spring semester before an appeal for reinstatement can be made. Awards are reinstated the semester following the appeal. An appeal cannot be made retroactively.
All types of financial awards will be applied directly to your ҵ student account. Your award is tied to registration and course load, and will be adjusted if you register for according to any course overload or part-time. There are two exceptions: enrollment. a) audited courses are not eligible b) students taking a course overload who have merit awards and scholarships will receive the full semester amount, not a pro-rated amount for additional overload charges.
If you are an American student receiving loans, we will submit loan amounts for you to the Office of Student Accounting Services, which will credit your student account. If a positive balance remains following the deduction of tuition and fees from your loan amount, a refund check in euros will be issued to you by student accounting services.
Students are eligible to use private scholarships to pay for tuition.
With a student visa, you have the right to work part-time in France during your studies.
Department of Education regulations recently changed and degree seeking students at foreign universities like ҵ can now study in the United States as long as the duration of the study abroad or the internship does not exceed 25% of the total program.
Your total Financial Aid package (merit awards or scholarships and/or Tuition Award) will be pro-rated based on your new registration. You will keep the same percentage of Financial Aid.
Your total Financial Aid package (merit awards or scholarships and/or Tuition Award) will be pro-rated based on your new registration. You will keep the same percentage of Financial Aid.
The Financial Aid Office will ensure your overall Financial Aid package is pro-rated and that you keep the same percentage of Financial Aid.This does not apply to merit-only awards.
This is a list of some of the most frequently asked loan questions. Please do not hesitate to contact the Financial Aid office if your question is not answered.
No. This is, unfortunately, a very common question, but federal regulations state explicitly that we cannot disburse living expense money any time prior to 10 days before the first day of class. If your loans are guaranteed and set up completely, we’re happy to intervene and speak with your landlord or provide documentation advocating for a payment extension until you receive your funds.
Yes, but only if you’re going to be registered for at least 6 credits during the summer session. If you’re not registered in the summer, you can’t include any summer expenses on the budgets of the preceding spring or following fall semesters.
There are additional scholarships, awards and grants besides financial aidthat you can apply for directly, which may enhance your learning opportunities and experiences.