Have a question or need some help? bcorbinaup.edu (Contact us).
We were so excited by the generosity and support we received from all members of our ҵ community on #GivingTuesday. What a wonderful thing to know we will be able to offer two more scholarships to deserving students. If you weren’t able to make your gift on Giving Tuesday, we will be leaving our Facebook fundraiser page open until Friday, December 7 Midnight EST, so it’s not too late to support scholarships at ҵ.
Have a question or need some help? bcorbinaup.edu (Contact us).
Kristina Keenan '08
Benoit Corbin
Heather Price '09
Missy McTamney '75
Meg Gagnard '12
Jennifer Campbell
Victoria Griffiths
Sally Murray
Kilian Ordelheide '13
Andrew Laubie '07
Soyoung Park '17
Darcee Caron G'13
Elan Garonzik '70
Mathilde Fouché
Jasmine Paul '18
Leslie Reed '80
Peregrine McCroskey-Olander '06 / G '08
Sorana Ionascu
Eleanor Schulz
Jonathan Shimony
Samar Jaberi
TogzhanKumekbayeva '13
Camille Delong
Marc Groothaert '68
Waddick Doyle
Elaine Brooks
Andrew Batinovich '80
Dan Sherry '79
Carrie Armstrong
Mitch Markson
Carey Kluttz '09
Thomas Ingold
Vivian Nguyen '13
Marian Davis
Alan Peterson '89
Taylor Brooks
Maria Bach '11
Amber Cooper-JorezG'09
André LavergneG'14
Regine Griffiths
Marc Montheard
Mary McLean Evans
Celeste M. Schenck
Sinead Foley
Clara do Prado
Brenda Torney
Lindsey TramutaG'09
Gaby Alexander Olander
Roxanne Vanderbilt '95
Shelly Nyqvist
BJ McDuffieG'09
Lavinia Stanescu '13
Tim Rogers
Richard Kennedy '76
Shane Wright
Melissa Payne
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Every year, scholarships make it possible for ҵ to welcome Global Explorers from diverse cultural and social backgrounds who might otherwise not be able to attend the University. Scholarships are made possible in part by the generosity of others — ҵ alumni, parents and friends around the world and here in Paris whose support makes a difference each day to our community.
On #GivingTuesday all members of the ҵ community came together to supporto #OneMoreScholar. All gifts were added to the financial aid resources of the University, providing additional funds to recruit students who require financial assistance in order to attend ҵ.
In the end, we were supported by enough members of our community to offer two new scholarships to ҵ students. What a wonderful thing to know we will be able to offer two more scholarships to deserving students. Thank you to everyone who contributed to makingsuch a success!
If you weren’t able to make your gift on November 27, we will be leaving our fundraising page open until Friday, December 7 Midnight EST, so
At the heart of ҵ’s strategic vision is its extraordinary diversity of cultures, nationalities, languages, ethnicities and faiths among both students and faculty. We are committed to ensuring that the transformative learning that takes place in our small classrooms, where students and faculty from all over the world engage in dialogue in order to negotiate differences, includingstudents of all backgrounds and financial capacity. A student'sfinancial realities should not determine whether or not they receive a world class education.
*all figures are reflective ofthe 2017-18 academic year
Making a gift to our to scholarships fund helps ensure that our community continues to reflect the world at large— and that all our students benefit from our unique environment brimming with diverse perspectives.
We hope you will join ҵ alumni, parents and friends around the world this Giving Tuesday in demonstrating your school pride by helping us spread the word so we can support #OneMoreScholar.
Can't find the answer to your question here? please don’t hesitate to contact us. Regardless of the size of the gift you have in mind, we are here to help. ContactBenoit Corbin at bcorbinaup.edu.
The American University of Paris qualifies as a tax-exempt organization as described under U.S. Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), which is eligible to receive charitable contributions that are deductible for U.S. income tax purposes. Tax Identification Number 98-0013023. U.S. dollar gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The American University of Paris is also a société à but non lucratif reglé par le droit du Delaware (USA), association 1901 etrangère declaré en France (SIRET 784 308 272 00037 – Code APE 8542 Z), and contributions are tax-deductible in France according to the tax laws of the country.
AllUS dollar gifts will receive a US tax receipt, euro gifts will receive a French tax receipt. If you are donating through our Facebook campaign in US dollars you should receive an automatic receipt of your donation, for donors not residing in the US we will be happy to provide French tax receipts for your donations.
For all inquiries please contact Benoit Corbin atbcorbinaup.edu
To make your donation to #OneMoreScholar by check, please send a USD or EUR check to:
The American University of Paris
Office of University Outreach and Advancement
5 boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg
If you would prefer to make your gift by wire transfer, please contact advancementaup.edu and we will advise you on the next steps.