
How to Register for Housing

To choose your housing, you will follow this simple process:

  1. REVIEW OPTIONS:Makesureyou have read throughallthehousing options listed in the navigation sidebar. Take a moment to think about your needs, your budget and the type of community you would like to beapart of.Keep in mind that every single option has its pros and cons and keep an open mind as you enter the housing registration process. Once you have a few preferences in mind, you can move on to the checklist.
  2. SELECT YOUR PREFERRED HOUSING OPTIONS:andindicate your housing preference. If you are being housed by the University you will then be able tocomplete the housing stepandselect preferred housing options. Please note that only the housing options available to you (as a semester-long or year-long student) will be listed for you to select. The Housing Office will be assigning rooms on a first-come-first-served basis.Please note that completingthis stepisnot a confirmation of registration.The Housing Office will reach outto you to confirm your registration based on availability.
  3. PAYMENT: After we have registered you in one of your selected housing options, we will send you an invoice and payment details.The first payment is non-refundable andserves to secure your housing reservation.
  4. CONFIRMATION: You will receive confirmation from ҵ’s Office of Student Accounting Services (SAS)– this finalizes the housing step of your ҵ Status Page.


Housing assignments at ҵ are processed on a first-come-first-served basis. This means that when the “Indicate your Housing Preferences” form opens on the ҵ Status Page, students will be able to submit their preferences and the housing office will process them one by one based on time stamp. The form will open on the following dates:

Student Date
First-year students (degree-seeking, visiting, or gap year) – required to enroll in ҵ Housing November 19th, 2024 at 4PM Paris Time
Transfer and visiting students with previous college experience – not required to enroll in ҵ Housing November 21st, 2024 at 4PM Paris Time

This can be a competitive process: in previous years, the housing office has received over 200 submissions in the first 5 minutes of the form opening. This is why we strongly recommend going into the housing assignment process with an open mind, and with a flexible selection of preferred housing.

Please do note that the housing preference form allows you to indicate preferences, not to select a specific housing. While we would love to, ideally, place all of our students in their first choice, we receive many submissions in a very short period of time, and beds in all residences are limited. We may not be able to place you in your first or second choice – in some cases, all the preferences of a specific submission may be booked by the time we process the student’s form. Should that be the case, we will contact the student for new preferences based on updated availability.

Roommate requests in the housing preference form:

If you know someone also attending ҵ starting Spring 2025with whom you wish to share a room, you will be able to request them as a roommate in your housing preferences form on your ҵ status page. Students are guaranteed to room with their requested roommate provided that they a) both request each other and b) both submit the same shared housing preferences in the exact same order on their form. If a student has requested a roommate, we will check their requested roommate’s preference form: so long as they have also requested the other student and listed the same preferences, they will be pulled into their requested roommate’s room regardless of submission order.Please note that some of our openings may be in shared rooms already housing one full-year student; as such, our ability to place two students who have requested each other in a completely open room may be limited.

It is important to note when two students request each other as roommates for a shared assignment, we do not assign either of them to the residence if only one spot remains available in that option– we automatically move to the next preference in their form that would accommodate both of them. Should you wish to prioritize your residence preference over your roommate request (meaning you wish to be assigned to the residence even if the roommate request cannot be honored), you should indicate this in the comment section of your housing preference form.

If you do not already have a roommate in mind but would still like to register for shared housing, do not worry: we will be sending a roommate and housemate preferences survey, after registrations have been finalized, to match students in shared housing based on their living habits and preferences!


While we work to match roommates based on the most compatible responses to the roommate survey, please note that we do not have as much flexibility in Spring assignments due to most of our housing options already being occupied. Some of our shared rooms may already be assigned to one full-year student (or multiple in our co-living apartments), and as such, possible pairings may be more limited.

Medical needs and the first-come-first-served process:

If you have medical needs that require a specific type of accommodation within our housing offering, we encourage you to submit a medical exemption request – this will excuse you from the housing requirement while providing you access to housing assistance through the database. Medical exemptions cannot be granted retrospectively after ҵ housing is assigned.

Shared housing gender policy:

Our Cambronne partner residence is comprised of homes with single rooms, each with a private en-suite bathroom, and will also be open to mix gender and sex assignments in units. This option, however, is only available to full-year students.

Our remaining shared housing, whether in twin studios or single and double rooms in shared apartments, does not allow for mixed sex and gender allocations. We are working on expanding our inclusive housing offering for our LGBTQA+ students, including those who identify as gender non-binary or gender-fluid, as we continue building our roster of ҵ-managed residences.

Students identifying as gender non-binary, gender-fluid, or transgender will have access to single studios should they not wish to list ҵ Cambronne as a preference, or should ҵ Cambronneno longer be available through the assignment process. We are able to prioritize their housing assignment to ensure they are placed within those options, especially as we want to make sure that they feel safe in their housing; this is why students can indicate their gender identity in their housing preference form.

Accessible ҵ Housing

Accessible accommodation is available in select ҵ residences and Partner residences. Students who need accessible housing should contact the housing office directly at housingataup.edu before submitting their preferences. We will work with them to ensure that they are placed in housing that best suits their needs.

How to Register FAQ

Can my second choice on the preference form be from the same location (e.g. both options in Musset Residence?)

Yes, you are able to choose different housing options within the same location for your first or second choice.

Is there a chance that all my preferences will be unavailable before I am assigned?

Yes. Due to the high number of submissions our office receives upon opening the registration form, we might not be able to process some of the last submissions in the first round due to some housing options being filled. If that is the case for you, we will email you to invite you to submit new preferences based on remaining availabilities.

Should I request a roommate in my preference form?

If you are confident that you know a fellow incoming student with whom your living preferences and habits are compatible, you can definitely request them as a roommate in your housing preference form. We do urge you to be careful and to thoroughly discuss your living preferences before requesting anyone as a roommate: great friends do not always make great roommates. In considering roommate requests with other incoming students, make sure to discuss the following topics: budget and the preferences you both wish to select in your forms, study and sleeping habits, tidiness and weekly chores, personal values, and social habits.

I do not like my housing assignment. Can I switch to a different housing option?

Unfortunately, we are not able to switch housing assignments once they have been issued to students. Please do note that, if you have received your third or fourth preference, this means that your top ranked preferences were filled by the time we processed your submission. This means that they were already assigned to other students, and that we would not be able to switch you to them after assignments have been issued.

Can I be placed on the waitlist? How can I switch to a newly available option following another student’s cancellation?

Unfortunately, we are not able to hold waitlists in our housing assignment process. We do issue cancellations of housing assignments should students fail to confirm their registration through the first payment. As such, should you wish to try your luck again through the assignment round, you would simply not complete your first payment, and resubmit preferences based on the updated availabilities following our first payment deadline. Do note that, should you seek that alternative, there is no guarantee that you will be assigned to your desired housing option – it is also possible that your initial housing assignment is no longer available when your reassignment form is processed.