

May 20–30, 2020 – This is a virtual conference.Participate from wherever you are.

This conference brings together some of the most renowned experts and academics from across the globe.

Molly Andrews

University of East London, UK

Global Crisis and the Failure of the Narrative Imagination

Kathya Araujo

Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile

Is There Anything New Under the Sun? Crisis, Individuals and the Social Bond. A Reflection From Latin America.

Babette Babich

Fordham University, USA

Pseudo-Science and ‘Fake’ News: 'Inventing' Epidemics and the Police State

Michael Bamberg

Clark University, USA

Uncertainty - Stress - Anxiety — Have we ever been Certain?

Hatem Bazian

University of California, Berkley, USA

Islamophobia in the Age of Covid-19 Pandemic: Xenophobia, Racism and Shifting the Blame

David Becker

Sigmund Freud University Berlin, Germany

War, Conflict and Human Rights: Responding to Psychosocial Issues Arising from Covid-19

Keith Berry

University of South Florida, USA

Communicating Crisis: The Potent Symbols of Covid-19

Marie-Cécile Bertau

University of West Georgia, USA

Time, the Other, and the Collective Voice. Discernments from a Language Psychological Perspective

Sunil Bhatia

Connecticut College, USA

The Pandemic is a Mirror: Race, Poverty and Radical Care in Times of Crisis

Ignacio Brescó de Luna

Aalborg University, Denmark

The Imaginative Co-construction of Past and Future in Pandemic Times

Jens Brockmeier

The American University of Paris, France

The Self and Its Crises

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Erica Burman

The University of Manchester, UK

Lockdown Vistas: Time, Space, Solidarity, Action

Clint Burnham

Simon Fraser University, Canada

Does the Coronavirus Have an Unconscious?

Nandita Chaudhary

University of Delhi, India

The Sense of a Pandemic: Tests, Trials and Turbulence in the Indian Subcontinent

Paula Dagnino

Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile

From Social Outburst to COVID: Chile's Crises Impact on Mental Health

Alessandra Fasulo

University of Portsmouth, UK

The Apocalypse and the Children. A Mediatic Journey Around the Space/Time Crisis in Family Homes

Michel Ferrari

University of Toronto, Canada

Coping Wisely to World Crises Personally and Politically: Can it be done, and who can tell?

Michelle Fine

City University of New York, Graduate Center, USA

Critical Inquiry on Gendered Violence in the Global North and South: A Conversation Between Puleng Segalo, UNISA and Michelle Fine

Mark Freeman

College of the Holy Cross, USA

The (Al)lure of Narrative: Information, Misinformation, and Disinformation in the Time of Coronavirus

Roger Frie

Simon Fraser University, Canada

Living with Vulnerability: Fear and Resilience in the Age of Coronavirus and Social Trauma

David Fryer

The University of Queensland, Australia

Critical Reflections on Global Unemployment in the Wake of the Global Pandemic: Psychological Crisis Upon Health Crisis?

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Kenneth Gergen

Swarthmore College, USA

Crisis and Consequence: The Relational Imperative

Danilo Silva Guimarães

Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Amerindian Paths Through Recurrent Sociocultural Crises

Raquel Guzzo

PUC Campinas, Brazil

Pandemic, Fatalism and Psychology Paralysis: How to Promote the Strengthening of People and Groups in Brazil?

Cathrine Hasse

Aarhus University, Denmark

How do Robots Change Everyday Lives?

Hani Henry

The American University in Cairo, Egypt

Sexual Harassment in the Egyptian Streets as a Continuing Crisis: A Cultural Perspective

Diane Hiebert-Murphy

University of Manitoba, Canada

COVID-19 and Intimate Partner Violence: Is the Response Creating a Crisis?

William Hirst

The New School for Social Research, USA

Remembering Crises: The Problem of Intergenerational Forgetting

Darrin Hodgetts

Massey University, New Zealand

Reflections on the Spychological Contract in Everyday Lives Disrupted by Crisis

Veronica Hopner

Massey University, New Zealand

Reflections on the Spychological Contract in Everyday Lives Disrupted by Crisis

Tin Tin Htun

Chuo University, Japan

Multiple Inequalities and Global Crisis

Ruthellen Josselson

Fielding Graduate University, USA

PlotlessStories and Unthought Knowns: Aspects of Psychological Life with Covid-19

Jamil Khader

Bethlehem University, Palestine

Biopolitics, Reinvented Communism, and Conspiracy Theories: The Covid-19 Pandemic in Pales

Ines Langemeyer

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Learning in Face of a Crisis

Amia Lieblich

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Covid-19 and the Person: Big and Small Stories

Luka Lucić

Pratt Institute, USA

Cognitive Development in Times of Radical Change: Education and Learning

Athanasios Marvakis

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Security as Pacification – the Trap of Psychologizing Social Phenomena

Dan McAdams

Northwestern University, USA

Stories of Crisis: Denial, Redemption, and Radical Acceptance in the Time of Covid-19

Maria Medved

The American University of Paris, France

De-Individuation and De-Personalization in the Times of Covid-19

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Hanna Meretoja

University of Turku, Finland &University of Oxford, UK

Narrative Agency, Pandemic Imagination and the Story of War

Morten Nissen

Aarhus University, Denmark

Crises and Meta-Motives

Kieran O'Doherty

University of Guelph, Canada

Trust, Trustworthiness, and Governance in Times of COVID

Lan-sze Pang

Shue Yan University, Hong Kong

Disembodiment of Counselling under Covid-19Crisis: Challenges that May Change Counselling Forever

Ian Parker

University of Leicester, UK

Viral Resistance

Nimisha Patel

University of East London, UK

War, Conflict and Human Rights: Responding to Psychosocial Issues Arising from Covid-19

Wade Pickren

Independent scholar, USA.

Psychologies Otherwise: A Decolonial Option for Our Present Crises

Jeffrey Reber

University of West Georgia, USA

Lessons Learned the Hard Way: Crisis and the Rethinking of Psychological Assumptions about Human Altruism and Agency

Paul Rhodes

University of Sydney, Australia

Eco-Anxiety and Psycho-Terratic Paradigms of Practice: A View From Australia

Theodore Richards

Chicago Wisdom Project, USA

The Climate, The Cage, & Coronavirus: Interconnected Crises & the Cosmology of Disconnection

Gregory Sadler

Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and founder of ReasonIO, USA

Complex Causality in Crises and Solidarity with the Vulnerable

Brian Schiff

The American University of Paris, France

The Hermeneutics of Crisis and the Crisis of Interpretation

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Ernst Schraube

Roskilde University, Denmark

Learning and the Politics of Digitalization: Rethinking the Practices of Knowing in Times of Crisis

Puleng Segalo

University of South Africa, South Africa

Critical Inquiry on Gendered Violence in the Global North and South: A Conversation Between Puleng Segalo, UNISA and Michelle Fine

Brent Slife

Brigham Young University, USA

Have Social Scientists Properly Understood Crisis-Related Human Relationships?

Corinne Squire

University of East London, UK

Curves and Numbers, Silence and Noise: Counteracting Covid-19Narratives

Henderikus Stam

University of Calgary, Canada

Epistemic Injustice and the Recurring Crises of Psychology

Paul Stenner

Open University, UK

The Social Psychology of Global Crisis Through the Lens of Liminal Experience: Stuck in the Middle with Coronavirus

Thomas Stodulka

Free University of Berlin, Germany

Tracking Corona - A Transnational Anthropological Detective Story

Luca Tateo

University of Oslo, Norway

Atmos-Fear and Semiotic Devices: How to Turn the Right to Healthcare Into a War

Thomas Teo

York University, Canada

Necropolitics, Subhumans and Neoliberal Mentality

Alberto Toscano

Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Beyond the Plague State

Michiko Tsuge

Hitotsubashi University, Japan

Sexual Minorities in Japan During a Time of Crisis

Floor van Alphen

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

The Imaginative Co-construction of Past and Future in Pandemic Times

Fu Wai

Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong

The Mask as the Simulacra: Re-reading Jean Baudrillard at the Time of "the Pandemaic is not Really Taking Place"

Langdon Winner

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

Preparing for the Wrong Emergency: Visions of Generation Changing Events