A life-threatening situation calls for immediate and independent action on your part. This information might be helpful and should be kept visible and accessible.
When calling an emergency service, you need to provide the following information:
Speak clearly and slowly in French or English. If you don’t speak French and do not have anyone else who can make the call, the person on the other end may understand English or may be able to find someone who does. SOS Médecins and European Benefits can answer emergency calls in English.
If you are calling from abroad (not France) you need to use the country code+33 and leave out the 0.
* These services are provided 24 hours a day, every day of the year, by teams of physicians circulating in radio-dispatched cars throughout the city and who come to your home.
** European Benefits Administrators will cover SOS Médecins fees; you may ask for an English-speaking doctor and they will do their best to find one.
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou
20, Rue Leblanc 75015 Paris
+33 (0)1 56 09 20 00
Service des Urgences
27, Rue du Faubourg St-Jacques
75014 Paris
+33 (0)1 58 41 27 22
Urgences O.R.L.
Hôpital Necker
149, Rue de Sèvres
75015 Paris
+33 (0)1 44 49 46 87
SOS-Drogue International
+33 (0)1 55 87 55 55
Urgences Médico-Judiciaires
Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu
1, Place du Parvis Notre-Dame
75001 Paris
+33 (0)1 42 34 86 78
In case of (sexual) assault, one should always contact the local Commissariat de Police first. They can arrange access to the service location listed above. The hospital has specialized physicians on staff.
Service des Brûlés
Hôpital Cochin
27, Rue du Faubourg St-Jacques
75014 Paris
+33 (0)1 58 41 26 49
Centre Anti-Poison
Hôpital Fernand-Widal
200, Rue du Faubourg St-Denis
75010 Paris
+33 (0)1 40 05 48 48
(This facility has emergency treatment for poisoning. Staff members can tell you whether a substance is toxic, what emergency measures to take if it is, whether hospitalization is advisable and, if so, where to go.There is generally an English-speaking person available.)
SOS Dentists
+33 (0)1 43 37 51 00
If you need help in a medical emergency thatis not severe or life threatening,the office of Student Developmentcan help youfind the kind of medical service you need.