
Rules and Procedures Related to Sexual and Moral Misconduct

ҵ is committed to treating all students with dignity, care and respect. Any student affected by sexual or moral misconduct will have access to support through ҵ.

In conjunction with the student organization ҵ for Consent, ҵ has put together the following resources with the purpose of helping the ҵ community build a safe space on campus, free from violence.

Social Safety:

As a member of ҵ you are part of the social culture that drives the University. Our Social Safety Pamphlet will give you tips and resources on how to contribute to the well-being and safety of everyone on our campus while making the best out of your social interactions at ҵ and beyond.

Social Safety Pamphlet[PDF]

Helping a Friend:

Peer support is a crucial resource for survivors of sexual assault, but it’s not always obvious how to go about providing this support. The document below will walk you through fivekey actions to keep in mind when helping a survivor of sexual assault.

Helping A Friend Pamphlet[PDF]

Quick Guide for Students –Emergencies and Procedures

Whether you’re a survivor or someone seeking information, this quick guide will take you through what to do immediately after an incident of sexual assault, where to find support, and other information such as how to file a formal complaint. For a comprehensive guide tothe rules and procedures related to sexual and moral misconduct at ҵ, please keep reading below.

Sexual Misconduct Guide[PDF]

Rules and Procedures Related to Sexual and Moral Misconduct

(see also Policy Number: HR014)

The purpose of this section is to set out (i) the rules of procedure applicable to claims initiated exclusively by students on the grounds of an alleged violation of the ҵ policy on sexual and moral misconduct and (ii) the sanctions which may be imposed on students found in violation of such policy.

I. Procedures and Process

1.1 Privacy and Confidentiality

ҵ is committed to maintaining the privacy of all individuals involved in a report of sexual and moral misconduct. Information related to a report of misconduct will be shared only with those ҵ employees who need to know in order to assist in the review and/or investigation and resolution of the complaint.

It is important to note that in some situations, and provided that the underlying facts are confirmed, the law may require ҵ to report the offense to the French authorities. In such a case, ҵ will explain the reasons to the complainant and provide support throughout the process. Under no circumstances will ҵ obligate a complainant to participate in an investigation.

1.2 Reporting Allegations of Sexual or Moral Misconduct

ҵ recognizes that the decision whether or not to report sexual or moral misconduct is personal and that there are many barriers to reporting, both individual and societal. Not every individual will be prepared to make a report to ҵ or to law enforcement, and individuals are not expected or required to pursue a specific course of action. ҵ recognizes that choosing to make a report, and deciding how to proceed after making the report, can be a process that unfolds over time. To the greatest extent possible, ҵ will respect an individual’s autonomy in making these important decisions and provide support that will assist each individual in making that determination.

As outlined in the Resources section of this policy, there are resources off campus and in the community available to individuals not wishing to make a report to ҵ.

It is important to note that anyone who deliberately makes a false report may be held criminally liable for false denunciation.


Students wishing to make a report should contact the Guidance Counseling Unit in the Department of Student Development (guidancecounselingataup.edu). Reporting is entirely confidential and is always optional – never mandatory. At the time of reporting, students may request additional resources including an informal resolution, the launch of a formal complaint or assistance filing a police report. They may also choose to take no further action.

At the time of reporting, the guidance counselor may recommend interim measures andmay also consult with the Dean of Students, the Vice President of Student Services, the Provost or other offices to implement and enforce these measures, including:

  • a restraining order to prevent contact between a complainant and a respondent;
  • changes in housing assignment for one or both parties;
  • academic accommodations;
  • emotional and other support; and
  • counseling.

These interim measures may be applied even if the student decides to take no further action. As outlined in the Resources section of this policy, there are off campus resources available to individuals not wishing to make a report to ҵ. It should also be noted that students may choose to report to a member of faculty, staff or a fellow student. Faculty, staff and students made aware of a complaint are encouraged to read the sexual and moral misconduct policy carefully. While never obligated to report incidents reported to them, faculty, staff and students are always encouraged to contact the Guidance Counseling Unit of the Department of Student Development for support and advice (guidancecounselingataup.edu). See also the resources outlined later in this policy.

1.3 Filing a Complaint

In the case where another member of the ҵ community stands accused, a student may choose to file a formal complaint, thus initiating a disciplinary process. The Guidance Counselor, Dean of Student Development or Vice President of Students can explain to students the process for filing a formal complaint, including issues related to privacy and confidentiality.

Depending on the circumstances, students may choose at this stage to proceed with one of the following:

Informal Resolution. Informal resolutions are generally pursued when the complainant, having been fully informed of all available options, has explicitly made that choice. An informal resolution process is voluntary, and a complainant or respondent can ask to end the informal resolution process at any time before its completion. Once a report has been resolved through an informal resolution process, the matter will be closed.

Mediation. The complainant may ask for mediation to resolve his or her report. Both parties must consent to mediation. The guidance counselor may lead mediation or may ask other parties to take a lead, including but not limited to the Dean of Student Development, the Vice President of Students or outside counselors. A matter will be deemed satisfactorily resolved when both parties agree in writing to an outcome that is also acceptable to person charged with leading the mediation. At any stage during the mediation process, the complainant or respondent may terminate the mediation and elect to begin formal complaint procedures.

Formal Complaint. A complaint of violation of the sexual and moral misconduct policy should be filed directly with the Dean of Student Development. A guidance counselor can assist a student in filing a formal complaint. Formal complaints must be made in writing. In order to institute a formal complaint, the following information is essential:

  • The name of the accused (if known)
  • A description with reasonable specificity of the incident(s) of alleged misconduct, including the date and place of such incident(s)
  • A list of any sources of potential information (e.g., witnesses, correspondence, records, etc.) that the victim or third-party believes may be relevant to the investigation.
1.4 Investigation

At the start of each academic year, four members of staff and four members of faculty will be called upon to serve on the Sexual and Moral Misconduct Committee, chaired by the Dean of Student Development. All members of the committee will receive appropriate training.

Once a formal complaint has been filed, the Dean of Student Development will promptly call on one member of the committee to join him or her in conducting an investigation, reviewing and responding to all reports of sexual and moral misconduct. This committee will approach each investigation with an earnest intent to understand the perspective and experiences of each individual involved in order to ensure fair and impartial evaluation and resolution. Should allegations of sexual misconduct be found to be true, disciplinary action will be initiated.

The complainant and the respondent may each choose one person to serve as their advisor who can be present at all meetings with the Dean and appointed committee member. The advisor is not allowed to directly address the Dean, the committee member or witnesses. The advisor cannot serve as a witness. Disruptive advisors will be removed from the process, and the process will continue. Students are required to notify the Dean of Student Development one business day in advance if they plan to bring an advisor.

The investigation process is conducted in five steps:

  1. The Dean and appointed committee member will meet with student respondents in order to provide written notification of the allegations, provide the respondent with a copy of the policy and its procedures, inform the respondent of his or her rights under this policy and answer any questions regarding the policy, process and procedures that the respondent may have.
  2. The Respondent will have five (5) business days to submit a written response to the allegations to The Dean and appointed committee member. The investigation will continue regardless of whether the respondent chooses to participate in the process.
  3. The Dean and appointed committee member will proceed with an investigation, determining to the best of their ability whether a violation of policy has occurred based on the evidence available.
  4. The Dean and appointed committee member will request individual interviews with witnesses provided by both the complainant and respondent as appropriate. Witnesses may also include those identified by a university representative, those identified by other witnesses, and any other persons that the Dean and appointed committee member considerit proper to interview.
  5. To the extent that the final report of The Dean and appointed committee member concludes that a violation has occurred, the report will include appropriate sanctions. The Dean and appointed committee member will notify the complainant and respondent simultaneously in writing of the final findings. Such notification shall include the process, reasons for and deadline for appealing the investigators’ finding.

II. Sanctions

If the final report determines that a violation has been committed by a student, the Dean and appointed committee member will determine relevant sanctions. The Dean and appointed committee member shall issue a letter detailing the sanctions to be imposed within one week of receiving the Dean and appointed committee member’s final investigation report, along with the procedures to appeal the decisions. Below is a non-exhaustive list of possible sanctions for students found in violation of the Sexual and Moral Misconduct Policy.

  • Warning: a verbal or written reprimand indicating that a student’s conduct is in violation of the Sexual and Moral Misconduct Policy, the Code of Student Conduct or other university policies.
  • Censure: a written reprimand, not noted on transcripts, indicating that a student’s conduct is in violation of the Sexual and Moral Misconduct Policy.
  • Obligation to seek counseling with an on-campus counselor or off-campus therapist or training as determined by the University. Multiple sessions may be required.
  • Community service: In certain cases, the University may assign a set number of community service hours on or off campus to educate the student.
  • A restraining order to avoid contact with the complainant, including the requirement to withdraw from classes or activities where the complainant may be present.
  • Immediate suspension from elected office and participation in student leadership positions organized through the University, including the Student Government Association and athletic teams, student advising, and peer tutoring.
  • Non-academic probation for one semester or one year: students on non-academic probation are not permitted to hold elected office or student leadership positions or participate in extracurricular activities of the University during the probation period. Should they violate other standards of conduct while on probation, they may be suspended or dismissed from the University.
  • A recommendation to the President of the University that a student be suspended from the University for a limited period of time or be banned from taking final exams and thus completing the semester.
  • A recommendation to the President of the University that a student be dismissed from the University for non-academic reasons. Students who have been suspended or dismissed may not enter or use university facilities.

III. Appeal

Students wishing to appeal the decision made by The Dean and appointed committee member must submit a written appeal within one week of receiving notification of the decision. The appeal should be sent to the Vice President of Student Services, who will promptly convene an Appeal Committee. The committee will consist of the Vice President and two additional members of the Sexual and Moral Misconduct Committee who did not serve with the Dean of Students during the investigation.

The Appeal Committee will request to review all materials gathered by the Dean of Student during the investigation. They will convene a hearing with the student making the appeal and have authority to interview students, staff and others potentially implicated in the case.

The Appeal Committee will provide a final decision in writing to the student who appeals no later than one week after meeting with that student to review the case. Only the President of the University can reverse an Appeal Committee decision.

IV. Resources

ҵ is committed to treating all students with dignity, care and respect. Any student affected by sexual or moral misconduct will have access to support and counseling services through ҵ. Any student may have questions, and we encourage ҵ community members to seek the support of campus and community resources.

  • Police | 17
  • Universal European Emergency Services |112
  • SOS international |01 55 63 31 55
  • Urgences Médico-Judiciaires UMJ: Hôpital Hôtel Dieu | 1 Place du Parvis Notre-Dame 75001 Paris
  • ҵ Emergency number |06 11 68 76 44
  • Vice President for Security, Operations and Student Services |mmontheardataup.edu| 01 40 62 06 03
  • Dean of Student Development |kforeataup.edu| 01 40 62 06 31
  • On-campus Counseling |guidancecounselingataup.edu| 01 40 62 06 43
  • Health Care Coordinator |healthataup.edu| 01 40 62 05 77
  • Off-campus therapist | Rosemarie Bourgault | 01 47 20 40 11

Contact the guidance counselor for off-campus therapist referrals

  • Legal advice –Paris Aide aux Victimes PAV: English assistance – Maud Ableloos | 01 53 06 83 50
  • ҵ for Consent |consentataup.edu


Every semester the counseling office offers training sessions to students, staff and faculty on the topic of consent and sexual misconduct. These training sessions have different approaches depending on the audience, but all aim to promotea free-of-violence space on campus.

  • Student advisor training:In preparation for theirresponsibilities as student leaders, we provide student advisorswith the basics on consent, how to help a peer, and available resources.
  • Orientation workshop, "Consent – Defining Our Social Culture,"co-hosted with the student organization ҵ for Consent, this workshop approaches all new incoming students at our orientation video or in-person sessions to cover essential information and guidelines about consent, ҵ policies and available resources.
  • Residence contact person for ҵ for Consent: A student from each ҵ residence is trained to represent the student organization ҵ for Consent,working to provide support on site and promote prevention actions.
  • Module 1 for staff and faculty,"Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Support,"offered to any ҵ employeewishing to learn more about the University'spolicies on sexual and moral misconduct, about availableguidelines and resources, and abouthow best to respond to students who approach them for support.
  • Module 2 for staff and faculty,"Sexual Misconduct Conduct Case Training,"offered to members of the Sexual Misconduct Committee to cover the basics of thedisciplinary process in preparation fortheir potential involvement in the investigation of a conduct case.
  • Informal sessions with the current Sexual Misconduct Committeeto go over updates and needed revisions to our program and policies.

If you are staff or faculty at ҵ and are interested in joining one of our next modules please contact Pamela Montfort atpmontfortataup.edu

For more information, download the ҵ Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide [pdf]

Click here for full information about the University's Sexual and Moral Misconduct Policy

V. Contact Us

Dean of Student Development
01 40 62 06 31

Student Guidance Counselor
01 40 62 06 43

Vice President for Security, Operations and Student Services
01 40 62 06 03