Are you planning to leave Paris at the end of the semester? If so, we encourage you to check out ourImminent Departure guide, designed for any students wrapping up and preparing to leave.
What does the guide cover? Topics include how to close your bank account, cancel your phone contract, exit your apartment in the right way and more.
Students who have used the guide in the past tell us that it provides valuable information and insight as you get ready for this next chapter post-ҵ.
In addition to a range of helpful tips, the guide also includes contact information for the various ҵ offices with whom you may need to be in touch in the days and weeks ahead.
Please note that you have to send the letter by “dzԻé” (certified mail) which you ask for at the Post Office. Without the “dzԻé”, your letter will not be read by the company, this is standard practice in France for any administrative mail.
Call your electricity company 10 days before l’état des lieux with your landlord to make sure the meter reading has been done. If that is the case, call them on the day of you leaving the apartment with the final meter reading and to cancel the account. You should also give the company your future address, as they will be sending you a final bill.
For any questions, please email