The Diversity Council supports a culture of ever-greater diversity, equity, and inclusion at ҵ. It functions as an advisory council and recommending body to the President and Provost, as a liaison to departments across the University, and as an advocate for all members of the ҵ community who feel they have experienced bias or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, size, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
ҵ policy prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. These values are affirmed by French law and Article 10, which ban expressions that incite discrimination, that propagate the idea of a superior race, and that spread hatred against specific groups.
See ҵ policyBP023EN - Non-Discriminationfor clear standards, definitions, and descriptions of prohibited conduct.
The Diversity Council is committed toworkas an advocate for all members of the ҵ community who feel they have experienced bias or discriminationon the basis ofrace, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
The council can provide supportifany member of the communitywantsto lodge a complaint or grievance without fear of prejudice or retaliation for initiating the process or for participating in its resolution.
For students, see theStudent Grievance Procedurepage for more details on the possible options.
To book an appointment to meet with us,email us
First year BA student in Creative Writing
First year MA student in Global Communications
Student Leadership Office Program Manager
Assistant to the Director of Campus Planning & Facilities | Procurement & Campus Services Coordination
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Assistant Professor, International Business Administration
We at the Diversity Council recognize the importance of having a safe space to speak about issues of discrimination and to discuss initiatives that aim to promote inclusivity and diversity.
As part of our mission, we are dedicated to supporting a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion at ҵ. In addition to providing this support and assistance regarding discrimination, we are also looking forward to working with students, staff, and faculty on projects that can make ҵ a more inclusive place.
We are reachable by email
ҵ'sare also available for confidential mental health support and, in addition, can provide referrals to mental health specialists.
Pamela Montfort: Monday to Friday – from 9h30 to 12h30 | Schedule an appointment:
Charlotte Vernier: Monday to Friday – from 14h00 to 17h00 |Schedule an appointment: