
Additional Counseling Resources

Student life comes with its share of stress and responsibilities, which can at times become overwhelming and make you feel vulnerable. According to the National College Health Assessment, 87% of students have felt overwhelmed, 85% have felt exhausted (in a way unrelated to physical activity) and 71% have felt very sad at least onceinthe last 12 months (ACHA, 2019).

It is important to pay attention toyour well-beingin both your personal and academic life. Remember that ҵ's counseling team ishere to provide support during difficult times.

ܰguidance counselorsarelookingforward to meeting with you during either walk-in hours or scheduled appointments. Below, you'll find information about the mental health support and resources available to you as an ҵ student. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact the counseling team.


Suicide is often considered a taboo topic, but learning to talk about it can save a life. Our counseling services are here to provide support and evaluaterisk and urgency when a student is experiencing anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts. Reach out for advice and assistanceor to learn about a range of services that can help.


ҵ pledges to provide a secure and safe environment where every student is treated with dignity, care and respect. If you experience a sexual assault, the counseling team is here to accompany you throughboththe legal process and the healing processand to provide you with resources and referrals for further support.


The use of alcohol and other drugsisa concern on all college campuses – ҵ is no exception. We are committed to helping students make healthy decisions about alcohol and other drugs. Book an appointment with one of our counselors or therapists to discuss resources for preventing and treating substance abuse.


We’re proud of our diverse communityat ҵ, and we expect all community members to treat each otherwith respect and dignity. Connect with a guidance counselorto discuss your unique situation or to access ournetwork of therapists, including thosespecializingin working with Black students, students of color, LGBTQ+ students and other members of our diverse community.


Doing well academically means attending classes, making time to study, handing in assignments and passing exams, all while keeping to deadlines. Getting organized will give you a clearer picture of what needs to be accomplished and help you balance your studies with your personal life.