
The Student Accounting Services office bills students and collects their tuition and fees. In addition the office can assist students with emergency cash, to be repaid within two weeks.


Emergency cash fund

Student Accounting Services maintains a special emergency fund for students in need of quick cash. Students may borrow up to 100€. Emergency cash fund loans not repaid in cash within two weeks incur a hold on grades and transcripts. The Emergency cash fund service stops three weeks before the end of each semester and is not available during the summer.


Emergency loan

For unexpected situations or emergencies requiring more than the 100€ emergency cash, the Student Development Office can authorize emergency loans paid directly to the student and charged to the student's account. For more information please sasataup.edu (subject: Emergency%20Loan%20Request) (contact their office).


Contact us

If you have any questions regarding any of these services—or any other financial matter—please feel free toÌýsasataup.edu (contact us). We look forward to hearing from you.